알 수 없음
Swedengongong8 years ago

I'd like to sign up :)

알 수 없음
Swedengongong9 years ago

This should be a lot of fun, I hope to participate! :)

알 수 없음
Swedengongong9 years ago

Will mass housing be available from June 26th to July 7th as well, or only between June 28th and July 5th?

알 수 없음
Swedengongong9 years ago

Got yet another pb!

알 수 없음
Swedengongong9 years ago

Got a new PB for All Time Pieces in A Hat in Time! (24:46)

I want to improve it further, which I probably will until the time of ESA :)

As I've mentioned before, my estimate could probably come down a lot, but since it's an estimate of real time and not in-game time, it's kind of hard for me to predict a good time, so I'd rather keep it a little high if that's fine with you. (If you want to lower the estimate however, 35 minutes seems realistic enough.)

Also, about the current state of the full release of the game, I don't really see it happening before ESA, so if the run gets accepted, I'd very likely be running the beta and not the final release.

I should also probably mention that at least some other runner(s) will probably make it to ESA, which would be nice for commentary or an eventual race.

알 수 없음
Swedengongong9 years ago

Got a new PB/WR for AHiT: all time pieces Estimate could probably come down a little as well, but I'll wait until closer to the deadline.

EDIT: The WR was beaten by another runner, it is currently my pb however.

알 수 없음
Swedengongong9 years ago

Thanks for still considering having A Hat in Time on ESA! :D I'll be updating you on the release progress, as well as personal progress until the next cut. Please let me know if there's a more direct way of contacting you than through this thread.

I personally think that the game still being in beta shouldn't matter for it to be supported, although it of course doesn't have all the content of the final version. However, the "acts" that are included in the beta already feels well polished and has great variety to them. I also believe that the game is very well suited for such an event as ESA, as it has some pretty cool tricks, strats and glitches to show off, many of which have been found after I submitted the run!

gongong에 대해서
가입 날짜
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A Hat in Time (Alpha Build)
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A Hat in Time (Beta Build)
A Hat in Time (Beta Build)
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A Hat in Time
A Hat in Time
최근 플레이 6 years ago
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A Hat in Time (Beta Build)
A Hat in Time (Beta Build)
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A Hat in Time
A Hat in Time
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관리하는 게임
A Hat in Time (Beta Build)
A Hat in Time (Beta Build)
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A Hat in Time (Alpha Build)
A Hat in Time (Alpha Build)
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