Lower Saxony, Germanyalxhu7 years ago

(Sorry for my bad english)

GERMAN: Ich möchte euch fragen, ob ihr Interesse an einem "Bust-A-Move 2"-Stream habt. Also, dass wir ein Event veranstalten, in welchen wir ein kleines Tunier machen. Was haltet ihr von der Idee? (Natürlich wird dann in dem Stream Englisch gesprochen.)

ENGLISH: I would like to ask you if you are interested in a "Bust-A-Move 2"-stream. I mean, we make a tournament where we can battle against each other. What do you think about this idea? (Of course, we will speak English in the livestream)

Thank you for your attention ^_^

  • alxhu
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alxhu에 대해서
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7 years ago
7 years ago
팔로우한 게임
Bust-A-Move 2: Arcade Edition
Bust-A-Move 2: Arcade Edition
최근 방문 7 years ago