Separating runs from New patch
11 months ago
Mallorca, Spain

Recently there was a little patch that made it impossible to jump around the fence in the last level, making it impossible to get a world record in the new version. So that being said, i propose that runs be split into 2 categories, Latest Version & First Release. It is still possible to access the first release by changing the beta to "originaldemo" in steam > viewfinder demo > properties > betas ? bet participation "originaldemo"

This would make it much more fair for new runners or runners that simply wish to run on the latest version.


this has been discussed in the discord server, the consensus is that there is little reason to split the leaderboard as the fastest version is very easily accessible to anyone who wants to run the game.

maybe an extra column could be added to show demo version on the leaderboard but I think the differences between the versions is so slight that a leaderboard split doesn’t really make sense.

LuLuZephyr 이것을 좋아함
Illinois, USA
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