Most Elims Category for Mega Gamemodes???
3 years ago

I mean most kills on bridge literally makes no sense at all. Most kills on games where getting eliminations is the goal how ever, this concept makes sense in my opinion. I mean I don’t think I really need to explain why but if u disagree definitely tell me why :)


And I’m talking about most ELIMS for mega gamemodes, not KILLS


It would be cool to add but to my knowledge only deals with time rather than a specific value


you could put the value in the milliseconds box, and there would be only one run. For example, if someone got a 12 elimination round in mega, they would put the time 012ms, and any run that has less than that would be rejected, just like longest game used to work!


You can request it in the discord but i would be preferable to not have this category since is not a tracking leaderboard but more of a speedrun page.

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