North Rhine-Westphalia, Germanyfluew6 years ago

Searching for teammates or a a clan with passion for speedrunning / challenges

System:PC Battlenet: Fluew#2727

Time zone/County: Germany GMT

My Characters: Warlock, Hunter and Titan 385 , all EP-Weapons and clears on all raids.

What I’m looking for in a clan: I am looking for a clan that like mentioned above is into speedrunning and challenges (like 3-Man Argos or Killing Dogs with no Buffs). I am far away from perfect but very passionated with a high motivation.

A little to myself: I am a person with a good portion of humor, 27 years old and work in the finance department.

I wouldn't say i am a casual, since I mostly play from 7 PM to 1 AM every day a week.

You can also contact me via Discord the tag is the same as my bnet: fluew#2727

Looking forward to find people that share the same passion!

fluew에 대해서
가입 날짜
6 years ago
5 years ago
팔로우한 게임
Destiny 2
Destiny 2
최근 방문 5 years ago