BelgiumPodrob4 months ago

Question is in the title.

Should we start adding some of the "best" fanmade tracks to our tracks list ?

By the past Qball was adding anything new that was released. Some old competitive ghosts exists from tracks like Slimepit, Forest, Escape, Antipod, etc...

Thoughts ?

BelgiumPodrob7 months ago

Hey that was a nice run ! wp !

BelgiumPodrob1 year ago

Records Can bé moved from a category to another. No removal but just a Moving in case of cat-modification.

BelgiumPodrob1 year ago

Of course we can it's just a rules set, and admin decision to validate runs for this or that category...

BelgiumPodrob1 year ago

What do you think about a category where all cars but clearly "OP's" (Shark, Fuego, Arakn, Stinger, maybe Stealth, Deuch) would be ?

It would be like a G15 plus the non OP download able ones.

This would allow O8, G7 and more to compete in a fair (extra cars yet to be tested if course) category, while leaving the top cars away.

BelgiumPodrob1 year ago

G16 Pompeii will definitely tell us how imbalanced Arakn rly is.

What do you think about several car catégories ? For example :

  • Anycars

  • Underdogs

  • Bikes

  • ... ?

I could remove O8 from the "Drive style" sub category, and create a "Car pool" sub category in wich we would store these new groups...

Thoughts and proposals welcome as usual !! ,;)

BelgiumPodrob1 year ago

I agree with your statement.

All we have to do is run some testing on those cars on different types of tracks. I will definitely give it a go tomorow.

From last week test on Nuke, G8 seemed pretty balanced. But for one very weak (HLRazor), and one quite fast but hard top control (Arakn).

Maybe O8 into G16 will bé a good thing

BelgiumPodrob1 year ago

With the growing interest for the O8 category, and this thing is fun for sure, we've been talking about a G16 or G8 category. Meaning a category including either O8 + G8 cars, or with G8 cars only.

O8 standing for "Pod original 8 cars"

G8 standing for "Pod Gold 8 cars"

The point is clearly to give some new life to those cars, encouraging players to play a wider variety of cars. After all Shark, Fuego, Stinger, Deuch and Arakn are about all you'll ever drive if you're aiming for "Any Method" WR's.

Thoughts ?

BelgiumPodrob1 year ago

So, thinking about adding OEM tracks to the individual levels list. Any thoughts, objections ?

The tracks are real beauties, and part from Pod's history. They propose an extra challenge compared to the retail tracks. They're all included in the Platinum version we're all using now.

As a reminder, all infos on Pod installation on modern systems here in the "Guide" section of the page : https://www.speedrun.com/pod_planet_of_death/guides/2cei2

BelgiumPodrob1 year ago

Hi Valis,

No need for glitchless category on Bank since there's no known exploit/Glitch. I set you back to any method. ;)

When posting a Ghost make sure to add a link to Ghost files, and also a direct link toward Ghost viewer screenshot. So the screenshot IS displayed.

BelgiumPodrob1 year ago

Wp ! This allow Ghost posting in the glitchless category I Guess... ;)

BelgiumPodrob1 year ago

Hi Mach4,

Good post ! :)

I noticed that Google Drive hosted pictures don't show as image in description.

If you use any free image hosting and include the direct link instead it will show.

It's still valid ofc,.but having the screenshot showing is a nice feature. ;)

Mach4 이것을 좋아함
BelgiumPodrob1 year ago

Hi Chieppe,

Whenever you post Ghosts, could you please include in description :

  • car and settings

  • direct link toward files (seq and ght)

  • direct link to ghostviewer screenshot

Ghost mode is the only mode where video validation isn't required. But de need those other items to validate runs.

Thanks ! ;)

스레드: Speedrunning
BelgiumPodrob1 year ago

I'm upping this to add POD : planet of death to the list.

Dystopic Sci-fi universe/design, great physics, Amazing level design and.... retro !


You Can Do full game (championships) runs, or individual level runs.

Either 1 lap, 3 laps or Ghost mode.

Lots of vidéos and Ghosts on the page. Don't expect some casual timeattack though. POD is very demanding in term of skills and knowledge of the game...

King categories are individual levels, 1 lap and Ghost mode.

BelgiumPodrob1 year ago

Hi !

Like Midiman just said, after your first message, I've added a guide article on this page linking to Pod's discord server.

It seems to me this answer to the very problem you're talking about.

Join the discord and you will see I'm am not the only one playing with this version.

I'm sorry you got discouraged in the process, but forgive me to tell you I have the feeling you haven't been trying very hard.

Thx for what you've done as admin on this page though 👍

BelgiumPodrob1 year ago

Well done once again, good job finding this one. This is awesome !

I might give it a try someday though 😁

BelgiumPodrob1 year ago

Took me a while to find consistency for that U-turn near the pits.

BelgiumPodrob1 year ago

This is Amazing. Deuch fly + neutral trick ! Love it gg m8 ;)

BelgiumPodrob1 year ago

Hi there,

As said previously I'm planning to add the OEM tracks to the IL list.

Pros :

  • Those tracks are official.
  • Those tracks are available in Pod Plat.
  • They're looking so much better than the other ones !
  • They're also more technical and offer quite a different gameplay experience AND a higher challenge.
  • More content to compete on = more playing, more fun ! :)

Cons :

  • ? open to discussion.
BelgiumPodrob1 year ago

Nice discovery ! You're the Deuch explorer ;)

I moved the other runs in the Glitchless category . I'll try to challenge you here but that fly looks soooo difficult !

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