스레드: Double Switch
Pennsylvania, USAWorsel53 years ago

I honestly have no idea anymore lol. Every version of this game is different, time might be better but so could a Captured category that kinda exists...

Pennsylvania, USAWorsel53 years ago

Like I said I may be overthinking stuff and my brain is pretty much swiss cheese today, but I just want to be sure. I plan on running the game with weapons/ninpo unlocked and good to go since the IKG was removed out from the Master Collection and I am forced to contend with the 360/PC version since the PS3 has hard locks at the end of the game from doing the IKG two times in a run.

Pennsylvania, USAWorsel53 years ago

Also if you said that picking Default Settings at the start makes it NG+ and Base Data NG++ I think it's reversed? Default Settings should carry over any weapons and Karma you already have, Base Data puts everything back to zero and you have to re-earn everything again.

In your Normal run currently on the board you selected New Game, Default Settings. Weapons and ninpo were all available to you but you needed to do the IKG to buy them.

So unless I am overthinking something (And I could very well could be as I struggle with exhaustion from medical issues) then pretty much everything should technically be a NG+ run such as yours posted above and then if you start with weapons and ninpo unlocked and ready to rock that would be NG++, there would be no "New Game" category unless you wiped the game from the system or in the case of the Master Collection on PC removing the saves and system data, making you start completely at zero?

Pennsylvania, USAWorsel53 years ago

Yeah, but when you go to the "NewGame+" under the Misc tab there's nothing which is why I tried to get some clarification on rules and what not ahead of time. I am going to stream my attempt later, it's gonna be something, but when submissions open up it's best to have everything ironed out ahead of time especially if you give prior notice to "Hey, I am looking to run this category." to a mod instead of "Hey, I did this run, what should the rules be for this? Is this going to be a category? How do we filter this down?"

Over in Bayonetta 2 I had several runners wanting to do emulated runs and we broke it all down, got it set up ahead of time what the categories were going to be, the rule sets, made it all up and went live... and I am the only one doing runs for it lol.

I just want to make sure that it's all good and ready to rock. Like I said, I can see there is a lot going on here in preparation and I am making my intent known.

Pennsylvania, USAWorsel53 years ago

I am going to figure that the rule set is going to be almost identical to the New Game but it's not listed in there.

I can see things are in motion around here and it set off like 10 alerts in my feed but I do plan on doing a Normal setting NG+ run tonight, confirmation of the rules would be excellent :)

Pennsylvania, USAWorsel53 years ago

I bought the Steam version and have a physical PS4 version in route from Play Asia and I have to say that I am not happy at the moment.

Razor's Edge feels like it has at least 5f of input delay, I don't have a way to confirm but it's not right. Having played on the Wii U, PS3 and 360 versions including CEMU and RCPS3 I know what the game should feel like and this is off. If you play with the tutorials on and you can see the button presses vs screen reactions you can see it's off.

The biggest kicker for me though is that the Infinite Karma Glitch has been removed, something that was in all versions up until now. It's gone. I tested it myself for 10 minutes, my friend tested it on his PS4 for 20 minutes, and I fired up my PS3 and 360 to confirm that I can pull it off there no problem.

I don't know what to say at this time but buyer beware, I seriously doubt they are going to put it back in with how barebones and low effort these ports are in general.

스레드: Tetris 2 (NES)
Pennsylvania, USAWorsel53 years ago

Hello, I am not a speedrunner of this game at all but having tried it myself a month or two back I figured I would peek into what a run would actually look like.

I was pretty shocked to see that the first place run for 80 Rounds was a full 42 minutes faster than second place. Then I started watching Cyber_Of_Memory's run and it's showing a lot of signs of being a TAS and not legitimate gameplay.

Everything from knowing what piece is going to show up three moves in advance to pulling off piece rotations combined with movements that would not be feasible. Not a single wasted movement is made nor a mistake or death, something is not adding up. I can't go into exactly how this is a TAS at this time but it warrants a lot more looking into.

It could be a segmented run edited together or a complete TAS from start to finish, if it was a movie playback there would be a header on the bottom or top of the screen showing upon the powering on of the ROM which the video does not show. Other submissions from other players show the game being "powered on" and navigating to the game selection of their choice. Add in the fact that the run was done on an emulator that is almost 14 year old instead of something more well known, current, and accepted for speedrunning like FCEUX, Nestopia, or Bizhawk raises another flag for me.

I may be paranoid, and like I said previously I am not a runner of this game nor will I be, but this run legit made me stop and raised concerns.

mikoshiba35, nymx, 그리고 DCG_Grinder 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Bayonetta 2
Pennsylvania, USAWorsel53 years ago

Cada vez más rápido!

Zeseba 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Bayonetta 2
Pennsylvania, USAWorsel53 years ago

Here is a loose translation of what Drayzher was proposing:

Category: Rodin Fight

Subcategories: Bayonetta, Jeanne, and Rosa would be individual subcategories since the times would be drastically different from each other. If someone is interested in having an "Any medal" and a "Pure Platinum medal" be incorporated as a category I don't think that would be a problem. I am sure some smart runner will find some way to take a hit to save a second here or there on the runs.

Equipment to be used: All weapons and bracelets are allowed. Glitches with Rakshasa and Alraune do not give you an advantage with speed so they would be allowed too. *NOTE: A glitch exists where you can freeze Rodin in place with Rakshasa.

Timing: Timer starts the moment the cinematic is over or when restarting the fight after a death, it stops when landing the final blow. The in-game timer shows the seconds but does not add to it if you go into the menu or pause the game.

Emulators would be banned since I don't know if there are any glitches or hacks. Video would be required for submission.

I am sure that if you add this category runs will be made, and in my opinion the Rodin fight is the best part due to its complexity.

스레드: Bayonetta 2
Pennsylvania, USAWorsel53 years ago

@Drayzher Gracias! Traduciré a inglés pronto para todos los demás.

Okay, I understand now what he was trying to say and propose for the rules and I will translate for everyone who does not understand Spanish soon!

스레드: Bayonetta 2
Pennsylvania, USAWorsel53 years ago

Entiendo mejor el español que yo si eso ayuda.

Yo creo que....

스레드: Bayonetta 2
Pennsylvania, USAWorsel53 years ago

Drayzher, I am confused here. Are you actually trying to make this a category or just wanting to show off your accomplishment?

If you are trying to make this an actual category then you need to propose the rules to be put in place such as are on the leaderboards right now at this moment so it can be debated and help gauge interest in others doing such runs.

If you are just trying to show it off then please abstain on making threads about a new Miscellaneous category and simply just make a post about the video itself if you wish to do so.

Drayzher 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Bayonetta 2
Pennsylvania, USAWorsel53 years ago

If this was to one day be a category what would the rules be? What characters can be used? Any items or other restrictions?

스레드: Bayonetta 2
Pennsylvania, USAWorsel53 years ago

Wii U emulated runs are now able to be submitted for New Game and New Game +!

The rules are the same but I ask that the version of CEMU used be listed in the submission description. Currently CEMU versions 1.21.0 and higher are eligible for runs and if you have any questions please leave them here or in the discord linked on the main page.

I have also added a save editor for New Game + runs so you don't have to grind for hours to max out all your consumables, it's located in the "Resources" area on the main page.

스레드: Bayonetta 2
Pennsylvania, USAWorsel53 years ago

I have been playing the emulated version for a while, mostly so I know what variations to look for in submissions but also for fun so I would definitely be doing a run or two if it's in.

At the time of this post it's only been half a day since it went up but reaction on here so far seems to be positive.

스레드: Bayonetta 2
Pennsylvania, USAWorsel53 years ago

I am looking to get feedback on if the Wii U emulator, CEMU, should be allowed for speedruns. The game has been fully playable for over a year now and at the time of this posting version 1.21.3 has fixed some nasty visual glitches such as the brightness levels during the Gomorroah fight being corrected along with the courtyards in Noatun.

An occasional odd visual glitch was noted on my last full playthrough but only occurred in Chapter 9 and on an object that was not able to be interacted with in the very far distance (piece of floating background rubble would flicker from being seen to not seen). It's my estimate that this game is 99% accurate to the console for visuals.

Due to the loading times being slightly faster than the Switch version and having a more stable framerate it would of course have to be in its own separate category and would not be competing with the Switch or physical Wii U consoles.

The benefit of accepting emulated runs would be that people who do not have a capture card would be able to participate in the speedrunning of this game, also New Game + would no longer require hours of grinding to make a single file containing everything needed since a save state modification tool exists. The rules would also stay the same.

I would love to hear everyone's feedback on this question and any concerns you may have.

Kap 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Double Switch
Pennsylvania, USAWorsel55 years ago

Each version of the game has its strengths and weaknesses. Sega CD I would say is the hardest due to the 3 button layout while the Sega Saturn and 25th Anniversary Editions make it easier using 6 buttons for the traps, it let's you zip around a lot quicker and nab more bad guys.

However, as mentioned, each version has it's problems. Sega Saturn makes you do a disk change and the Phone trap is just about frame perfect to get it to work. 25th Anniversary Edition is buggy and prone to glitching, both with audio and visual:

The way I see it, every version of this game is valid for running, and even though the board shows the time first you can still filter it out per the system it was done on, this happened over on the Bayonetta 2 boards where there were Wii U runs and now Switch runs. HarleyWootton has the current WR for Sega CD and I on the Steam version, hold your head high.

스레드: Double Switch
Pennsylvania, USAWorsel55 years ago

Hello! I was surprised to see that someone had run one of my favorite FMV games and I am practicing for a run at the moment, but I have a question about the rules as they currently are.

Why not have the time stop when you truly lose control of the game at the end where Jeff pushes Eddie into the final trap and it's activated? Why wait until the scene plays out longer?

I saw your Sega CD run that you have posted (I have the Japanese Mega CD one myself), but I do own the US Sega Saturn and 25th Anniversary Collections. In the last two mentioned you don't have control after that last trap is sprung, is the Sega CD version different?

Pennsylvania, USAWorsel55 years ago

As it stands there is no real reason to remove any difficulty settings for this game as no one has submitted a run at this time. If one is submitted in the future then all the categories are open to do so and the mods would not have to reject the run due to a category not being set up, creating said category, then telling the submitter to submit the run again for verification/approval.

I ran into that issue over in Bayonetta 2 when I first started out.

Pennsylvania, USAWorsel55 years ago

I had routed it out and found a lot of problems with the game. First off, emulated runs would most likely not be allowed due to potentially unfair loading times over consoles and for RPCS3 currently you need a pretty decent computer just to run most games on it so it would not be practical. Also, the last time I checked out the game in emulation about two weeks ago, it was still not 100% perfect and contained some glitches still.

The loading in this game is horrendous, there is no way around it. Even with the game installed onto the drive in the options it still frequently loads in the middle of stages and usually at the worst possible time, like when trying to get over the trap door in the first level or just as Spider Ninja's attack.

There are also gameplay mechanic changes as well, such as Ryu not rolling out of danger which was faster but instead doing a handspring which is slower and does not let you attack as fast, leaving you in situations where you are forced to constantly block and not even be able to get a counter out.

There's more but that's the quick and easy of it. I had planned to give this one a go but with so many problems I abandoned that idea.

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