Ukrainezdoroviy_antony4 years ago

Asking console players - how easy is to get perfect R-L-R combination (like in backward jump)? Because I think that L and R "priority" setting on BizHawk makes it very much easier then on console, for example - backward jump is possible without releasing right button at all! Watch https://www.speedrun.com/smb1/thread/nhpob as well.

KilleDragon 이것을 좋아함
Ukrainezdoroviy_antony5 years ago

Here is 10 walljumps TAS WR by Asumeh. I don't know if you did it same @Kriller37

Ukrainezdoroviy_antony5 years ago

By the way, actually 8-3 with FPG and "242" is 3 frames faster then without FPG - 1 frame from walking to the castle and 2 frames from timer countdown.

Ukrainezdoroviy_antony5 years ago

After checking MrWint's TAS, I realized that my walljump room is still not perfect. He claims that F62 is 1 subpixel behind, so I'm gonna try it in any%.

Ukrainezdoroviy_antony5 years ago

Update 1.2.2, lol. Hopefully now walljump room is really 1 subpixel behind next frame. We saved 1 here, but idk how to check it.

Ukrainezdoroviy_antony5 years ago

Do you have video of it?

KilleDragon 이것을 좋아함
Ukrainezdoroviy_antony5 years ago

Well, it is not really on my computer, but I can recreate it. I would do so anyway, while creating new youtube channel, but I can do it for you now. And I'm not sure that Fceux recreating sound perfectly, but I don't have BizHawk version and I don't think I need to make it. Edit: here we go https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Th6OrZT1em5A2zMv74ygmWvqyBGrdUG7

raymondamantius, LCatnip, 그리고 sweatypiranha 이것을 좋아함
Ukrainezdoroviy_antony5 years ago

I'm sorry, I just can't understand why it is worse to tag thier names in recources, when they actually helped me with this thing. And if something like that will happen again, please write forum post after first removing, because I'm not understanding what going on.

zsjetu9 이것을 좋아함
Ukrainezdoroviy_antony5 years ago

I don't know if somebody not realized, but there is new world record for Super Mario Bros!

SuperSpeedRunner, b0nk 그리고 5 기타 이것을 좋아함
Ukrainezdoroviy_antony5 years ago

Yeah, God gave insane blessing to taven.

LeKukie 그리고 raymondamantius 이것을 좋아함
Ukrainezdoroviy_antony5 years ago

I think it is easier then 4-2 framerule, because 4-2 wasn't done in segemnted run so far and me and team just got into 4-2 during SMBDQ-er routing and there is no RTAble way of doing fastest clip. I'm not even sure if it can be done in segmented run, so, maybe we will have to switch to another method of clip, but it wouldn't be fast enough without left+right, at least for real time run, I think.

Gaster319 이것을 좋아함
Ukrainezdoroviy_antony5 years ago

I was working on warpless TAS and after making 4-4, I realized that it this combination is better then any perfect combination for warps TAS or other levels from my warpless TAS. It is not too hard to save this framerule (my TAS is still 1 framerule behind WR), but I did really intresting optimization and I ended up only 9 frames behind framerule with using different strategy for clip and firebar! The WR using screen position manipulation to go through firebar as quick as possible, but my previous TAS didn't use it and was still very much slower then my new, so I left it and it is enough for me for this step. It even adds some different type of challenge. Very much things goes on here, fast acceleration can't be too fast, because Mario would fall down, then perfect clip, going down, acceleration back, avoiding firebar and barely winning bowser fight, which is very challenging on this level too. Anyway, I could miss more intresting level, because I didn't use some tricks and timesaves in my current TAS. What is your favourite level for TASing SMB? Or what is your favourite level from TAS world record in 18:36.78 (TAS timing) by HappyLee&Mars608?

raymondamantius 그리고 zsjetu9 이것을 좋아함
Ukrainezdoroviy_antony5 years ago

Xx_420_blazit_xx saved 8-2 framerule with 3 segments, which proves that segemnted runs can be really close or match TASing. This setup is so good, that it opens possibilty of doing it in single-segment as well, so let's wait until somebody will get it. Should be not harder then 8-1 framerule. He didn't use left+right, by the way.

Thelxinoe, Lul_ecks_dee 그리고 3 기타 이것을 좋아함
Ukrainezdoroviy_antony5 years ago

TAS saves 2 framerules in 1-2 and 4-2, by the way. Not just FPG, but a lot more unRTAble things.

Ukrainezdoroviy_antony5 years ago

Thank you very muich, but I'm not sure if anybody else, except me submitted no left+right or something you are talking about and I was wanted to meet TASvideos, without really caring about will movie be published or not, because it is not my decision. "In the vast majority of cases, the movie is not beating the existing SMB1 warps record by HappyLee (4:57.31)", what you mean by vast majority? So there was a TAS that beating this record, lol?

Ukrainezdoroviy_antony5 years ago

Update: maybe final 1-2 clip and turnaround optimization for subpixels and theoritically perfefct 8-2 (better spawn proven to not be possible by using cheat (1 frame earlier spawn then in previous video, not meaning anything, because of coin toss).

Ukrainezdoroviy_antony5 years ago

And I have to write another post here for anybody, who watched my videos - my channel had 362 videos and if you remeber few that you liked much, please write the title of it here and I will try to re-make them. I already know that some people liked PAL vs NTSC TAS WR comparison and PAL TAS WR on 60.098 FPS. You can re-make them yourself, by the way, if you know how, until I will know where I can upload my videos.

zsjetu9 이것을 좋아함
Ukrainezdoroviy_antony5 years ago

@mrmedozlas. I agree that I did a lot of mistakes and self-promotion or egoistic things, I'm sorry for them, thank you for reporting me. Forgive me, guys. Obviously I made this thread, because I have more then 200 hundred youtube videos about SMB and some people actually cares about them, because I had near 100 subscribers. I wanted to informate people. Yeah, I tied TAS WR's and I know it was much less work then new WR, but is fun for me to try myself and I don't think that time gonna be beaten anyway, so why not to go for same time for fun? I don't think personal attacks are allowed in this thread. And I would be really happy if someone told me about his small achievement, even if it is not serious is general and even much smaller then mine. Of course I'm not as talented as best speedruns or TASers, but, honestly, for me there is nothing bad at another TAS on this forum, when it have even small difference, which you, maybe, just not understand, as you are not TASer. Even a newcomer who can't get run through stairs at the end of 1-1, should be able to write about his progress in chat until the streamer himself willn't tell him to shut up, I think. Thank you for telling me that again. I pray that me and you will be nicer persons in future. Wich you the best! Edit: I always told in my TASes, who actually founded this improvement and I didn't want to take their jobs and say they were mine. "Tied WR" also needs to not promote myself, but to informate people, which time is it, because some TASes have different timing. Sorry, if it is justifications again.

MeesterTweester, mouseman 그리고 2 기타 이것을 좋아함
Ukrainezdoroviy_antony5 years ago

After I wrote an appel, they wrote - "your account gonna be still blocked, because of our principles of community and Terms of use". I can't make another appel. What a disaster. What a disaster. I give up.

Ukrainezdoroviy_antony5 years ago

The problem is that in some videos with copyrighted music stayed for years without ANY warnings, like only I could image that it is copyrighted by myself. And some makes your account banned immideately wihtout second chance to remove this composition, this is bad. Actually, when I first time uploaded the video actually to the youtube with video, it was deleted, but it said that youtube channel is perfectly fine and it didn't effected it.

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