United Stateswarm_ham2 years ago
이 댓글은 삭제되었습니다
스레드: The Site
United Stateswarm_ham3 years ago

@Camcorder thank you for following up! I appreciate your quick attention to the issue.

스레드: The Site
United Stateswarm_ham3 years ago

As far as I can tell, the "load more" button is new as of today or yesterday, yeah. It seems to be working on some boards like Celeste and Super Mario Sunshine. I checked a runner in the 600s on the Meat Boy boards and the run data still seems to be there on the backend, which is good. Just hoping for the full leaderboard to be viewable

스레드: The Site
United Stateswarm_ham3 years ago

there are about 670, thanks for the input!

스레드: The Site
United Stateswarm_ham3 years ago

The Super Meat Boy any% leaderboard is currently missing over 150 entries on its board. I'm noticing on larger boards that there's a "load more" button but this hasn't been added to the SMB any% board for whatever reason. Can we please get someone to look into this?

스레드: Flywrench
United Stateswarm_ham3 years ago


스레드: Ticket
United Stateswarm_ham4 years ago

Hey there @Amber_ ! If you're interested in submitting you have til the 30th.

Discord's over here if you want to chat more!: https://discord.gg/7SvGsaz

스레드: The Site
United Stateswarm_ham5 years ago

Thank you for your response to my inquiry

I have had a good time assembling a community of people who enjoy experimental games through coordinating these marathons. I'll just post signups somewhere else. Take care

Sean_A, cleverpidgeon, 그리고 killingpepsi 이것을 좋아함
스레드: The Site
United Stateswarm_ham5 years ago

Thanks Daravae. In addition to the information I submitted on the previous page:

Purpose: mini-marathon to showcase speedruns/longplays of experimental and avant-garde games Charity: none

With all due respect - and I don't know if this has been proposed in the past - it'd be nice if a role could be assigned to users who coordinate marathons so that we can set marathon pages up ourselves. I've gone through this forum for three ART TA marathons now and this is the second time I've had to significantly delay opening submissions while waiting for a moderator to either approve the request or follow-up asking for more info. Can this be streamlined in some way?

스레드: The Site
United Stateswarm_ham5 years ago

I also am looking for my marathon to be approved

스레드: The Site
United Stateswarm_ham5 years ago

Name: ART TA SERIES 3 Venue: Online Dates: December 1 Length: 1 day Discord: https://discord.gg/7SvGsaz Stream: https://twitch.tv/warm_ham Moderators: warm_ham

알 수 없음
United Stateswarm_ham5 years ago

eet right potato

알 수 없음
United Stateswarm_ham5 years ago

eet green spinach

cleverpidgeon 이것을 좋아함
알 수 없음
United Stateswarm_ham5 years ago

eet great carrot

cleverpidgeon 이것을 좋아함
스레드: The Site
United Stateswarm_ham5 years ago

Gotcha @dangerless. I'm happy to clarify the event a little more. I host on my channel and handle game submissions but there are about 12 others who participated in the first one and many of them will participate again. The discords got up to 16 people in it right now. I would only be playing through 1-2 games max during the event.

I could attempt to make it a 2-day event but the last one was initially a Saturday/Sunday thing and just turned into a 1-day event. If making it multiple days is necessary for approval I'm happy to try and push for additional content. Thank you for following up.

스레드: The Site
United Stateswarm_ham5 years ago

@Dangerless sorry wat

Since when is it a requirement that marathons have to have a cause

ART TA SERIES 1 was the exact same marathon and got a page a few months ago

스레드: The Site
United Stateswarm_ham5 years ago

Name: ART TA SERIES 2 Venue: Online Dates: June 1 Length: 1 day Discord: https://discord.gg/7SvGsaz Stream: https://twitch.tv/warm_ham Moderators: warm_ham

스레드: The Site
United Stateswarm_ham6 years ago

Hiya. Putting together an experimental/art game marathon.

Games must be made by an independent studio and have unconventional art style, storytelling, and/or gameplay.

Mods: me Name: ART TA SERIES 1 Channel: http://twitch.tv/warm_ham Marathon Type: Online Date(s): December 1/2

스레드: Super Meat Boy
United Stateswarm_ham6 years ago

if speedrunning writ large has a hard and fast definition of any% being the single fastest form of completion, then we should throw the designation "any% NMG" out the window and just call those categories "NMG"

but we don't

because naming conventions for speedrunning categories are not universal, they're totally arbitrary

some communities distinguish their less glitched form of any% as any% NMG (e.g., a link to the past) other communities distinguish their less glitched form of any% as any% (e.g., super metroid)

we do the latter for the reasons already stated

Crucrux 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Super Meat Boy
United Stateswarm_ham6 years ago

Like please understand that I've spent 2000 hours playing this game and could not give less of a fuck about what we call the categories in this community

RiiFT, Crucrux, 그리고 Misteur 이것을 좋아함
warm_ham에 대해서
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