스레드: Headhunter
WalesSEGApolis4 years ago

Just making a thread to post any updates, new stuff etc. for people to see

Also if you need to contact me about anything, questions about the videos / guides, or find anything new and want us to test it out you can do it here

Video Corrections

During the recording of the videos I mixed up some of the files and used Glitchless run footage instead of Glitched run footage which makes some of the information incorrect (I'll post the corrections here as I find them)

  1. Shotgun ammo shortage. You need to pick up the ammo in the Mall (near the security office) in both Glitchless and Any% otherwise you will run out of ammo during Any%

  2. Neurostunner. You never get any ammo for this after using it on the 3 enemies in the Mall / Sewer section during an Any% run so you'll need to use something else in the area after the Lasers in the labs

스레드: Headhunter
WalesSEGApolis5 years ago

Making a quick list of random skips and glitches attempted in trying to get a Mall Skip going and the results

[FAIL]** Going OoB using the ladder** - The sewer path to the bank is not loaded so you just fall out of map to your death and nothing else found in the sewer area yet

[PARTIAL SUCCESS] Using the Memory Glitch to move the crates ahead of time - Moving the crate / trolley works but would save seconds at most as the crate that is blocking the ladder in the sewers is still blocking it even though it has moved when you go to move it

[????] Mysterious Invisible Box - Discovered by Nord during a stream, can only push it in 1 direction and then is unusable after that, I had hopes moving it would unlock the ladder early and avoid the Garage but no such luck, nothing discovered from this yet

[????] Use Memory Glitch to 'load' in the destroyed version of the sewer early - Nothing yet but there is an oddity here, if you die in the destroyed sewers and exit the game to reload, the game will freeze up and crash at the SEGA logo, this does not happen either before or after those destroyed sewers

I'll update as I mess around some more

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