Louisiana, USAcmowla1 year ago

I recently was introduced to this leaderboard, lvlupscore.com/system/2/game/27433, where they consider only runs that have non-upgraded cars (and all 3 laps of circuit tracks). FYI.

Louisiana, USAcmowla1 year ago

I recently was introduced to this leaderboard, lvlupscore.com/system/2/game/27433, where they consider only runs that have non-upgraded cars (and all 3 laps of circuit tracks). FYI.

스레드: The Site
Louisiana, USAcmowla2 years ago

On the speedrun page I'm a supermod of https://www.speedrun.com/kam , before one of the updates (in the past 6 months?) all columns showed, but now the "Units Lost" column is "minimized" somehow.

It was showing before the update, but not now. I checked my variable settings (and even tried to change a few things), but it's still not showing.

Note: This variable takes user-defined entries. (And no matter how much I zoom in or out, the leaderboard is still not showing the column.)

Is there a new setting that I'm not aware of to fix this? Or is there a column limit?

Louisiana, USAcmowla2 years ago

That's pretty good for no upgrades! Nice! (I got 2:22.23 with the Shelby Cobra with no upgrades, but I couldn't match this time with the Mustang with no upgrades!)

Louisiana, USAcmowla3 years ago

I have recently made a map repository in the form of a guide -- Download links for ALL campaigns and single maps listed on Speedrun for submissions.

If there are maps and/or campaigns that you think are good for speedrunning (not included in our collection), please don't hesitate to let us know. (Provide download links to the maps as well so that we can add them to our repository.)

Louisiana, USAcmowla3 years ago

I wanted to know if you all who play in multiplayer would like a category for MASTER BUILDING.

This is to compete with your economic skills rather than fighting skills in this game.

We can come up with a (realistic for most experienced players) target army composition (like 40 pikes, 40 bowmen OR 30 swordfighters and 60 bowmen, etc.) for a particular map, and obviously the goal is to obtain the recruits and weapons (and horses) as fast as possible. Could be 40 minutes, 60 minutes, etc. to be able to train that army in the barracks.

For example, I could make a "mission" called "TSK 14 (53 pikes, 53 bows)" for (the only) master building that I have done so far: https://i.imgur.com/Xuu1gJx.png (where it would be easiest for me to verify as a mod that you obtained at least the required army weapons and recruits (it doesn't have to be perfectly balanced like mine was!) just by leaving all recruits and weapons in the barracks).

This way, those who like to improve their game in multiplayer can also participate on speedrun.

Here are some threads from the forum at knightsandmerchants.net with master building

  • Bow challenge

  • xBow challenge

  • Scout challenge

  • And this is an additional thread that many players might want to know exists is. (And there are several embedded attachments/replays in that thread. For those who are NOT members of knightsandmerchants.net, and/or for convenience, here is a zip file containing them. Note that these are for older versions of the remake. )

  • And speaking of versions of the Remake, for THIS new (MP) category, we can most certainly accept newer versions of the Remake than r6720 (for those who didn't read that we only accept r5503 and r6720 for all existing events at the moment, due to insufficient testing of the AI for single player and co-op maps in the latest versions of the Remake).

I can make it so that you simply input the version number when you submit a run, OR the community can specify which versions for me to code into the page. Whatever you all think is FAIR to every participant! (For example, if in one version, the woodcutter has additional functions than a previous, that is obviously unfair . . . )

  • We can also include some (challenging) single player map locations (and/or challenging maps) as well (like TSK 14, Barbarians, Two Sides, etc.). I guess they can be in a SP category, for those who like to "win single player maps in the normal/conventional way". We have room for both!

What do you all think? Let's discuss!

스레드: Test Drive 6
Louisiana, USAcmowla3 years ago

[quote=AQLGamers]Hi Kacey, can you add at the runs: difficulty, traffic and police settings?[/quote]Due to video editing, there is no way that a mod can verify with utmost certainty of all of the settings. It's not that they mistrust you (by default), but there are a number of reasons why it's impractical.

I don't think there is a way to differentiate whether:

  • Traffic is CLASSIC or AVOID. Only if it's ON or OFF (which only applies in the PRACTICE menu).
  • Difficulty in tracks without traffic cars (Pelton Raceway, Ireland, etc.) is EASY, MODERATE, or HARD -- because the way this game works, the better you race, the better the CPU racers are, period.
  • Difficulty in tracks with traffic cars (Paris, Rome, etc.) is MODERATE or HARD -- because I doubt the mods want to memorize how many cop cars are in a track for the respective difficulties and quantity of traffic cars, of course. (As I said above, difficulty really doesn't affect CPU racer performance in the bigger picture.)

Therefore, it would seem that if they wanted to add new columns ("Individual level categories") (OR simply make more non-sub category variables) regarding difficulty, traffic, and cop settings, it would be for:

  • Difficulty: EASY or HARD (including moderate would be overkill . . . most people who want to compete will ignore moderate difficulty, just as most people are pretty much ignoring all classes of cars except for Class 4 on this speedrun page). Applies to RACE MENU and PRACTICE MENU tracks (only for starting position and # of cops and traffic cars -- if traffic and cops are ON, of course).
  • Traffic: ON or OFF. Only applies to PRACTICE MENU tracks.
  • Cops: ON or OFF. Only applies to PRACTICE MENU tracks.

But I think it's more important that: There should be an "Individual level category" for FORWARD and BACKWARD tracks, rather than having that as a sub-category variable. Reason: Obvious, currently people have less motivation to submit BACKWARD runs, because they are not seen on the View All Individual Level Leaderboard.

I think the mods don't have the time to verify the Difficulty, Traffic, and Cops settings for this specific game -- which I believe is the reason why this hasn't been implemented into this game's leaderboards. (I mean, why else is there the ONE explicitly expressed rule that in the case of circuits, the best lap counts, rather than them having a variable for "Best Lap Time" and a variable for "Total Time" for circuits -- and why they accept a recording of just one lap in the circuits as well.)

But I believe the following procedure can be followed to separate Forward from Backward tracks, as they are technically DIFFERENT tracks, as far as speedrunning is concerned.

[Center]Individual Level Leaderboard[/Center] (Do the actions in the following order to avoid losing previous run submissions.)

To save typing and reading effort, let:

  • Individual level category be abbreviated as ILC

  • Navigate to the Variables tab under Edit game.

  • Edit the variable whose values are Forward and Backward (by clicking on the top-right vertical ellipses symbol) and the variable whose values are Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, and Class 4 and make sure their Category is set to "All Categories". (Obviously their Level is already set to "All levels".)

  • It looks like In-game time is set to every category in the game (including Any%'s), so obviously that (variable?) is fine.

  • Uncheck "Use as a sub-category" for the variable whose values is Forward and Backward.

  • Navigate to the Categories tab under Edit game.

  • Rename the (only) ILC that you all have from "Best Time" to "Forward", "FWD", "Forward tracks", "Forward Direction", or "FWD Direction", etc.

  • Add a new ILC with the same title, but with "Backward" or "BWD".

  • Edit all runs in the leaderboard in the "Forward" ILC which are Backward runs. Simply click the first (Category) drop-down and select the "Backward" category that now has been added. This will successfully transfer a run from the "Forward" ILC to the "Backward" ILC. No data (like date submitted, who submitted, who verified, and when it was verified), will be changed/lost.

(NOTE: This will have to be done for all Obsolete runs as well, so that they don't appear. So there are of course more runs than initially expected to transfer!)

*Lastly, uncheck the Forward value (under the variable which has it and Backward as values) as the default value (so that there is NO default value selected).

  • Delete that variable. (Which also deletes its two values, Forward and Backward.)

  • CHECKPOINT So now there are two ILCs (two columns) on the View all ILC leaderboard, where each row header is still the track name. So we have an (18 row)x(3 column) "table".

[quote=AQLGamers]EDIT: also with/without upgrades[/quote]I agree with this (for those who are really passionate about this game would appreciate measuring skill levels with EVERY type of condition this game has to offer -- but where do the mods draw the line? I mean, you could even make a drop-down in the run submission for which cop car did they use in a cop chase!), but considering that with the exception of the Egypt track, no one else (besides me) has submitted runs in tracks which can only be raced in the practice menu (e.g., Switzerland for Class 4), I think it's not needed.

But I think if this With/Without upgrades feature were to be implemented, it would have to be implemented in EVERY individual level (track name) SEPARATELY. So that the user cannot possibly select "With upgrades" from a track which can only be accessed from the PRACTICE menu (which is of course doesn't allow upgrades).

And I know it might "give away the secret", but maybe it should be that a user is required to show the upgrade level purchased and/or adjustments of those upgrades? (For the main purpose of other users who suspect others of cheating/hacking the game a chance to see if it is actually possible to achieve the time that they did?)

Speaking of which:

I'm still in favor of a column (or two columns, if Forward and Backward are separated) for a WITH HACK section! (Because, again, it's an entirely new gaming experience with this game and could help it regain popularity.) (If this was implemented, the variable whose values are Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, Class 4 would not apply, because cars from ANY class can be hacked to outperform a fully upgraded Class 4 car any day of the week. So perhaps the HACK can be implemented simply by adding a value named "Class 5", "Class X", or "Hacked Car" to the list of values under the already-existing car class variable.

(After my previous post, I of course (for those who search YouTube for Test Drive 6 videos often enough) did England FWD and Paris FWD!)

England FWD

Paris FWD

**Hong Kong FWD

(And I didn't upload a video of it, but I got a new best lap of 21.83 in Newcastle FWD!).

(And of course, I am playing in the Test Drive 6 - Remastered mod with these runs, so maybe (since that is gaining popularity), the mods should allow submissions of both, but the user would be required to select if it was in the original version or remastered version -- make that a variable on the leaderboards.)

AQLGamers 이것을 좋아함
스레드: The Site
Louisiana, USAcmowla3 years ago

I want to show "Units Lost" on my leaderboards.

  • I have the variable already set (and it already shows as a column header),
  • I have already set the variable to "User Defined" so that they can input a custom (numerical) value for number of units they lost in a fighting mission (for a RTS game).

The problem is, when they (or I) input a value for a variable in the drop-down in the run submission form, it literally stores the value under the variable in the EDIT GAME - VARIABLES menu.

That was unexpected, but the bigger problem is that the drop-down list shows all previous inputted custom values (in the order that they appear in the EDIT GAME - VARIABLES menu). When the next user goes to input a user defined value for the variable, "Units Lost", they see this (unordered) list of numerical values.

Question: Is there there a way that the values they input is just associated with the individual run (as it should be . . . not globally saved for "reuse"?), or do I have to just manually sort these inputted custom values under the variable as they come in? (Or settling with putting in some predefined inequality values like {unspecified, 0, < 10, <30, < 100, 100, > 300, > 1000, > 3000, etc} and have them select which one applies?

Or is there a entirely different way to document game stats like units lost besides variables (again, this is for displaying such stats on the leaderboard)?


Oreo321 그리고 Quivico 이것을 좋아함
스레드: The Site
Louisiana, USAcmowla3 years ago

Is there a way to remove the default game platform column/variable from all leaderboards in a game for which only has ONE platform (PC)?

스레드: The Site
Louisiana, USAcmowla3 years ago

Okay, thanks, Oreo321 for letting me know despite this being the wrong thread! It looks like I probably have to transfer all runs to the full-game leaderboard, as they are in individual levels at the moment . . .

It looks like I will have to re-submit every run as a Full-Game run instead of a Level Run. Can you direct me to the thread where I can ask if there is some other way? (I'm not "lazy" to do this, but it will ruin the History of the runs submitted and which mod verified, etc.)

스레드: The Site
Louisiana, USAcmowla3 years ago

Is it possible for there to be a "redirect" a URL from https://www.speedrun.com/kam/ to https://www.speedrun.com/kam/Mission#Campaigns? Basically, a redirect from "View all Level Leaderboards" to a specific "Individual level category" for DEFAULT VIEW?

(I just want to avoid having them click on one of those three "cells" in the table to get the the "Main Menu"! Thanks!

스레드: The Site
Louisiana, USAcmowla3 years ago

Thanks, Quivico! Didn't know what a "variable" was! Sounded like a script of some kind. It worked out swell!

Quivico 이것을 좋아함
스레드: The Site
Louisiana, USAcmowla3 years ago

Is there a way to have custom names for game types or platforms? This game, https://www.speedrun.com/kam/ has multiple "versions" but only one platform. So it would be ideal if I could simply convert the already built-in drop-down for, say, platform to version numbers of the game that someone played in. Thanks!

스레드: The Site
Louisiana, USAcmowla3 years ago

Hi all, Pac referred me to this topic for future suggestions. I did not start this speedrun page ( https://www.speedrun.com/kam/ ), but I am now a moderator of it. Obviously there are more columns than the page can display at once. (Most columns are for different campaigns of the game, so this post can apply to any game with multiple campaigns.)

Currently one must navigate to the bottom of the page to access the horizontal scroll bar to view additional columns of the leaderboard.

I kindly request (whenever you all can get to it), to perhaps either:

  1. Implement a horizontal scroll bar at the TOP of the page OR
  2. Implement a tab feature, where we see the maximum number of columns per page without the horizontal scrollbar (and thus eliminate the horizontal scroll bar altogether).
Louisiana, USAcmowla3 years ago

Suppose that player A wins a mission in 25 minutes and 13 seconds (25m13s) and loses 10 units, and player B wins the mission also in 25m13s but loses no units.

  • We will break the tie by removing one second from the player's submission who wins with losing no units.

  • I doubt this will happen that often (maybe with a mission like TSK 03?), but FYI.

  • This rule will NOT apply if one person simply lost fewer units than someone else. The player who lost fewer had to have earned a 0 loss (lossless) win.

  • If anyone has objections or agrees with this tie-breaker rule, please speak up!

Louisiana, USAcmowla3 years ago

I have done a fresh installation of KaM Remake version r6720 and took a look at the missions that were pre-installed. I have now added all such missions with the exception of all multi-player maps (single maps where every player just starts with a storehouse), and a few other select missions. (One of them was Town Defense, because that mission has no end for anyone to speedrun it!)

If you would like other missions to be added, this is the thread for it. But remember, r5503 and r6720 are the only acceptable versions of the Remake!

  • We are aware that there are MANY newer versions than r6720, but they have not been thoroughly tested for single player usage (bugs, glitches, etc., which can make a mission significantly easier than how it appears (how the AI behaves) in other versions).

r5503 is most certainly acceptable because the crossbowmen and bowmen behave very similar to the Steam version. (And it was thought to be the final (and stable) version of the original Remake for some time.)

Louisiana, USAcmowla3 years ago

Hi all,

  • After you have submitted runs for ALL missions in a campaign, (and after all such runs have been verified!), then you may submit the sum total of these times in this section ( https://www.speedrun.com/kam/full_game ) for the particular campaign you have completed.

  • No video will be necessary, as this run submission will be the sum of your best times for each mission in this campaign that have already been verified.

  • For those who are wondering if we expect you to prove that you played ALL missions for this campaign in ONE sitting, the answer is NO.

  • We know it is not realistic for you (and un-trackable from our end to see if you actually did) play ALL missions of a campaign in one sitting!

  • So we apologize for those who actually are willing (or have actually already gone through the trouble of) playing an entire campaign in one sitting, but it's overkill for this game in particular.

*For all those who have already completed a campaign and all of your runs have already been verified, please submit a run. (Follow the instructions under "Rules".) Thanks for your time and dedication!



Louisiana, USAcmowla3 years ago

Hi everyone. I discussed it with DerToSt recently, and he agreed that it was a good idea that we no longer require a timer for the Steam version ( https://store.steampowered.com/app/253900/Knights_and_Merchants/ ) and/or for the original game for The Shattered Kingdom and The Peasants Rebellion campaigns.

That is, we will require the following procedure which gives a pretty accurate approximation of your IGT (in-game time from the end screen statistics).

  • This is for your best interest, as your times will be better with this method, as we all know that KaM's game time (IGT) is slower than an actual clock. But it also allows us to:
  • Differentiate between two players who finished in the same minute.
  • Compare Steam (and original version) record times to the Remake record times.

  • That is, RTA is no longer relevant to KaM.

  • *For those who have already submitted times for the Steam version of TPR and/or TSK, please see your new adjusted times! Count those times for your TSK Any% or TPR Any% if you have completed either one of those entire campaigns and all runs have been approved. View the rules for TSK at https://www.speedrun.com/kam/full_game#TSK_Any and the rules for TPR at https://www.speedrun.com/kam/full_game#TPR_Any .

  • We know that KaM's clock speed (whether if it's in the Remake or in the Steam version and original versions) is 0.92 times the time of an actual clock.

  • You will see the following scenarios (now updated) for "TSK" and "TPR" categories/columns, but they are stated here for convenience (despite that I cover them all in the above video).

  • Scenario 1:

If you happen to not reload saves, then it's actually easy to calculate this by:

  • [1] Converting your RTA time to seconds.

  • [2] Multiplying that result by 0.92

  • [3] Converting that result back to clock time.

  • [4] Round the second to the nearest second.

  • Scenario 2:

If you DO reload saves and you DO accurately count the total of time for all segments that actually went towards your time, then you may do with that time what you do in Scenario 1.

  • Scenario 3:

If you DO reload saves, and do NOT calculate the actual video time of play that actually went towards your IGT, then submit the endgame statistics screen with 59 seconds attached. For example, if the time was 00:08, then you would convert this to 8m59s.

스레드: Test Drive 6
Louisiana, USAcmowla4 years ago

Oh, I can understand that! Take your time! Two weeks after I wrote that, I uploaded a video with me racing in England FWD (youtube.com/watch?v=bvPDWaOA8H8) (AVERAGE speed was 275 MPH, my personal best) and "stopping the racers" cop chase (youtube.com/watch?v=DWeQ09u0E0M) (nothing special except that all 5 racers and I had supercharged cars, but you can guess that since I made ALL cars impact resistant --at least towards the traffic and traffic cop cars-- putting this spin on the game makes stopping the racers a different challenge).

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