darklocket6 years ago

well well well. What do we have here? Looks like some drivers that want to take a turn at the wheel in some classics.

Excellent! For the record, I have The Need for Speed SE running in a virtual guest box running windows me, being hosted by my windows 7 PC. I also have been able to get Over Drivin' GT-R on a Saturn emulator running.

Now the bad news, my super NFS gaming box is in storage, as I just moved from CT to AZ and have yet to sell my old home and purchase a new one here in AZ where I can setup my NFS gaming box. :(

I'tll be some months before that all passes, but I just wanted to drop a line and say WOW, I am glad to hear that a few are STILL able to play The Need for Speed. oh, and here is my vid from a way back.


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6 years ago