Change is on the way folks... (Change of Ownership Protest)
4 months ago

If you don't support Fleckzi as the current owner of the main speedrunning discord, then join this discord as protest:

We currently have 21 people and everyone is welcome. We do not support Fleckzi as the current owner of the main discord and he needs to transfer ownership to Adni or another trusted member of the community. Everyone in the discord agrees so far that Fleckzi has not done his part as a LEADER of a community. The community is in his hands and he is refusing to give ownership away out of cowardice of self reflection and accountability.

This community has so much potential and it's being dragged through the mud by an incompetent leader.

Fleckzi has:

  • Done nothing for the page for this game. Valmerix made it known to me that Fleckzi truly has no idea what he's doing or how to use the site.

  • Banned two caring community members for COMPLETELY absurd reasons.

  • Has created an unsupervised environment in the main discord that is poorly moderated due to his incompetency and unwillingness to take action.

  • Constantly shown a lack of true leadership skills. He has been afraid of responsibility and he has been ignorant of anyone who opposes his ideas.

Message to Fleckzi: Just because you have all of the power from owning the discord, doesn't mean you can't do the right thing and take some accountability for being so blind to what is around you. A leader should lead and all you've managed to do is bring some of the most dedicated people in your community down. It's insane how many people I've spoken to throughout the weeks who agree with what I'm saying. Making some channels and moderating a discord isn't enough when you have an entire community at your fingertips. Show them that you care by putting the right people in charge.

(Paragraph above is from a document I wrote on Fleckzi's ownership status half a month ago that I never released). (April 17th to be exact).

Bewerkt door de auteur 4 months ago
TheLouieCopeland, Hachimen en 12 anderen vindt dit leuk
Czech Republic

As someone who believes in accountability and effective leadership, I'm joining the discord to support the call for a change in ownership. It's crucial for the well-being and growth of the community that leadership is entrusted to someone who demonstrates genuine care and responsibility for its members. -chatgpt

Bewerkt door de auteur 4 months ago
Ben_eXceL, Kasugan0 en 4 anderen vindt dit leuk
New Zealand

this is so fanum tax skibidi rizz w

Kasugan0, kekprod en 6 anderen vindt dit leuk
United States

The state of the discord is very sad, its so painful watching a community get raided by people who don't even run the game and get unnecessary permissions and roles. Plz spread this

Kasugan0, PykedLive en 2 anderen vindt dit leuk

I can't believe this is happening to my beloved ADGAC community. Can we get 15 likes.

Ben_eXceL, Hachimen en 11 anderen vindt dit leuk
Denver, CO, USA


Kasugan0, BrotherCuber en 2 anderen vindt dit leuk
United States
Verwijderd door de auteur


BrotherCuber, Kasugan0 en 2 anderen vindt dit leuk

getting over it with bennett foddy

BrotherCuber, Kasugan0 en 5 anderen vindt dit leuk

Main discord is literally rotting. Please save us

BrotherCuber, Kasugan0 en 2 anderen vindt dit leuk

Can we get valmerix's comment to 15 likes

BrotherCuber, Kasugan0 en 4 anderen vindt dit leuk
New South Wales, Australia

i liked

BrotherCuber, crugster en 2 anderen vindt dit leuk

until a couple days ago i didnt even know that fleckzi was owner, kind of absurd. a leader should at the very least be noticed by people. and then there is the fact that there were only 5 src mods at any time and only about half of them verified runs. and also this whole time he was the sole admin and supermod.

very well done fleckzi.

Bewerkt door de auteur 4 months ago
crugster, hungryhyena78 en 2 anderen vindt dit leuk
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