United Stateszopney6 months ago

Stages requested in no particular order but grouped as needed.


  • DH-9
  • DV-8
  • GA-8
  • IS-10
  • IW-9
  • JT8-3
  • M8-8
  • NL-10
  • NL-EX-8
  • SN-10
  • SV-9
  • WD-EX-8
  • WR-EX-6
  • 7-18
  • 9-19 Standard
  • 10-17 Standard
  • 10-17 Adverse

Story Stages

  • R8-11 - no kill gate; stage seems too long to be interesting for PRTS
  • 11-17 - predetermined squad; need to explore this idea and similar stages
  • 12-20

Hell Stages

Hell stages might not happen as it may break the accessibility clause, but need to consider how late these stages are. More research is needed.

Edit: I'd like PRTS attempts for this category first before further consideration.

  • H7-4
  • H8-3
  • H8-4
  • H9-6
  • H10-1
  • H10-3
  • H11-2
  • H11-4
  • H12-1
  • H12-3
  • H12-4

Event Stages

Includes normal stages, EX stages, and special stages. Anything outside of normal stages are unlikely to be implemented unless it is popular or interesting.

Edit: For EX/Special stages, I'd like PRTS attempts before further consideration.

  • NL-S-3
  • WR-EX-3
  • WR-EX-8
  • MB-EX-8
  • MN-EX-8
  • DH-EX-4
  • DH-EX-8
  • DH-S-4
  • WD-EX-1
  • SN-EX-8
  • SN-S-5
  • IW-EX-8
  • GA-EX-8
  • TW-EX-7
  • IS-EX-8
  • DV-EX-8
  • CW-EX-8
LazyCouch 그리고 sydaske 이것을 좋아함
United Stateszopney10 months ago

Hey runners, I wanted to share the internal guidelines that I personally have used for years and allows new verifiers/mods to understand how to approach a community. These guidelines were originally written by @Celestics who I worked with during my tenure as Warframe supermod. You can view that forum post here.

These four simple guidelines should help you understand what type of categories we are looking to provide for the community. If you have a recommendation for a new category, follow these guidelines when creating it and then contact the mod team so we can review it.

  • Consistency: Future changes to the game shouldn't often obsolete runs. In this sense, most categories should be glitchless.
  • Accessibility: Any player should be able to get their feet into these runs, and we should help them be able to.
  • Popularity: Players should be interested in actually running these categories.
  • Sensibility: Categories should just plain make sense from the standpoint of an outsider reading through their descriptions.
United Stateszopney1 year ago

I'm looking to collapse the Annihilation subcategories (except for DP Printing) into each other, and likely without keeping the star restriction.

Lemme know your thoughts.

United Stateszopney2 years ago

Would it be possible for specific event stages using PRTS to be added to the level leaderboard? The level leaderboard would be suitable, as it will not take occupy space from the main leaderboard, especially when the event is gone.

To avoid adding every stage from every event, I would recommend limiting it to 1 stage per event, and normally the most desired stage for farming, since there will be motivation to create a fast auto there.

Proof of concept videos:

  • DH-9 Auto:
  • RI-8 Auto (by @dragichav):
dragichav 이것을 좋아함
United Stateszopney2 years ago

What are the standards for frame perfect timing for RTA runs? Specifically, on what frames does the timer begin and end?

The question came up a few times in my circle, so I figured I'd seek a more official response.

dragichav 이것을 좋아함
United Stateszopney5 years ago

Sorry, my OCD is bugging me with this one. The title is incorrect for the game. Gave me a good laugh though. :)

United Stateszopney5 years ago

Hey all, please post your findings for Heists RTA timing here for us to use in our investigation. We are currently having issues with identifying a solid start and stop point due to inconsistencies with the loading icon, the open world door, and potential lag that appears.

Here's a couple things to keep in mind:

  • While not available yet, this method should be able to be applied fairly to consoles. This also applies to lower end PCs, as we do not want a world record solely on hardware supremacy.
  • Changes to the game should allow this timing to stay consistent through the times.
  • Efforts to curb the "loading door boss" should be considered.
United Stateszopney5 years ago

I'm in talks with @--Q--Alchameth about making updates to the Endurance Rules and Guidelines and I find that it's massive enough to entail some form of discussion amongst the related community. If you're curious on why Warframe Speedruns curates the endurance community, please read this thread: https://www.speedrun.com/wf/thread/hg3pv

These changes are not live and will require some shaping before implementation. Also, none of these changes apply to speedruns.

Here's a list of the proposed changes. Feel free to provide feedback on them.

  • All submissions require, at minimum, two screenshots. The first screenshot is from Mission Success and the second is from the weekly leaderboards. There is no exception to this requirement.
  • All world record attempts will require, at minimum, video proof of the last 60 minutes of the run. There is no exception to this requirement.
  • No different categories/variables will be created between fissure missions and non-fissure missions.
--Q--Alchameth 그리고 Mekarazium 이것을 좋아함
United Stateszopney5 years ago

There was a large discussion on our Discord's #category-discussion channel about utilizing a new filter to separate runs between runs that used Nova and those that did not. I asked that this conversation be moved outside of the Discord to these forums for more clarity and reducing the risk of lost information over time.

Here's the basic points for context:

  • Nova dominates a majority of all categories on these leaderboards. This is due to her Wormhole ability being an instantaneous transport to any destination the ability is cast towards. There is currently no competitor that can beat her on similar skill levels.
  • The current intention of the leaderboard underneath @zopney 's leadership is to highlight the best method of completing one of the category objectives quickly.
  • There is currently very little deviation away from Nova, exceptions being Dojo Parkour, solo Teralyst, and some others.
  • This was addressed in the past and placed in the New Category Guidelines.

Proposal: Implement a new filter that separate runs between Nova runs and non-Nova runs to showcase the variety of Warframes utilized.

Counterarguments against this idea include:

  • Deviation from original intention of the leaderboard (see bullet point 2 above).
  • Minor, arbitrary uses that is not significant except adding more points to fill out on every form.
  • Ugliness of the leaderboards with a new row of variables.
  • An unsustainable variable that changes as the game progresses.
  • A vague implementation of the filter. No ideal situation for the use of filter except as a Yes/No boolean on use of Nova.
  • A rabbit hole of specific details. It's been argued about when will there be a Nyx/No Nyx filter for Dojo Parkour, as Nyx currently dominates that category.

This issue has been debated in the past and the prior consensus then was to not allow a filter like this to exist, as it only allows further segregation of the leaderboards. The lack of this filter does not invalidate any runner's attempts as a legitimate speedrun. All runs receive the same moderation treatment no matter the time, submitter, or frame utilized. However, I do not want to overstep my bounds as community leader/super moderator just to prevent a filter like this from existing, I am simply looking for a correct method of implementation that satisfies all members of the community.

The idea of adding more information to runs for more value in the data is always considered, but the technical limitations of the website prevents an unseen variable from currently being implemented. Therefore, the filter would not be implemented until specific updates to the website were added.

So what are your thoughts on a filter like this?

Khrymble 이것을 좋아함
United Stateszopney5 years ago

Since the amount of categories allowed on these leaderboards are generally limited by creative potential, a shorter list of categories that are not allowed is easier to make.

The following is a list of categories that are not allowed on these leaderboards (and subsequently the official leaderboards as well). Reminder that this list is not the sole reference for allowable categories and every suggestion of a new category undergoes a subjective review by a moderator.

  • Any category that involves a form of banning for any Warframe-related medium. This includes, but not limited to, speedrunning support desk bans, in-game account bans, region chat bans, Warframe-related Twitch channel bans, and Warframe-related Discord bans.
  • Any category that shows any form of abuse towards oneself, another player, or an entity. Ex: speedrunning the time until a squad member aborts a mission, because a pre-made squad of three refuses to extract.
  • Any category that involves a chat related element to it when the sole objective or majority of the objective is chat related. Ex: speedrunning a sale of an item.
  • Any category with the sole purpose of inciting a negative response due to its nature as a speedrun or indirectly via other means such as audio, description, etc. Ex: an overly difficult category called "Painful Category" would be acceptable, whereas a title of "Suicide Category" will not be allowed.
United Stateszopney5 years ago

Category Extensions could be considered a lawless area of the leaderboards, but for good reason. The purpose is to promote community interaction between each other, rather than moderator/runner interaction. Just a reminder, this leaderboard is for fun, rather than fame.

Generally, Category Extensions changes the rulings on pretty much everything from the official leaderboards. This is either to completely relax the rules or to strengthen them. As such, all rules are restricted to each category and global rules are minimal.

However, there are couple rulings that needs to be placed globally that apply to both CE and the official leaderboards. If you have questions about any of these, ask in #help in Discord.

Rules here are in effect throughout all categories, even when the category rules are changed.

  • Any category requires single-segment video proof from start to finish.
  • Verifiers reserve the right to reject a run with reasonable cause.
  • Runs may take up to 30 days to verify.
  • Any form of exploits that are harmful to the game, other players, or the economy are prohibited.
  • Any activity that breaks EULA or TOS with Digital Extremes are also prohibited.

Just a reminder to read the category's Rules before you attempt your run. These changes here is not global and the category rules take precedence.

  • You can glitch and commit out-of-bounds techniques.
  • You can use platinum. (in case if there's like "first one to 1000 energy pads")
  • No 10% rule.
  • Alternative missions are allowed.
  • Meme categories are allowed.
  • Co-op runs may run missions in parallel (previously disallowed).
United Stateszopney5 years ago

Leaderboard: https://www.speedrun.com/warframe_ce/Monthly_August_2018 Ends at 23:59 UTC on 31 August 2018.

Prize pool:

  • 3x 300 platinum courtesy of @XanZath
United Stateszopney5 years ago

Check it out here: https://hhmagnus.github.io/WFBoard/

Feel free to provide feedback here regarding this website.

@Nusmag created a website that crawls and tracks runs on these leaderboards and ranks them similarly to how the GoldenEye leaderboards function.

Quite simply, it emphasizes on running more runs and running them at a higher quality to place higher on the "raw" speedrun.com/wf leaderboards. These values are then tallied together and gives an individual a score based on this sum, which is then used to rank them on these new leaderboards. The mathematics used on this new leaderboard is much simpler than on GoldenEye's.

On these leaderboards:

  • 1st place awards 100 points
  • 2nd place awards 95 points
  • 3rd place awards 90 points ...
  • 19th place awards 10 points
  • 20th place awards 5 points
  • 21st place and over awards 0 points
  • Elite is the described system above and defaults to it.
  • Placement and Runs awards placing higher on more popular categories by giving points based on the number of entries in the category.
  • Quasars Way is a raw figure given to 1st to 5th place (3 to 0.5).
  • 50%, 33%, 17% split gives raw, split amounts from 10 to 1st to 3rd place (5, 3.3, and 1.7).
United Stateszopney6 years ago

Hey all, after voting in the Discord and some further discussion followed by some testing, the new timing standard of allowing in-game timer calculations of your final time will be allowed for the full-game leaderboards. This change was rolled out on Update 22.19.1.

What does this mean? Before, speedrunners would usually showcase a third-party timer over their video to calculate how long they took to finish a run. However, Warframe now has a timer that shows at the end of the mission on the Mission Success screen. This allows many more individuals to participate without the use of trying to understand third-party timers.

Is there an advantage to using in-game time? Yes. The in-game timers do not calculate load times, which has been a crux to Warframe speedrunning over the last year.

I have a run already up, will it be updated? Short answer: no. Long answer: there are too many runs that exist for the moderators to go through and individually retime submissions that did not have the in-game time. The in-game timer is not highly accurate and it can be off by as much as 3 to 4 seconds that is based off latency.

Can I use a third-party timer to calculate without loads? We are not allowing third-party timers to calculate without loads for this initial rollout, but we can bring up some standards for allowing this at a later date. Come talk to us in #category-discussion in the Discord.

How do I calculate my final time? I have created a Google document that you can use or copy for yourself that will calculate your final time just by plugging in the numbers. Please share all your final numbers in your submission and ensure you check all Rules before starting a run.

So I can take breaks during these runs? Currently, yes. However, we are still enforcing a 10% AFK rule. So a 30 minute run only has 3 minutes allotted for AFKing.

Can I abort a bad segment and calculate a new segment? No. This is considered segmenting and Global Rules only allow single-segment. If you are using in-game time and you abort any part of your run, your attempt is considered dead. Your run is only considered alive if you are using a third-party timer or framecounting.

Category X does not work well with in-game time, what do I do? Let us know, so we can fix the timing standard for that category. This change is rolled out across all categories without fully testing.

Can I still use RTA to time my runs? Yes. This is just a standard that we are pushing people to use. It is by no means required.

United Stateszopney6 years ago

With 1000 runs coming to these leaderboards fairly soon, I figured that we'd do an in-game giveaway for a large prize pool. This event starts immediately and will last until July 28th begins.

Prizes will be distributed in August.

How do I enter the giveaway? Easy. Just reply to this thread with a speedrun dated past 30 April 2018. If you do not have a recent speedrun, there's still plenty of time to try out some of our newer categories! On July 28th, we'll roll all the prizes.

Please make sure we have a way to get in contact with you!

Do I need a certain time to qualify? No. Just post any recent run and you'll qualify.

Can I donate to the prize pool? Absolutely, but your prize has to be given to a moderator. Please contact a moderator to schedule a time to surrender your prizes for the pool.

Is this one mega-prize? No. These are individual prizes and participants will be rolled for each individual one. This will allow people to have more chances to win and allow more people to win more prizes!

What's in the prize pool? Here's the current prize pool:

  • 1000 platinum from @zopney
mmaure, Ceejay 그리고 2 기타 이것을 좋아함
United Stateszopney6 years ago

In case someone asks , the logo is made with the Orokin Language (referred to as Tennobet by Digital Extremes). It is simply an alphabet that can be used to replace the Latin Roman alphabet with some more fancy in the game. The alphabet was released to the public on October 30, 2014.

To recreate the speedrun.com image, I used TennoTyper by Clarvel (original post). This allowed me to simply export a transparent image of the phrase "speedrun.com" to GIMP for touch ups and coloring. It took about 3 hours to create, modify, and upload.

For more information on the language, there is an article for it on the wiki. There's also the actual alphabet cheat sheet available there too.

United Stateszopney6 years ago

All codes gone. Good luck on the runs!

LiAXiM 이것을 좋아함
zopney에 대해서
Previous Arknights and Warframe Super Moderator
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