(Switch) Here's (basically) everything you can do with the drowning glitch (v1.2 only)
4 years ago
United States

This is the epic finale and Part III of the cutscene pause glitch saga. Required reading before delving into all of this:

I wrote a computer program to search through all of the TSC overflow possibilities, and report back the ones that could potentially be useful. Below I have compiled all of the "interesting" results that my program found. Note that most of these will require a second save file, and so will not be useful for speedruns. Also note that although I've made an effort to find every single possibility, there's always the chance that I missed something or that I omitted something that I thought was "uninteresting" but actually isn't.

Also, I haven't personally tested every single one of these, so I'm just trusting my computer program (and that I didn't make any typos) here. If anybody can test a few (or all :P) of these and let me know if anything doesn't work, that'd be much appreciated! :D (Note that some of these setups may involve mashing through invisible dialog before the actual thing of interest happens, so if something isn't working for you, try doing that first.)

I'll be using "A --> B" to denote "perform a TSC overflow from map A into map B's script". In other words: 0. Perform Core Escape in order to activate the drowning glitch. (See https://www.speedrun.com/cave_story_plus/thread/fy4lt )

  1. Save in map A. (If map A has no save point, see the remarks below.)
  2. Enter map B on any save file (does not need to be a glitched file).
  3. Quit and reload back into map A, and then drown in that map to trigger the TSC overflow.

Some "map A" rooms don't have a save point. For these rooms, you should instead do the following:

  • First Cave: Save in Start Point instead.
  • Mimiga Village: Save in the Save Point room in the center of the village, or in Start Point. Saving in Arthur's House will not work.
  • Jail No. 1: Set the graphics to "Classic". For whatever reason, with the original graphics setting, the block that's supposed to block the escape tunnel in and out of Jail No. 1 doesn't have any collision, allowing you to reach the save point without having to get arrested.
  • Reservoir: Save in Start Point. You also need a second save file (in either story mode) in Dark Place, with the entrance to the Waterway open. After quitting out of map B, load into this Dark Place save file, enter the Waterway, then quit out of Waterway and load into your glitched Start Point save, and drown to warp to Main Artery. Defeat Ironhead and you'll end up in the Reservoir. Drown again to trigger the overflow into map B.

Unless otherwise specified, you should load these maps in the main story mode. So for instance, "Mimiga Village" refers to that map in the main story (Curly Story may not work), whereas "Mimiga Village (Curly)" tells you that you should load that map in Curly Story (the main story may not work). "Mimiga Village (either)" means that either one works.

Alright, with that out of the way, let's get into it:

Labyrinth Escape: Dark Place --> Mimiga Village warps you to First Cave

Labyrinth Access after doing Labyrinth Escape: Mimiga Village --> Arthur's House enables the teleporter to Labyrinth B (and also gives you a Booster v2.0, as a bonus) (Enter Mimiga Village from Arthur's House and then drown to trigger this TSC overflow. No need to quit and reload)

Plantation access: First Cave --> Egg Corridor? (either) warps you to Egg No. 00 (Climb Outer Wall to get to Plantation)

Alternatively: Labyrinth I --> Sanctuary Time Attack Passage? to warp to Corridor, then exit to Passage? (post-Heavy Press). Enter and exit Statue Chamber to arrive in Passage? (pre-Heavy Press), after which the leftmost door takes you out into Plantation.

To unglitch and continue the game normally: Start Point --> Dark Place warps you to Core (You drown again immediately after warping, triggering the "Losing consciousness" cutscene. Interestingly enough, you can still pick up the Tow Rope afterwards if you didn't get it before the fight.)

Best Ending warp:

Normal Ending warps:

  • Dark Place --> Egg Corridor? (either)

  • Reservoir --> Egg Corridor? (either)

  • Camp (Labyrinth save point where the physician is) --> Sand Zone

  • Drowning in Bushlands

  • Drowning in Labyrinth W

  • Drowning in Plantation (The above setups all warp to various spots in the normal ending "breakdown" sequence.)

  • Dark Place --> Fall (either) (triggers final best ending cutscene, but rolls the normal ending credits)

  • Start Point --> Fall (either) (only if you don't have a Mimiga Mask. Kazuma catches you, but no message box appears to hear him (unless you used Fall (Curly)). If you have a Mimiga Mask, it triggers the opening cutscene instead.)

  • First Cave --> Fall (direct warp to credits)

  • Jail No. 1 --> Fall (either) (same as above, but if you have Mr. Little, it triggers Mahin's dialogue instead.)

  • Labyrinth I --> Fall (either) (same as above, but if you have Mr. Little, it triggers the door to Labyrinth H instead.)

  • Reservoir --> Fall (either) (same as above, but if you have Mr. Little, it triggers Kanpachi's dialogue instead.)

  • Dark Place --> Mimiga Village warps to First Cave
  • Dark Place --> Bushlands warps to Bushlands Hut
  • Labyrinth I --> Passage? (post-Heavy Press) warps to Corridor (before Ballos)
  • Start Point --> Dark Place (either) warps to Core (triggers drowning cutscene immediately after that)
  • Start Point --> Waterway (either) warps to Main Artery (Ironhead fight)
  • Start Point --> Egg No. 00 (either) (post-Labyrinth) warps to Outer Wall
  • Start Point --> Outer Wall (either) returns Mr. Little home (even if you don't have him in your inventory), and warps you to Little House
  • Start Point --> Teleporter (either) (Plantation teleporter room) triggers the jail cutscene (say yes and you get arrested and sent to Jail No. 1. Only if you haven't already been thrown in jail, otherwise it triggers the opening cutscene instead.)
  • Start Point --> Jail No. 2 (either) triggers the teleporter in Jail No. 2 (warps to Shelter. Invisible yes/no prompt)
  • Start Point --> Balcony (post-fight) (either) warps to Last Cave (Hidden)
  • Start Point --> Last Cave (Hidden) (either) warps to Balcony (pre-fight) (Last Cave skip, I guess?)
  • First Cave --> Egg Corridor? (either) warps to Egg No. 00
  • First Cave --> Labyrinth M warps you to Labyrinth Shop (shortcut if you're going to Labyrinth I)
  • First Cave --> Throne Room (Misery fight arena) warps to The King's Table (Doctor fight arena) (Skips the Misery fight)
  • Reservoir --> Passage? (post-Heavy Press) warps to Blood Stained Sanctuary - B3, below Heavy Press (the boss doesn't spawn, and neither do most of the enemies in Hell. Fall down the hole below Heavy Press and you'll get sent to Passage? before Heavy Press has broken the floor)

The following setups partially involve Curly Story:

  • Dark Place --> Mimiga Village (Curly) warps to Assembly Hall
  • Labyrinth I --> Bushlands (Curly) triggers the "We're weapons of death?" cutscene (you end up in Arthur's House)
  • First Cave --> Throne Room (Curly) warps to Balcony (post-fight cutscene) (Skips the entire final boss rush)

These setups involve entering a particular time attack challenge:

  • Labyrinth I --> Sanctuary Time Attack Passage? warps to Corridor (before Ballos)

  • Camp --> Boss Attack overworld warps to Egg Corridor (near the end around where Igor would be)

  • Jail No. 1 --> Boss Attack Balfrog arena warps to Sand Zone Residence, but then triggers a TSC overflow in that map, warping you to Throne Room (directly on the Misery fight trigger)

  • Labyrinth B --> Boss Attack Curly arena warps to Sand Zone Residence

  • Start Point --> Boss Attack Doctor arena warps to Black Space (Undead Core arena, directly above the entrance pit. Mash the Booster v2.0 or the Machine Gun to avoid falling down to the Doctor fight arena.)

  • Dark Place --> Egg Corridor (+3)
  • Labyrinth B --> Sand Zone (+5)
  • Labyrinth H --> Labyrinth I (+5) (exit Labyrinth I into Labyrinth H and then drown to trigger this TSC overflow. No saving required)
  • Start Point --> Labyrinth I (either) (+5)
  • First Cave --> Hermit Gunsmith (either) (+3) (Only if you have a Polar Star)
  • First Cave --> Egg No.00 (either) (the one in regular Egg Corridor) (+3) (Say no to the invisible yes/no prompt. Saying yes makes nothing happen. Sue's facepic appears and she appears to give you the Life Capsule! LUL)
  • First Cave --> Power Supply Room (either) (+3) (Triggers the Balrog fight cutscene. Saying either yes or no both gives you the Life Capsule, but with Balrog's facepic OMEGALUL . If you exited from Power Supply Room (Curly) and say yes, you'll get Curly's facepic instead.)
  • First Cave --> Waterway Cabin (either) (+3) (Only if in your glitched save file, you've somehow managed to check the computer in the Waterway and learn about the notebook. Is this even possible?)
  • First Cave --> Rest Area (either) (+3)
  • First Cave --> Jail No. 1 (either) (+3)
  • First Cave --> Hideout (either) (Momorin's hideout) (+3) (only if you have a Booster, otherwise nothing happens. Momorin's facepic appears)
  • Jail No. 1 --> Egg Corridor (either) (+4)
  • Reservoir --> Egg Corridor (+3)

The following setups partially involve Curly Story:

  • Camp --> Sand Zone (Curly) (+5)
  • Labyrinth I --> Waterway Cabin (Curly) (+5) (Only if you carried Curly out of the Core room in your glitched save)
  • First Cave --> Boulder Chamber (Curly) (+3)

These setups involve entering a particular time attack challenge:

  • Labyrinth I --> Sanctuary Time Attack starting area (+26 :O) (Fastest way to gain HP)

  • First Cave --> Boss Attack overworld (+3)

  • First Cave --> Boss Attack Balrog (Power Supply Room) arena (+3) (Say either yes or no to the invisible prompt)

Infinite missile setup

  • Start Point --> Egg Observation Room? (either) (+5 ammo)

Polar Star

  • Start Point --> Sanctuary Time Attack starting area (also triggers the opening cutscene, if you use this more than once)
  • Jail No. 1 --> Boss Attack overworld (also permanently activates the 290 Counter)
  • Reservoir --> Boss Attack overworld (also permanently activates the 290 Counter)


  • Jail No. 1 --> Sanctuary Time Attack starting area

The rest of these requires a Polar Star, to trade for the Spur:

  • Dark Place --> Hermit Gunsmith (either)

  • Labyrinth I --> Hermit Gunsmith (either)

  • Jail No. 1 --> Hermit Gunsmith (either)

  • Reservoir --> Hermit Gunsmith (either)

  • Mimiga Village --> Boss Attack overworld (say yes to the invisible prompt)

Machine Gun

  • Camp --> Sand Zone Residence (either) (requires a Polar Star to trade for the Machine Gun. Also warps you to Sand Zone Residence)
  • First Cave --> Wind Fortress start (before the fade-in) (gives you a Machine Gun with infinite ammo and a Blade. Also warps you to Sand Zone, at the door to Curly's residence)


  • Start Point -> Little House (either) (Requires a Blade to trade for the Nemesis. Doesn't require Mr. Little to be home. Say yes to the invisible prompt)


  • First Cave --> Little House (either) (requires a Nemesis to trade for the Blade)

  • Start Point --> Sand Pit - B3 (also takes away your Fireball, if you have one)

  • Labyrinth B --> Boss Attack Toroko+ arena

  • First Cave --> Wind Fortress start (before the fade-in) (also gives you a Machine Gun; see above)


  • Dark Place --> Sanctuary Time Attack starting area removes your Polar Star (if you say yes to the invisible prompt)
  • First Cave --> Sanctuary Time Attack starting area gets Bubbline
  • Labyrinth I --> Boss Attack Heavy Press arena gets a (regular) Missile Launcher with 100 ammo (but only if you've never picked up a Missile Launcher)

These are probably the most useful/interesting ones:

  • Mimiga Village --> Arthur's House (either) gets Booster v2.0 (Enter Mimiga Village from Arthur's House and then drown to trigger this TSC overflow. No need to quit and reload)

  • Start Point --> Cemetery gets Mr. Little (don't need to have talked to his wife beforehand)

  • First Cave --> Jenka's House (either) (post-dogs) gets Life Pot

  • Reservoir --> Jenka's House (either) (post-dogs) gets Life Pot

  • Mimiga Village --> Plantation (Curly) gets Booster v0.8 (only if you haven't previously obtained the Booster v2.0)

  • Dark Place --> Boss Attack Core arena gets Tow Rope (Say yes to the invisible prompt. Useful if you had to grab the Booster v0.8 in order to reach the save point in Dark Place after doing Core Escape. If this is the case for you and you still want to be able to obtain the Best Ending afterwards through normal means, you should, before fighting Ironhead, ditch the Booster v0.8 by warping to Plantation and starting Momorin's rocket fetch quest. If you have the Booster v0.8 upon defeating Ironhead, Curly will not show up in Plantation even if you've drained the water from her and carried her out of the Waterway.)

  • Jail No. 1 --> Boss Attack Core arena gets Tow Rope (say yes to the invisible prompt. See above)

  • Reservoir --> Boss Attack Core arena gets Tow Rope (say yes to the invisible prompt. See above)

  • Jail No. 1 --> Boss Attack Ma Pignon arena gets Ma Pignon

  • First Cave --> Last Cave (Hidden) (either) gets Medal of the Red Ogre (also despawns the Red Ogre in Last Cave (Hidden))

The rest of these are not very useful, but here mostly for documentation purposes:

  • Dark Place --> Jail No. 1 (either) gets Sue's Letter

  • Labyrinth B --> Power Supply Room gets Bomb

  • Labyrinth I --> Bushlands gets Santa's Key

  • Camp --> Bushlands gets Gum Key

  • Start Point --> Gum (either) gets Gum Base (also triggers the boss fight cutscene, though no boss appears. If you later enter the Gum room afterwards, you'll be trapped inside)

  • Start Point --> Clinic Ruins (either) gets Cure-All

  • First Cave --> Camp (either) gets Clinic Key

  • Jail No. 1 --> The King's Table (either) gets Sue's Letter (but only if you've started the Doctor fight in your glitched save and then somehow managed to escape back to Jail No. 1 to save?? Probably not actually possible)

  • Reservoir --> Hideout (either) (Momorin's shelter) gets Silver Locket

  • First Cave --> Cemetery (Curly) gets Arthur's Key

  • Camp --> Power Supply Room (Curly) gets Bomb

  • First Cave --> Boss Attack Red Ogre arena gets Medal of the Red Ogre

Labyrinth Escape: Dark Place (Curly) --> Mimiga Village (Curly) warps you to Assembly Hall

Labyrinth Access after doing Labyrinth Escape: Start Point (Curly) --> Waterway (either) warps you to Main Artery, then defeat Ironhead. Upon returning to Arthur's House, Professor Booster will show up and give you a Booster v2.0, also enabling the Labyrinth teleport slot (assuming you didn't pick up the Booster v0.8).

Plantation access: First Cave (Curly) --> Egg Corridor? (either) warps you to Egg No. 00 (Climb Outer Wall to get to Plantation)

To unglitch and continue the game normally: Start Point (Curly) --> Dark Place (either) warps you to Core (You drown again immediately after warping, triggering the "Losing consciousness" cutscene. Interestingly enough, you can still pick up the Tow Rope at this point if you didn't get it before the fight.)

Best Ending warp:

Normal Ending warps:

  • Drowning in Bushlands

  • Drowning in Labyrinth W

  • Drowning in Plantation

  • Labyrinth B (Curly) --> Sand Zone (main)

  • Camp (Curly) --> Sand Zone (main) (These five setups all warp to various spots in the normal ending "breakdown" sequence.)

  • Dark Place (Curly) --> Fall (either) (triggers final best ending cutscene, but rolls the normal ending credits)

  • Start Point (Curly) --> Fall (either) (only if you don't have a Mimiga Mask. Kazuma catches you, but no message box appears to hear him. If you have a Mimiga Mask, it triggers the opening cutscene instead.)

  • Jail No. 1 (Curly) --> Fall (either) (same as above, but if you have Mr. Little, it triggers Mahin's dialogue instead.)

  • Labyrinth I (Curly) --> Fall (either) (same as above, but if you have Mr. Little, it triggers the door to Labyrinth H instead.)

  • Reservoir (Curly) --> Fall (either) (same as above, but if you have Mr. Little, it triggers Kanpachi's dialogue instead.)

  • First Cave (Curly) --> Fall (main)

  • Dark Place (Curly) --> Mimiga Village (Curly) warps to Assembly Hall
  • Dark Place (Curly) --> Bushlands (Curly) warps to Bushlands Hut
  • Labyrinth I (Curly) --> Passage? (either) (post-Heavy Press) warps to Seal Chamber (drops you above spikes. How rude >:( )
  • Start Point (Curly) --> Dark Place (either) warps to Core (triggers drowning cutscene immediately after that)
  • Start Point (Curly) --> Waterway (either) warps to Main Artery (Ironhead fight)
  • Start Point (Curly) --> Egg No. 00 (either) (post-Labyrinth) warps to Outer Wall
  • Start Point (Curly) --> Outer Wall (either) returns Mr. Little home (even if you don't have him in your inventory), and warps you to Little House
  • Start Point (Curly) --> Teleporter (either) (Plantation teleporter room) triggers the jail cutscene (say yes and you get arrested and sent to Jail No. 1. Only if you haven't already been thrown in jail, otherwise it triggers the opening cutscene instead.)
  • Start Point (Curly) --> Jail No. 2 (either) triggers the teleporter in Jail No. 2 (warps to Shelter. Invisible yes/no prompt)
  • Start Point (Curly) --> Balcony (post-fight) (either) warps to Last Cave (Hidden)
  • Start Point (Curly) --> Last Cave (Hidden) (either) warps to Balcony (pre-fight)
  • First Cave (Curly) --> Egg Corridor? (either) warps to Egg No. 00
  • First Cave (Curly) --> Throne Room (Curly) warps to Balcony (post-fight cutscene)
  • Reservoir (Curly) --> Passage? (post-Heavy Press) warps to Statue Chamber

These setups partially require the main story mode:

  • First Cave (Curly) --> Labyrinth M (main) warps you to Labyrinth Shop (shortcut if you're going to Labyrinth I)
  • First Cave (Curly) --> Throne Room (main) warps to The King's Table (Doctor fight arena)

These setups involve entering a particular time attack challenge:

  • Labyrinth I (Curly) --> Sanctuary Time Attack Passage? warps to Seal Chamber (drops you above spikes. How rude >:( )

  • Labyrinth B (Curly) --> Boss Attack overworld warps to Egg Corridor (at the end, around where Igor would be)

  • Jail No. 1 (Curly) --> Boss Attack Balfrog arena warps to Sand Zone Residence, but then triggers a TSC overflow in that map, warping you to Throne Room (directly on the Misery fight trigger)

  • Camp (Curly) --> Boss Attack Curly arena warps to Sand Zone Residence

  • Labyrinth I (Curly) --> Boss Attack Omega arena warps to Warehouse (Sand Zone)

  • Dark Place (Curly) --> Boss Attack Balrog (Boulder Chamber) arena warps to Start Point (then immediately triggers the door to First Cave)

  • Dark Place (Curly) --> Boss Attack Ma Pignon arena warps you to Last Cave (Hidden) (directly on the Red Ogre fight trigger)

  • Start Point (Curly) --> Boss Attack Doctor arena warps to Black Space (Undead Core arena, directly above the entrance pit. Mash the Booster v2.0 or the Machine Gun to avoid falling down to the Doctor fight arena.)

  • Dark Place (Curly) --> Egg Corridor (Curly) (+4)
  • Labyrinth B (Curly) --> Sand Zone (Curly) (+5)
  • Labyrinth I (Curly) --> Waterway Cabin (either) (+5) (only if you carried Curly out of the Core room in your glitched save file)
  • Start Point (Curly) --> Labyrinth I (either) (+5)
  • First Cave (Curly) --> Hermit Gunsmith (either) (+3) (only if you have a Polar Star)
  • First Cave (Curly) --> Egg No.00 (either) (pre-Labyrinth) (+3) (Say no to the invisible prompt. Nothing happens if you say yes. Sue's facepic appears LUL)
  • First Cave (Curly) --> Power Supply Room (either) (+3) (Triggers the Balrog fight cutscene. Saying either yes or no both gives you the Life Capsule, but with Balrog's facepic OMEGALUL . If you exited from Power Supply Room (Curly) and say yes, you'll get Curly's facepic instead.)
  • First Cave (Curly) --> Boulder Chamber (Curly) (+3)
  • First Cave (Curly) --> Waterway Cabin (either) (+3) (Only if in your glitched save file, you've somehow managed to check the computer in the Waterway and learn about the notebook. Is this even possible?)
  • First Cave (Curly) --> Rest Area (either) (+3)
  • First Cave (Curly) --> Jail No. 1 (either) (+3)
  • First Cave (Curly) --> Hideout (either) (Momorin's hideout) (+3) (only if you have a Booster, otherwise nothing happens. Momorin's facepic appears)
  • Jail No. 1 (Curly) --> Egg Corridor (either) (+4)
  • Reservoir (Curly) --> Egg Corridor (either) (+4)

These setups involve entering a particular time attack challenge:

  • Labyrinth I (Curly) --> Sanctuary Time Attack starting area (+26)

  • First Cave (Curly) --> Boss Attack overworld (+3)

  • First Cave (Curly) --> Boss Attack Balrog (Power Supply Room) arena (+3) (Say either yes or no to the invisible prompt)

Infinite missile setups

  • Start Point (Curly) --> Egg Observation Room? (either) (+5 ammo)

  • Mimiga Village (Curly) --> Boss Attack overworld (+5 ammo)

  • Labyrinth I (Curly) --> Boss Attack Heavy Press arena (adds 100 ammo to/gives you a regular Missile Launcher. Does not require you to not already have missiles, unlike the corresponding TSC overflow in the main story mode)

Polar Star

  • Start Point (Curly) --> Sanctuary Time Attack starting area (also triggers the opening cutscene, if you use this more than once)
  • Jail No. 1 (Curly) --> Boss Attack overworld (also permanently activates the 290 Counter)
  • Reservoir (Curly) --> Boss Attack overworld (also permanently activates the 290 Counter)


  • Jail No. 1 (Curly) --> Sanctuary Time Attack starting area

The rest of these requires a Polar Star, to trade for the Spur:

  • Dark Place (Curly) --> Hermit Gunsmith (either)
  • Labyrinth I (Curly) --> Hermit Gunsmith (either)
  • Jail No. 1 (Curly) --> Hermit Gunsmith (either)
  • Reservoir (Curly) --> Hermit Gunsmith (either)

Machine Gun

  • Labyrinth B (Curly) --> Sand Zone Residence (either) (requires a Polar Star to trade for the Machine Gun. Also warps you to Sand Zone Residence)

  • First Cave (Curly) --> Wind Fortress start (before the fade-in) (gives you a Machine Gun with infinite ammo and a Blade. Also warps you to Sand Zone, at the door to Curly's residence)

  • Labyrinth I (Curly) --> Nemesis Challenge The Vents (3rd room) (if you already have a Machine Gun, it adds 100 max ammo to it)


  • Start Point (Curly) -> Little House (either) (Requires a Blade to trade for the Nemesis. Doesn't require Mr. Little to be home. Say yes to the invisible prompt)


  • First Cave (Curly) --> Little House (either) (requires a Nemesis to trade for the Blade)

  • Start Point (Curly) --> Sand Pit - B3 (also takes away your Fireball, if you have one)

  • First Cave (Curly) --> Wind Fortress start (before the fade-in) (also gives you a Machine Gun; see above)


  • First Cave (Curly) --> Sanctuary Time Attack starting area gets Bubbline
  • Dark Place (Curly) --> Boss Attack overworld gives you a Polar Star and activates the 290 Counter, but there's no way to refresh your air so it retriggers infinitely with no way to break out of the loop

These are probably the most useful/interesting ones:

  • Start Point (Curly) --> Cemetery gets Mr. Little (don't need to have talked to his wife beforehand)

  • First Cave (Curly) --> Jenka's House (either) (post-dogs) gets Life Pot

  • Dark Place (Curly) --> Boss Attack Core arena gets Tow Rope (Say yes to the invisible prompt. See my remarks about the corresponding TSC overflow in the main story.)

  • Jail No. 1 (Curly) --> Boss Attack Core arena gets Tow Rope (say yes to the invisible prompt. See my remarks about the corresponding TSC overflow in the main story.)

  • Reservoir (Curly) --> Boss Attack Core arena gets Tow Rope (See my remarks about the corresponding TSC overflow in the main story.)

  • Jail No. 1 (Curly) --> Boss Attack Ma Pignon arena gets Ma Pignon

  • Reservoir (Curly) --> Boss Attack Ma Pignon arena gets Ma Pignon

  • First Cave (Curly) --> Last Cave (Hidden) (either) gets Medal of the Red Ogre (also despawns the Red Ogre in Last Cave (Hidden))

The rest of these are not very useful, but here mostly for documentation purposes:

  • Labyrinth B (Curly) --> Power Supply Room (Curly) gets Bomb

  • Labyrinth I (Curly) --> Bushlands (either) gets Santa's Key

  • Start Point (Curly) --> Gum (either) gets Gum Base (also triggers the boss fight cutscene, though no boss appears. If you later enter the Gum room afterwards, you'll be trapped inside)

  • Start Point (Curly) --> Clinic Ruins (either) gets Cure-All

  • First Cave (Curly) --> Cemetery (Curly) gets Arthur's Key

  • First Cave (Curly) --> Camp (either) gets Clinic Key

  • Jail No. 1 (Curly) --> The King's Table (Curly) gets Sue's Letter (but only if you've started the Doctor fight in your glitched save and then somehow managed to escape back to Jail No. 1 to save?? Probably not actually possible)

  • Reservoir (Curly) --> Hideout (either) (Momorin's shelter) gets Silver Locket

  • Labyrinth B (Curly) --> Bushlands (main) gets Gum Key

  • Camp (Curly) --> Power Supply Room (main) gets Bomb

  • First Cave (Curly) --> Boss Attack Red Ogre arena gets Medal of the Red Ogre

  • Start Point (either) --> Blood Stained Sanctuary - B3 puts Curly on your back (useful if you do the Lab I --> Passage? warp to Ballos, so that you can have Curly on your back when fighting Ballos. Restart the game before doing this one, because if you've seen the opening cutscene already, this will trigger an infinite fade-in softlock loop.)

  • Start Point (either) --> Sanctuary Time Attack Blood Stained Sanctuary - B3 also puts Curly on your back (see above remarks)

  • Dark Place --> Hideout triggers an unused event in Dark Place

  • Start Point (either) --> First Cave (either) replays the cutscene that plays when you first exit First Cave, but King and Toroko won't be there to see you fall

  • First Cave (either) --> Plantation (either) triggers an unused event in First Cave. Two breakable blocks spawn to block the entrance to Hermit Gunsmith

  • First Cave (either) --> Fall (Curly) triggers the same unused event in First Cave (only if you have Mr. Little in your inventory. Otherwise, it warps you to the Best Ending :) )

  • Start Point (either) --> Wind Fortress Drafty Cave gives you the Map System equip

  • Dark Place (Curly) --> Hideout (Curly) triggers an unused event in Dark Place

Bewerkt door de auteur 4 years ago