Washington, USAScumbagLemon8 years ago

So I was wondering. Is there a way to make it so your timer pauses automatically when you are at a loading screen. I see in MrWalrus's Run here: that it does indeed pause at loading screens. Is he doing this manually or is this an automatic system? Because he says it is automatic in his Skyrim run for the skyrim loading screens. Can anyone or MrWalrus answer this question? And also, how is it done?

Washington, USAScumbagLemon8 years ago

Hey everyone. I'm new to speed running and am hoping to try to speed run a variety of games in the future. I am currently working on Dishonored. My current PB is 44:20 (Without subtracting loading screen times) and my next goal is to get under 40 minutes. I also noticed there are splitting programs that are apparently automatic? Can anyone tell me how that works and what program does this? That sounds pretty cool.

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