West Yorkshire, Englanddavo100086 years ago

Many thanks for coming back to me. I'll have to get to grips with the ronin method by the sounds of it!

Up to that point in the game I can't see many/any differences in terms of clips etc. but I've been going through chronologically and getting the grasp of it level by level. I'd love to say that's by choice but I'm yet to pick up a ps2 memory card so each time I start I fly through the first 3rd of the game!

I'm new to this but am very happy to explore if you want to know anything in particular. I found during night shift it was difficult (for me) to get from the plant to the lift (elevator). I've since found it okay to clip straight through the left lift so have been just doing that.

In terms of movement I'm not 100% sure I have it down. My controller isn't great and holding top left/right consistency is tough. With in game sound, I think you can tell when you are moving at a good pace.

P.s. I sure keystone goes through it on his tutorial so there are a few examples for me to go at. Thanks again.

West Yorkshire, Englanddavo100086 years ago

Sorry NN Doge for highjacking your thread but I'm also a new runner, I'm playing on PS2 (PAL) and the issue I have didn't seem to warrant a new thread so I hope you don't mind me mentioning it here. You're PS2 UK too so you may even be able to help?

I'm looking for some advice on Chain Reaction. TR1 building is fine, I can clip into TR2 building and get to the next load screen okay. The bit I'm having trouble doing is the "Investigate building TR3". You start at the top of some stairs and there is some armour in front of you. You turn left to the end wall and the aim is to clip through, land on a ledge and jump around etc. I can't clip through the wall at all. Every clip up to this point is fine and I have got the hang of pretty quickly. Yesterday I killed everyone here and spend a good 20+ mins trying to clip through trying slightly different things but couldn't get it. I once looked as though I as in the wall put popped straight back out again. Keysstonelight said on his tutorial this is one of the easier clips.

Is this any different to the other clips? Could it be the PS2 version? As you'll know it's a big time saver so could do with figuring it out. I saw the version with the Ronin which I could do but prefer the look of this. I've just read Fitterspace's comment above that says some clips don't work on PS2 so maybe this is one.

P.S. Thanks a lot to Fitterspace, OllieNK and Keysstonelight (+others) for the tutorials, runs online, GDQ and ESA runs. Made the game look great and I couldn't say no once I got my old PS2 from my parents house!

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