United StatesTorpidSloth7 years ago

Thanks for the post kbeux but this already known.

United StatesTorpidSloth7 years ago

Splits are for you, they are used to tell how you are doing in your current run against your older runs and splits. Ive seen people run games without them at all if you dont want to bother. For Any% thats just beating the game as fast as possible, so as of right now all main quest will need to be done, that is until someone finds a skip for some.

United StatesTorpidSloth7 years ago

If people do 100% runs of GTA then you can for this game too. Not saying I would want too, but it can and will probably be done. Saying it would take too long and comparing it to your casually play through is irrelevant as well. Once you get rid of all the Idk what I'm doing and all the where is this thing moments, along with the all dialog and cut scenes. There has also probably been several times where you wasted time going back to an areas because you forgot something. Once optimized that the game will be far far shorter even for 100% runs.

United StatesTorpidSloth7 years ago

Really excited to see this game on here now, just finished my first casual play through last night. I didnt seem to get and major bugs while playing. Has anyone found anything that might be helpful for runs?

스레드: Stardew Valley
United StatesTorpidSloth8 years ago

I like the misc/hidden categories idea, this allows for more run unique options without really over crowding the boards. I might play with some different layouts today, so if you see things changing around bare with me, I will mostly be testing things to see how things work.

스레드: Stardew Valley
United StatesTorpidSloth8 years ago

Your only other option for the fried egg would be at the cart lady, but that of coarse is very reliant on rng, so i would agree with CCNeverender that if you haven't manged to get it by winter then you should do the house upgrade.

I keep telling myself Im going to try this run one weekend but it so daunting I haven't committed to it yet. Please someone else do it so we have a base time to go off of. Its going to be a long run but I think once routed it wont be as bad as everyone thinks its going to be.

스레드: Stardew Valley
United StatesTorpidSloth8 years ago

The day after picking up copper for the first time. You can buy it throw it on the ground and pick it back up to trigger it.

Rookus 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Stardew Valley
United StatesTorpidSloth8 years ago

As I said in the beginning when I first started running this game, my initial categories were just kinda off the top of my head and I'm sure there's better ideas, they were never meant to be the default runs for this game just kinda happened. But iIf you think a run would be worth doing I say give it a couple test runs, and link us the video on here or discord, and we will be glad to add runs that are more fun and other would rather do.

The main problem with adding more runs is it kinda over saturates the market so to speak and can be a bit overwhelming at first. I think we need to change them up a bit but Im not exactly sure how yet.

스레드: Stardew Valley
United StatesTorpidSloth8 years ago

Ok so what do you guys think the default run should be? Basically when people come and check out this game as a speed run game, what category do you think is most representative of the game as far as running it?

When I first did 50k it was just a random thought and wasn't intended to be the default, and I have seen many others say they think its a dumb category, so thoughts?

스레드: Stardew Valley
United StatesTorpidSloth8 years ago

I think 50k was a great initially fun run, but now that it has been pretty optimized its loosing the appeal. At first it was fun to figure out which crop to farm, how much and how to go about doing it, but now we are in an area where only really good rng will get you times you want. And I agree that all other runs seem a little daunting in there length. Personally I don't have the time to put in to route them and run them often, so Im waiting till some routes get found and I will modify the ones I like.

I don't want to tell you not to play, but if you aren't finding any enjoyment in running it, I wouldn't continue to do it. You will just end up hating speed runs for this game if not hating the game itself.

스레드: Stardew Valley
United StatesTorpidSloth8 years ago

It looks like the marriages might get a little tweaking so might want to keep that in mind if doing runs. Major changes may shorten or lengthen runs.

"Working on full unique post-marriage dialogue for all the marriage candidates! Step 1 for improving marriage in Stardew Valley" https://twitter.com/ConcernedApe/status/709162468560375808

Also I found this, should help some http://i.imgur.com/7sImfLb.jpg

스레드: Stardew Valley
United StatesTorpidSloth8 years ago

So originally I said to end time once you show 50k but many took that as the achievement, which actually to makes more sense. So just so everyone knows time for 50k ends on the 50k achievement, you can use the sound as a cue. But if you end over night you don't see it so you should still show the 50k after n the video just for verification.

I have already adjusted times for submitted runs.

스레드: Stardew Valley
United StatesTorpidSloth8 years ago

Right now I would say Im leaning towards 40 and 120, I think 40 will be a solid quick run for people to do, and I agree about the quest thing. Also it is the first major change you encounter, other then the dark caves. 120 also just feels better knowing how the mines work now, originally I was thinkning the nice round numbers of 50 100 made sense but once you know the mine kinda goes in sets, thw 40 120 makes more sense I think. But as always I'll let other post there thoughts and try to decide it as a community.

스레드: Stardew Valley
United StatesTorpidSloth8 years ago

@ph1l you make a very good point, and exactly why I wanted to see some discussion on this. I may have to redo the polls. If anyone else also agrees with this just post a comment and I will have to change it all up. The game is still new I just want to set up categories that make the most sense to everyone.

스레드: Stardew Valley
United StatesTorpidSloth8 years ago

@mrploszaj - If you want to run grandpa% (or is that any% at that point?) you are more then welcome, long runs seem very daunting to me but to each there own.

@ph1l - Awesome suggestions, right now Im kinda leaving it open for people to submit the runs they want to do. After making the level 50 min category I got a lot of feedback it should be done differently so, I want to community to decide how the runs should work. If you have one you want to do specifically just give it a run and submit it, unless its something really dumb or very similar to another category I will probably accept it, because I agree there's so many run options.

@SpaceGoat while I agree about the longer runs some people enjoy running multiple hours instead of just 30-50 minutes. But I will probably make one of the better longer runners a mod so they can verify the longer records, because that is something I'm not looking forward too, plus there should be more then just one mod for this game.

On a separate discussion I was thinking about a interesting way to set up runs. Speedruns.com has full game categories and level categories for leaderboards, so I was thinking of setting up an all bundle category for full game then splitting each bundle into its one level category. This would open up a lot of run options for different bundles as well as adding in a longer run for people.

스레드: Stardew Valley
United StatesTorpidSloth8 years ago

@testicles12 So I dont know why but the video works for me now, you're good to go.

@mrplozaj That seems like it would be a very long run.

Pear 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Stardew Valley
United StatesTorpidSloth8 years ago

@testicles12 I saw your recent submission but the video doesn't work for me I get this http://puu.sh/nD9EH/8e909ef905.png

Maybe re-upload it with different background music or no sound.

Also to both testicles12 and Rincewood and anyone else that cares, I have made a new forum post about that discussion, along with polls so everyone can vote on what they would like to see.

스레드: Stardew Valley
United StatesTorpidSloth8 years ago

Ok so originally I thought 50 was just a nice round number to shoot for, but it has come to my attention that other would rather run it to 40. So basically I just want to do what the majority of people want to do, so I'm going to make a poll and let it run for a week or so. Then I will make set the category according to the outcome of that poll.

For now since people have start running to 50 I will accept those runs, and if its decided to do 40 instead I will go through and find what the submitted runs are to 40 and add them accordingly.

I also wanted to do a further run like 100, but I have been requested to do 90 instead for that as well, so same thing will go for this, I will make a poll and let it be decided from that.

Please if you can state the reasons why you think the category should be 40 or 50, this will help the overall discussion I think, because it may be obvious why to you but not others.

Short mine run Poll - http://www.strawpoll.me/7054984 Long mine run Poll - http://www.strawpoll.me/7055433

스레드: Stardew Valley
United StatesTorpidSloth8 years ago

Wow, I super happy other people are this interested, I thought at first when I submitted the request for this game I would be the only run for a long time.

@Rincewood Awesome, I was going to try a straight farming running on my next attempt, I was thinking it would be much much faster, and you proved me right. Just added your run, good first submission for sure.

@CCNeverender Basically if you do a run and submit it there's a 99% chance Ill add a category for it for now as long as its a new category not like 60K earnings or something too similar to others.

@testicles12 May I ask why 40 would be batter? Just seemed like 50 was a nice round number, along with 100. It was also suggested I do 90 instead of 100 as well. If you want to make a post and we could have further discussions about it. It was just an idea off the top of my head when I was doing my first bad run.

Pear 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Stardew Valley
United StatesTorpidSloth8 years ago

So I did the 50k Earnings the other day to test it out, and it seemed fun, and lots of potential for optimizing for sure. I also added a Level 50 mines run, which I haven't tried but I think would probably be a better run for speed running. And I know this game was kind of meant to be a slow paced relaxing style game, but to me that's part of what makes it fun to try and run fast, because you're not really supposed to.

So my thought is maybe another much higher earnings run, or maybe a level 100 mine run as well if people actually try and run this game. Another category could be getting married, but I still haven't even done that for my main game, so Im not sure how it works exactly or how fast it can be done. That's all the runs I thought would work but if you think you know of a better idea, please feel free to suggest it.

Pear 그리고 Rincewood 이것을 좋아함
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