Lubaf3 years ago


Even if the runner doesn't abuse the obvious potential for splicing, somebody else will, if this setup is allowed.

The way the video in question is displayed, the coin counter is covered up. This would be one of the discrepancies in a spliced run.

It leaves too much room for splicing, full stop.

Monkeytron 이것을 좋아함
Lubaf3 years ago

Zennan: Your points are both worthless canards.

First: You misunderstand the point of splicing. The point is to mix and match fast segments so that you get a "perfect" run, not so that you can get extra items.

Second: I'm not interested in whether or not this particular run was spliced, just that this screen setup leaves a lot of room open for splicing, which is not a good look. The run should have been rejected on the basis of that potential alone, unless there's something I'm missing besides "but he's a good guy!", because plenty of "good guys" have gotten tired of the grind and spliced up a fake run in the past.

I'll accept "there's an alternate video of the run that doesn't include the timer", which is a valid counterargument, or maybe "there's something about this game that you're not aware of that would indicate a splice".

Lubaf3 years ago

Looking at https://www.speedrun.com/sm3dw_bf/run/y42jw8qm , my Splicing Senses went wild. The setup of the timer concealing the coins and powerups makes me deeply concerned.

Was there a raw feed I don't know about? Or something else? Because, as far as I'm concerned, a run that could easily be spliced is deeply concerning.

To be clear: I'm not directly accusing the runner, I'm saying that concealing that much of the screen should be grounds for rejection on its own after the whole Celeste situation spelled out here:

Is there something I'm missing here?

Lubaf6 years ago

I'm legitimately curious: Would there be any interest in a category that is "100% but for the Gravedigger Heart Piece", or "100% but for 1 Heart Container"?

Thanks Luc "Dumb Questions" French

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