Lul_ecks_dee3 years ago


Lul_ecks_dee3 years ago

So I was just talking with honey_beef, and he had a super big brain idea In 8-3, there is the HappyLee setup. The hard part about this setup is releasing right for 1-3 frames. However, when you play on an emulator such as Nestopia and you use a keyboard, it is very easy to press Left and Right at the same time, so this setting is disabled, and instead what happens is you press nothing. So, the honey_beef big brain idea was, what if, instead of releasing right for 2 frames, you just press left for 2 frames? (so you're holding Left and Right on keyboard for 2 frames, which is effectively nothing since L+R is disabled)

Is this allowed?

drt6yiyiy7i7t7tur6r6y6r6y6r66r667888frgrugriuyrggrugdugiugrikghiugsrukhjfsdghiudfsghujklrl;dhisugkoraeoyirguyraekgoy78aekguyreijgroaeijgukiiuijhiuguigrhugiugsrhugshugsriuhgrshulgshilugshilusghiulgrshiugshiugrshiugshiugdrshiu also hugs also 4:55 is a good time

mruns, x3non 그리고 3 기타 이것을 좋아함
Lul_ecks_dee4 years ago

Ok so Recently Niftski got 55:52 super fast because NIFTSKI IS A THICC BOI Then today I got 55:48 because HOLY P NIFTSKI IS A GENIUS WITH THAT 8-1 STRAT. At first, I was confused how I could be 4 seconds faster, as my worst run was a 5:21, while his worst run was a 5:15. That's a big deal when the median/average run is a sub 5. So I did the math, and when I counted up all of Niftski's times which do not include the time from when he hit the axe in 8-4 up until he entered the level of 1-1, he executed a 55:16.655.

When I counted up my own times, I found that I got a 55:16.366, a whopping 0.29 seconds faster than Niftski in execution. So where did the other 3.7 seconds come from?

From me consistently resetting faster than Niftski

As this category is approaching high levels, where saving just seconds in this 55 minute speedrun matters, getting 1 more sub 5 than before could make or break a potential WR, how good you are at resetting will make a huge difference It took Niftski on average 3.6 seconds to get from hitting the axe in 8-4 to the beginning of 1-1, while it took me an average of 3.22 seconds (uh idk how it's 3.22 seconds, seems strangely fast to me but idk what I could have done wrong in math) This difference is basically 1 framerule, and the math really shows how consistently saving 1 framerule is going to make a large difference over the course of the run.

I've only talked about 2 people who play on emulator GTAce99 is 3rd place at the current time of 6:26 pm PST April 28th 2020, and from his description, he has a run time and a real time Subtract the real time from the run time, divide that number by 10, and he's spending about 3.75 seconds per run in between hitting the 8-4 axe and entering 1-1, which is even slower than Niftski, and a whopping 0.5 seconds slower than my resets

I think it would be fair to take out the time in between hitting the 8-4 axe and when the reset button is pressed (if you lose a framerule because you pressed start late on title screen then that's an execution error thicc boi). yes YES NIFTSKI

iBall1, Niftski 그리고 2 기타 이것을 좋아함
Lul_ecks_dee4 years ago

uh So this is an alternative 1-20 blazit setup, that makes life easier Compared to 1-2g, you only have to get the 1st pipe jump, then you walk off the 2nd one, hold sprint again midair. So you get rid of 1 frame perfect jump with this setup Then you just do 1-2 blazit no 1 frame jumps but it's 2 framerules slower than 1-2g Miniland333 is using this setup, and most likely will be the next WR holder in any% all stars with it yes thicc boi

Lul_ecks_dee4 years ago

ok so basically e is a number

I was thinking 2 things, I'm boutta buy this producc, and if I buy it through an affiliate link, the affiliate makes money. The affiliate will be the winner of this competition. I was also thinking, hey, I want the WRs to be better, so what better way to do that than to host a competition for people to clash and bring times down to low levels? I made a google docs, with the rules, and accepted games you can play to get WRs in. Competition starts on January 11th Competition ends on January 25th https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZSMhyMeB448vsjfFhRgfQ_iIErilKabPjWOleH6tQLU/edit?usp=sharing

These are the current competitors. Either say in this forum or message me if you want to join https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hpfxpC5hMNOqtaDYV7qszssQbmaZzCpMBzVXLosDqHQ/edit?usp=sharing

Otterstone_Gamer, youtubeman06 그리고 5 기타 이것을 좋아함
Lul_ecks_dee4 years ago

What is your 2020 speedrunning goals?

landus, BlackFriend, 그리고 KilleDragon 이것을 좋아함
Lul_ecks_dee4 years ago

Ok so I recently got maybe a kinda thicc 6:52 in Anti-Pacifist I think I killed all the enemies, but one I'm not quite sure about So right here, I try to kill the despawning plant, and what happens is I shoot, the fireball is absorbed by the plant, I saw the 200 appear, but I did not collect the 200 points I'm not sure if that still counts as a kill or not So then, my question is for the mods, what counts as a kill?

Tomygood 그리고 KilleDragon 이것을 좋아함
Lul_ecks_dee4 years ago

ok so, prepare your brains I was recently in repusoiram's stream, and he was going thicco mode in any% no coins (he's very dedicated look at how many attempts he has, watch out youtubeman06 he gon get yo WR) and at one point I was like "hmm is sub 5 possible?" So here's the math Current WR is 5:06.99 The main thing you have to add, is 8-1 walljump. 8-1 walljump can save a whopping 14 framerules over WR (this is an estimate, as when you finish the level with walljump you end with a high 198, while youtubeman06 ends 8-1 with a high 185 but not the top, so 14) 14 framerules is 4.9 seconds, so 5:06.99-4.9 seconds = 5:02.09 holy marcus Ok, now how do we take off another 2.1 seconds (6 framerules)?

Lets start in 8-4 In 8-4, youtubeman06 does the 2 frame setup, so if we do the 1 frame setup instead (backward or forward or whatever, look there are more frames to save in 8-4 so you can just do forward) you can save 1 framerule. That's the end of the "easy" time save. We have 5 more framerules to save.

This is where you go like "ughh I don't like this time save it hard" ok so If you do BBG in 8-2 that can save 2 framerules, bringing us to good ol 5:01.04 Add 4-1 FPG and that saves 1 framerule, and that leaves us with 2 more framerules to save, and a time of 5:00.69 Add 420 bla-- wait u can't Add 2 bum-- no don't Add 8-3 FPG, and that leaves us with 1 more framerule to save, and a time of 5:00.34

At this point, you might be wondering, "why hasn't he mentioned 1-1 FPG yet?" well little child, that is because there is no 1-1 FPG setup that we know of, that can save time, and is RTA viable, or that we would be willing to do. But wait, there's still 1-2g. Also there's another framerule you can save in 8-1. So either you can do some weird 1-1 FPG setup to save the final framerule, decide to do some harder 8-1 walljump setup to save a framerule, or succ it up, do something kinda familiar (maybe) and whip out your 1 frame jump skills and decide to do 1-2g, leaving you with a most beautiful time of 4:59.99!

So that's how to beat any% in under 5 minutes without collecting any coins. Now to summarize what you might add 1-2g 4-1 FPG 8-1 walljump 8-2 BBG 8-3 FPG 1 frame setup in 8-4 inmahujihu

youtubeman06, repuSoiraM 그리고 4 기타 이것을 좋아함
Lul_ecks_dee4 years ago

ok so There are 888 runs on the leaderboard right now (so basically 888 unique people who have beaten smb1 and posted it on src) And then there are 90,000+ people who have watched Kosmic's tutorial on how to sub 5 There are also 3.2 million people who have watched Kosmic's 455 and many more ok so What's up with that? Why are there so many people just watching and such a low conversion rate to people actually playing and making their first run? inmahujihu

iBall1, KilleDragon 그리고 2 기타 이것을 좋아함
Lul_ecks_dee4 years ago

On my previous post about 4:54, I asked if it was possible, and approximately half of the people said it was, the other half said it wasn't, then we started talking about 8-2, which we found out that saving a framerule in 8-2 is actually easier than 4-2, so that's cool

Now, I'm curious, if someone put a bounty for the first person to 4:54, what would that bounty have to be for you personally (yes, you, the reader) to be willing to grind for this 4:54 and be the first to get it?

raymondamantius 그리고 FrameImperfect 이것을 좋아함
Lul_ecks_dee4 years ago

FPG is kinda hard, but 1-2 FPG seems even harder due to different inputs But is it really that hard if ya boi gunlap28 can do it 1st try hardly ever practicing it? I've also myself done this many times, and this should be a viable strat to add into Warpless runs today for those willing. (i'm not telling the top players to add it, please don't, so I can and get WR Keepo )

Note: 4-2 FPG is the exact same inputs as 1-2 FPG

Novawolf, Marikh, 그리고 raymondamantius 이것을 좋아함
Lul_ecks_dee4 years ago

No you don't get the information for free anymore

Thelxinoe, TheRealShadnic 그리고 7 기타 이것을 좋아함
Lul_ecks_dee4 years ago

This is probably one of the hardest framerules to save, due to the amount of frame perfect pixel perfect jumps that have drastically increased, due to the demand of having to play the whole level almost the entire way without slowing down I have 1 slight slowdown in this level at the big pipe jump, because it make the rest of the level easier. The first 2 pipe jumps are not too precise, you have 2 frames to execute them if you land on the 1st pixel The next 2 pipe jumps are pixel perfect frame perfect, like a walljump. You must land perfectly and jump off them perfectly. Then you do the simple frame perfect jump Then you can slowdown a little bit at the big pipe jump, but when you get to the part where you are at the goombas you shouldn't slow down as it is risky you might lose the framerule Then you do the final pipe jump, which you will have 2 frames to do (2 frames because of the slowdown manipulation).

Ok, that's the 2nd part of saving a framerule in 8-1 (there's more) You need to be fast enough in 4-2 as well, as the 4-2 and 8-1 framerule are connected, so it is very important you go fast enough in 4-2 as well.

And there you go, 1 framerule saved look fax ok seriously someone save 5 framerules with 1-2g and get low 4:58 WR

Lul_ecks_dee4 years ago

I would like to hear everyone's opinion on this matter The more details the better

raymondamantius 그리고 Mars02 이것을 좋아함
Lul_ecks_dee5 years ago

Back then, it wasn't even considered possible until AndrewG found glitches that save massive amounts of time. He then became the first person to achieve a time under 5 minutes in any% Now, 9 years later, a full 100 different people have their sub 5 runs verified on this leaderboard! This is the 100th sub 5 run btw https://www.speedrun.com/smb1/run/y81q321z

mammaru339, Tomygood 그리고 7 기타 이것을 좋아함
Lul_ecks_dee5 years ago

see what I did there? That was a beautiful joke

For the longest time, the PAL and NTSC version have been submitted upon the same leaderboard. People have previously asked for it to be a separate category from NTSC, as it is quite different and much much slower as of right now (NTSC WR at 4:55, and PAL WR at 5:10, though it's not as optimized)

I know most of you mods are aware that with the TAS of the NTSC version and the PAL version, it is quite perfect, and the PAL version is a whopping 3 seconds faster than NTSC. Maybe the TAS can pull off the insane many 5 full FPGs in a row, but can humans?

As of today I do not know of a single Super Mario Bros. 1 speedrunner who believes full FPG is even possible to pull off in the PAL version as a human, but lets take a moment and say it is indeed possible, and you can get consistent enough at it. Lets say someone manages to beat the NTSC WR on the PAL version, with a whopping 4:53. An unbeatable time using the NTSC version, basically killing that version. If that is something that can happen, will the PAL version be separated from the NTSC version?

TLDR: If someone beats the NTSC WR on the PAL version, will the two versions be separated?

Th3Re4l, Sophia_Coin, 그리고 Omar 이것을 좋아함
Lul_ecks_dee5 years ago

Hi, I'm a main speedrunner of Super Mario Bros., and don't really speedrun this game, or play this game very much. I did used to play this game as much as I could back years ago when I was a young boi. In this thread my hope is to get some answers and to spark some discussion around what I have noticed as an outsider.

The Set Seed Glichless (peaceful) WR currently as of today lies at a 3:57, and the Set Seed Glitchless WR as of today is currently 5:50. This demonstrates that playing on peaceful the fastest time is almost 2 minutes faster than with difficulty. What I don't understand is why we use the other (though newer) slower seed for difficulty instead of the faster (on peaceful) seed for the Set Seed Glitchless category. (out of curiosity, I'm hoping this isn't some brand new insane strategy that people will start using. I hope people will answer explaining why it won't work, and I can understand better).

Lul_ecks_dee5 years ago

c, I thought what WR was doing and what I was doing was perfecc. Apparently you can save a framerule here PogChamp And also if you get baccward bowser

eddiecatgaming 그리고 zsjetu9 이것을 좋아함
Lul_ecks_dee5 years ago

I was playing around in 1-4 with practice with fast strats since I was not doing so good, and then I wanted to go for perfect 1-4. This is 1 framerule faster than Kosmic's 18:59 demonstration, and 2 framerules faster than his WR I believe sicc framerule. Will be interesting to see people go for it someday.

eddiecatgaming, Darpey 그리고 3 기타 이것을 좋아함
Lul_ecks_dee5 years ago

Alright, I've created this excel spreadsheet that goes all the way from "perfect" play (4:58 pace) to 5:10 pace (assuming you play 8-4 in 49 seconds Keepo ) entering 8-3 for anyone going for those times so that 8-3 is no longer a variable https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/176vBl4CfYWgvLOwR5-X9wh1PP3WpMsjRc8VMNl3PQ0E/edit?usp=sharing If anyone has anything to say about how it could be better understood or just better in general please do not hesitate to let me know in this forum or whisper me on Twitch

raymondamantius, LeKukie 그리고 7 기타 이것을 좋아함
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