SamexX5 years ago

Can someone explain me why doesnt work, i dont know if i need a code genie

SamexX5 years ago

Ty, other question, the game requires something to take the cloud, cause' i always had taken the orb but the cloud never, and the most time the game crashes or rarely it seems that works but none item appears in the slot

SamexX5 years ago

Im new in speedruns and im using sne9x, but i dont understand this: "More specifically, no letting the instruction pointer hit anywhere but ROM, open bus, and the intended RAM area ($7F8000-$7F8182), and no modifying the intended RAM area"

i dont know how to do it, someone can explain me (i use snes9x v1.54)

스레드: Ninja Gaiden
SamexX5 years ago

Hi, recently start to play ninja gaiden and i see differences between playing in emulator and NES, so i want to know if there's any good emulator (i use Mesen) or the ingame in NES always will be diferent

PD: Ex. The climb sometimes doesnt work

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5 years ago