this needs to happen or else people who don't have money won't be able to get wrs
6 years ago
Kentucky, USA

Because some players have higher framerates than others, even if their times are the same, the one with a lower framerate will have a worse time. We need to find a way to calculate framerates in a good and reliable way so people with over 35fps won't just get the world records every time. For the idiots who think that the times will be the same, THE TIMER KEEPS GOING, BUT THE GAME DOESN'T WHEN THERE ARE FRAMEDIPS, BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO CLICK TO MOVE, AND WHEN YOUR GAME ISN'T RESPONDING, BUT YOUR TIMER IS, YOU WILL LOSE TIME. Ok, got that out of the way. Now, for how we are going to do this. If you have a game that runs at 15 FPS, it will be reduced by 2x/4x so if I had a 4 minute run on overflow 10 levels hard, and I had a 15fps game, then it will be 1 minute run. If I had a 45 fps computer, it would be a bit harder. What would need to happen in this situation is we would divide 60 by 45, and the quotient is what we divide the run by. Anybody's head ouching yet? Well, I'm about to make it a even more complicated, Say that we had a 37 fps computer, and we had a 1:14:2.82 run for getting a gold brick, that would be very hard to calculate. I'm probably going to use a few calculators on my journey, since a lot of these equations will be arbitrary numbers, but It won't help, because I am struggling to find calculators that use time. So It'll take me a long time before I am able to do this. If anybody could help me, I'll send them an unfinished spreadsheet of what I currently have completed. If you have any questions, or want to help me do this, reply to this thread, or PM me on discord. (Leaf Adam Alone#5413) I hope you have a great day! -Leafeon

coltrane vinden dit leuk
South Carolina, USA

Sure, we might be able to try that. Sounds pretty difficult though.

Kentucky, USA

The main problem will be finding framerates I think. I'm pretty good at math and it will only take a few hours to get the hand of it. Yet I haven't been taught this is school yet, so it might be a problem. Other runners from MK64 might be help, but I'm not exactly that world-renowned. Once we calculate the framerates, I'll round them up (by at most 0.99999fps) to keep things easy. This project might require just a tad bit of money though. Our other option is to hack in to the game files and make some code to show FPS. This won't be cheating the game, so it's perfectly fine. Just keep in mind that you should probably use an alt associated with a mailinator account with a random name to do this though. (We don't want to get banned.)

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