kniferun4 years ago

I often get caught on a reload fighting against the hunters in nest 2. Which is really only a assisted no upgrade issue. Since standard has 2 guns with 33 shots at that point.

Use to be against the MAG in a handgun only run. Im also against ng+ and deaths to manipulate DA. Since MAG is a handgun technically and within the new game realm im personally fine with it. Using it removes both ng+ and needed deaths(deaths are fine. The need to die is the issue personally) for 2 (HC sort of) difficulties so im fine with it being in handgun only. Ive always seen things as new game or ng+. NG+ being Use whatever in shop outside of limiting weapons to handguns of course. At the same time Im not saying it has to be that way. Just a personal outlook.

Keeping all difficulties is fine as they can all be done with certain allowances. Will they be done? Thats yet to be seen.

kniferun4 years ago

It takes 2 MAG shots on assisted with the attachment. So at least 2 on other difficulties. Fortunately the magnum pierces at least with the attachment anyways. So less shots if hunters/zombies are lined up.

Picking up the MAG on assisted is faster than not doing so. So without a doubt itll be faster on Standard.

kniferun4 years ago

With the addition of the Magnum changes post nemmy 2 completely. on hardcore you get 8 in the gun, 8 on pick ups and 10 gunpowder. Havent tested for sure, but if inferno is 2 mag bullets per 2 powders I would guess hardcore is 3. which would make 31 mag shots in total.

nightmare/Inferno you get even more drops. you get 8 in gun, 10 on pick ups and 14 gun powder. making 32 bullets in total.

The biggest issue with these runs would be both Carlos sections and Jills item management. And ofcourse the regular issues of difficulty.

kniferun4 years ago

Literally on standard every bullet needs to be picked up, up until magnum, After that is a toss up. Do you Manip DA and continue collecting all ammo or pick up MAG and change it up a bit. Assisted is alot less ammo gathering. I think with more practice possibly the MAG will be around the same. Standard should be faster with MAG.

SpeedIdol has both posted here, with(deathless) and without(death manip) MAG. I dont think he had it optimized just seeing if it could be done. I could be wrong though.

kniferun4 years ago

HC without a way to free up some locations of zombies and so on is pretty crazy. Nightmare and inferno will be nuts, although every single run currently on the nightmare/inferno NG leaderboard is nuts. So who knows.

Wish there was a way to get some feedback from a majority that will attempt to run this. Theres always more then those who post on the forum or discord.

kniferun4 years ago

If 8 DA is the floor for HC there wont be any Manipulation, when it comes to Ammo shortage anyways, maybe to make certain situations easier if needed. That'll probably go for nightmare/inferno as well.

I can say rules for assisted/standard and hardcore are perfect. Havent touched nor do I plan to touch nightmare/inferno so I cant really throw any input on those.

kniferun4 years ago

Right, I forgot about that. I think Standard should be thrown in to the same rule pool as HC+ though as you are basically forced to die multiple times to get through. you could probably get through HC with the same rules as assisted/standard if you die enough on purpose depending on the DA floor on HC.

Especially if you can use the MAG.

kniferun4 years ago

I thought rules had to be universal through out all difficulties. Meaning hardcore+ would have the same rules as assisted/standard. If rules can be separate per difficulty thats cool.

Im guessing gunpowder makes 5-6 bullets on inferno then.

kniferun4 years ago

I would leave the rule open when it comes to handgun use. MUP, samurai edge, g18, g19+upgrades. Possibly MAG if thats a thing.

For Assisted/standard samurai edge is quickest(quicker than MUP), even with gathering ammo. Mixture of Samurai edge, g18 and g19 would make Hardcore tolerable I dont think MUP would cut it. I dont even know what kind of handgun Ammo nightmare/inferno has. Gunpowder makes 10 bullets on hardcore, who knows about nightmare/inferno.

kniferun4 years ago

The amount of boxes with a chance of ammo is almost a clip. Allowing the knife to break boxes would be very helpful in ammo reservation. If the difference between those bullets was a deathless run on standard I would say use the knife, but I dont think it is.

kniferun4 years ago

I would think if MAG is allowed, no shop should be allowed. MAG should be enough to keep it as a New game. Fresh account style.

Standard is just possible to do with g19+upgrades thanks to deaths adjusting DA to a difficulty that allows you to have enough ammo to the end. Hardcore definitely isnt possible.

Im going to mess around with the crafting companion later.

Finished a MUP run and it was not enjoyable. Gun is so weak/boosts DA.

Not a 100% sure where, leading up to the 2nd hunter showing up or after you kill it the game is on a timer. So it doesnt matter what you do until then. Seems you can just stun the zombies and not touch them until clean up(after killing 2nd hunter) That just adds an unnecesary hassle though. I notice the traps can kill the zombies over time. I shoot the traps but you can dodge into them as well. Safer to shoot.

kniferun4 years ago

upgrades for g19 seems to be slower compared to not getting them on assisted.

For defense with Carlos I usually shoot traps until the first hunter appears even on assisted.

I guess its fine to manipulate DA with deaths, but I would even say Standard should allow MAG as well. It definitely would compete with the time used to purposely die to lower DA.

My current run with the mup is telling me its much weaker than the unupgraded g19. Or the DA is higher. Bummer of a gun.

kniferun4 years ago

All depends if each difficulty can have its own rules and allowances. Assisted can be completed without upgrades with the g19. While standard cant be completed without upgrades or DA manipulation through deaths. Hardcore can be completed with samurais edge no other shop items. Beyond that I haven't tested much.

Havent really used the mup because it feels like a unlimited version of the unupgraded g19.

Also recently Ive been thinking of SpeedIdols original run using the MAG. Which I was originally against, but feel differently now. I havent really tested that either though. The MAG is technically a handgun, so it should be considered at least. Possibly only for runs hardcore+.

kniferun4 years ago

I had an opinion and I Apologize for that. Especially expressing it whenever I could.

I will keep opinions to myself. Maybe I will express them when I leave a run in The queue long enough to get verified.

Again apologies.

kniferun4 years ago

The problem isnt the rules. The problem is the title. Using the handgun makes it not knife only and using the hot dogger and handgun make it not low% was my point from the start. The title needs adjustment in my opinion not the rules. And thats only my opinion that I admit Ive beaten into the ground.

If any choose to run a legit knifeonly/low% run shouldnt be penalized for doing so when the title is low%/knife only. Thats a bit ridiculous in it self along with shrugging it off as a "too bad follow the this boards definition not the well known definition."

Key items must refer to weapons in this case though not actual story items.

There was a time where low% was considered by some as no damage(well no healing items). No weapons used and if used the weakest one. In this games case the knife.

Ofcourse thats just non sense.

JoeyWindsor 이것을 좋아함
kniferun4 years ago

To be fair, outside of assisted, knife only has 2 runs max per difficulty. Many of the original wave of submitted/verified runs were completed with no handgun on nemmy 4. Im not the only one that knows what low%/knife only means. Of course if BS can be avoided, people would like avoiding it.

If handgun only has no interest, so be it. Its a difficult category to determine anyways. Assisted is the only difficulty you can complete with g18/g19 without using deaths to manip DA to have enough ammo. Each difficulty will needs its own rules/allowances.

kniferun4 years ago

Imagine if everyone on the leader board was forum users?

I originally asked because maybe there was hidden discussions going on about this category.

Knife only wasnt discussed publically. It just randomly appeared.

The knife only discussion seems to have been on making the run easier and less of a bummer. Discussions how to break traditional low%/knife only rules. RE4 is hell to determine LOW%. RE3R Is extremely simple. Base knife and finger used only. Nothing to discuss.

The run is supposed to be challenging. Challenge run done ASAP. RE2R really pampered runners.

Anyways i got my answer. No hidden discussion was taking place.

kniferun4 years ago

So no interest on either side. Thats cool.

kniferun4 years ago

The well known meaning behind LOW%/knife only was thrown out the window for an easier time running. There was no public discussion just a private discussion. Didnt really need a discussion at all. LOW%/knife only rules should be straight forward. But in the end we have a category that isnt LOW% or knife only but holds the name of both.

kniferun4 years ago

Would guess because the board would be difficult to define on difficulties beyond standard. It seems all difficulties within a category must have the same rules.

The unlimited handgun is weaker than unupgraded start handgun so thats a bummer. Or the DA changes due to it being unlimited to make it seem that way.

I will just keep messing around on assisted i guess.

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