neyoneit6 years ago


ive been fooling around with frist mision of fleeca heist... and i think i potentially found a really nice shortcut... but it needs some "tweaking" There is a possibility to lure lester into your "custom car" which you can achieve by entering lesters car and quickly leaving - then he follows u or ur friend into any car...

But you still have to trigger second portion of this which is getting checkpoint to fleeca bank. Which is possible if you carefuly turn lesters car (by pushing it with another) so lester is facing the door directly. Then you and ur friend need to synchronize with entering and leaving the car at the same time - this should in theory trigger lesters talking sequence and checkpoint to fleeca bank and then u can happily go to ur custom car and lester will follow you. This could save a lot of time in fleeca heist.

But turning lesters car with another car takes too long and it is very hard..to be honest. We need to achieve entering and leaving lesters car twice on the starting point where his car is spawning. First time you enter both (you +friend) lester turns for the door, Second time he instantly opens and enter the vehicle without any delay and it should trigger next portion of this (checkpoint and his monologue) and then go for ur custom vehicle and drive.

Ive done few tests and i just cannot figure out how to effectively do this.

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6 years ago
5 years ago