Washington, USAWesley5 years ago

Posting this retrospective dump after I just submitted my Famaze WR. back when I made this run, there was no leader board, so big thanks to Gonzi the legend for making the leader board.

Some of the random strats I used in the run, I realized that the items on the floor aren't completely random. The class starting item is going to be a vast majority of the items on the floor, so Knight gets lots of potions, the wizard gets lots of fireballs, and the rouge gets teleports. Because of this, the rouge can teleport to an item, its usually a teleport, which lets you teleport to the next teleport... in theory. you often get cornered doing this, but it lets you skip a lot of bulky enemy sections. another random strat i realized, because of the map i made ( http://i.imgur.com/Dbtzb7l.png ) you can often go through the snake pit, skeleton closet, rat hole, treasury or batty belfry in a pinch, they are small levels that are quick, so you dont have to look for the right exit all the time.

some random bugs in the game im aware of:

  • cant disarm chests, so when an item is next to a trap chest, you cant pick up the item unless you take the damage from the chest. frustrating.
  • upon 100%ing the game and picking up the final artifact hidden in the game, it will completely break. maybe CrashTheGame% could be a fun catagory?
  • when you die, the game repopulates the level with enemies, but what i think is going on is it doesn't get rid of any enemies still in the level, and the result is the level gets way over populated with enemies after a few deaths, resulting in a reset.

there are problably more things im forgetting about, i actually havent played in several years.

my submitted run is 8:27, but I had a streamed but not recorded 8:00 run. I will come back and get sub 8 if somebody beats my run, but this game is pure RNG so i doubt anyone will care enough.

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