Ontario, CanadaKitoko4 years ago

I have yet to capture card my N64, but here's my current progress on Ultra: https://i.imgur.com/WbOs30p.jpg I got the 0:49 several years ago and I'm still trying to beat it to this day...

Ontario, CanadaKitoko5 years ago

So, I have a few questions regarding runs in this game. I want to get into this game's speedruning but I have a couple questions to ask that don't seem to be in the forum.

Lunar coins. Would lunar coins be allowed at all? Would the lunar shop even be allowed at all in any category? Is so, how many lunar coins are we allowed to use in a run, etc.

Next, in the rules it states that in order to post a run you have to include a bit of footage of a previous and future attempt. Does that apply to new submissions or improvements, and how does it help the verification process?

Lastly, versions. Are runs expected to play on the latest version always?

Voanhs 이것을 좋아함
Ontario, CanadaKitoko5 years ago

So, I noticed something when booting Puyo Puyo Tetris for the first time since I would close it to play another game, and go to the same menu when opening it again.

It seems that RNG in this game is seeded when you start a match (Much like older Puyo Games) and is also time-based.

https://puu.sh/Dh3Pn/1d652fef06.png https://puu.sh/Dh3TH/ceb846f9ba.png Before beginning, set the music to what you want, and set the background to random. To get this set-up, you have to spam through the menus and pick two characters, puyo and tetris.

It seems to not matter which character you pick.

If you have yourself set up to have preset music and preset background, you'll get this instead: https://puu.sh/Dh42G/928fbb7121.png

This seems to be what happens on PC. I don't know about Switch or PS4, I have yet to try this on Switch. Will edit later.

Ontario, CanadaKitoko5 years ago

So, I'm not sure if this applies to other versions of the game yet, as I only have this for PC.

I found out, that the RNG apparently counts from the boot-up of the game, and you can seed it by selecting the difficulty level. https://puu.sh/D9KHh/3041d57535.png https://puu.sh/D9KHM/fd07998f5e.png Here is the same exact starting puyo, both in Normal and Hard. You can set up an example by spamming the A input to get through the menus as quickly as possible. You should end up with the same colours, if not a recognizable set. It seems to advance this RNG once every half second before you pick a difficulty level (Though, this has not been tested thoroughly, and the internal values not yet checked) The only time it changes the puyo you get seems to be when selectign a difficulty, or advancing to the next stage, meaning you will always get the same series of puyo in the first stage if you apply correct timing.

With this, you can at least learn round one's puyo layouts, and with consistency, maybe even round two and beyond.

ArcaniaCQ 그리고 Tsukisuki 이것을 좋아함
Ontario, CanadaKitoko5 years ago

Has anyone come with the idea of setting up an autosplitter?

WolfetteChan 이것을 좋아함
Ontario, CanadaKitoko5 years ago

Differences between Any% and No Major Skips

Here is a simple cheatsheet for what is a Major Skip and what isn't.

  1. If a level is defined as free-roam by the developers, all bets are off and you can do whatever you want on that course, as they will not have any Major Skips. These free roam courses are:

Volcanic Valley https://puu.sh/CVn6g/dc0b340cbd.png

SNES Rainbow Road https://puu.sh/CVn5C/39f0574f78.png

  1. If the level has a pathway designed for the skip in mind, it's not a Major Skip, even if it does not show up on the minimap. Here are some good examples:

Northern District https://puu.sh/CVnbm/3c0c7fdff1.png

Misty Maze https://puu.sh/CVnbM/d93768fb37.png

Sunbeam Paradise https://puu.sh/CVn8A/64b1ddd826.png

  1. Checkpoint abuse in any shape or form is a Major Skip. No exceptions. Examples include the following:

Daytona Speedway, Hill Backtrack https://puu.sh/CVngG/9e925a1fa3.png

Vanilla Hotel, Catwalk Backtrack https://puu.sh/CVnhE/8c34bad69e.png

Regal Raceway, Tunnel Backtrack https://puu.sh/CVnjQ/7349bcd05f.png

  1. If a developer uses it in a time attack ghost in the time attack menu, it's fair game and not a Major Skip. Examples include:

Sand Hill, Spring Bounce https://puu.sh/CVnkJ/b7a708ab79.png

CK Chao Circuit 2, U-Turn Skip https://puu.sh/CVnlj/40a689c854.png

  1. Lawnmowing in any shape or form is not considered a Major Skip as long as it's gone through all of the above conditions. Grass, Dirt, Snow, or other off-road elements are still considered part of the track. Examples include:

Green Hills, U-Turn Cut https://puu.sh/CVnmD/1a90349afa.png

Barren Badlands, Look At All This Sand Cut https://puu.sh/CVnoq/aad5626ab3.png

SM Special Stage 3, The Legendary Lawnmower Debate U-Turn Cut https://puu.sh/CVnq9/10f9a2ccaf.png

  1. If the shortcut is considered a Major Skip on the website at https://kart.tinted.red/ then it is a Major Skip. You can ask the developers if a skip is unintended if all the above conditions are not met.

Comments, suggestions, questions, and disputes can be settled in this very thread.

xYSparkz 그리고 MystwalkerMX7 이것을 좋아함
Ontario, CanadaKitoko5 years ago

This is our roadmap when concerning versions and SRB2Kart.

We're going to do our best to keep around notable versions. A good example is v1.0.1, which is basically the version with a bunch of track skips.

The latest version will always be a category. However, if there are any major changes in how the single player campaign is played (For example, CPUs being added, tracks getting added/removed, stuff being patched, mechanics being changed) they will be given their own section. All versios behind the new notable version will be grouped with the old notable version. For example, if v1.0.4 included some netcode changes, v1.0.3 will be grouped with it. But if v1.1.0 comes out with CPU AI racers a little later, v1.0.3 will be given its own category, and v1.0.4 grouped with it.

The reason I opened the board with a v1.0.1 Major Skips run was to help show players all the skips I knew collectively from the skip report thread so that, in the case they do get patched out, or if anyone wanted to try it themselves, they could. I'm not the most fantastic player by far, it c an definitely be beaten (you're more than welcome to give it a try!)

xYSparkz 그리고 MystwalkerMX7 이것을 좋아함
Ontario, CanadaKitoko5 years ago

The IL leaderboards are located at https://kart.tinted.red/ and you can submit replays there. Though, in the event something goes horribly wrong, I'll act as a back-up.

Videos are required if you are submitting a run that is in the top 5 ranks. This rule may be subject to change, or may be extended further if enough submissions come in.

Please include a speedometer during your run!

Ontario, CanadaKitoko5 years ago

@coolperson This is mostly towards you. I have nothing against the run you've done (and it looks amazing, I'll give you that!) but since we mark down times to the decimals of the seconds, it's very important that you supply a results screen at the end of the run. I know you didn't intend for this to happen, and I know you didn't do it on purpose, but we use this for proofing runs.

You can amend this by sending me some replay files or adding the results screen by editing your run submissions. I'm Kitoko#7323 if you need to send replay files through Discord.

I'm going to let you go ahead and correct things if need be, and hopefully for anyone else who runs the game, please watch out.

Ontario, CanadaKitoko6 years ago

http://i.imgur.com/SDfpPdA.png 84 steps

I saw this guide here regarding solving this puzzle while looking for the achievements and I decided I wanted to take it a little bit further and draw my own path.

https://puu.sh/zYUQ9/0e60e2cb23.png 75 steps

AkagitsuneYuki 그리고 BaileyP2SR 이것을 좋아함
Ontario, CanadaKitoko6 years ago

I was considering adding an amendment to the rules to help with proofing, to be allpied from that point and forth.

Rule: Upload a replay file and link it in your comment. Replay proof is always required for the top three positions of a leaderboard.

How would anyone feel about this? Not only would it help with proofing but also give other players the ability to improve the level even further.

Alayan 이것을 좋아함
Ontario, CanadaKitoko6 years ago

The big question is, varied loading times. What do we do to deal with those?

Alayan 그리고 Rph 이것을 좋아함
Ontario, CanadaKitoko6 years ago

So, my mother discovered this seed earlier, which happens to have a woodland mansion and an ocean monument directly adjacent to the spawn point. I found this amazingly lucky.

Seed: 684904324306405549

I don't know if it works in the current version, but maybe it could be useful for some of you in the community. At least you can snatch up a Totem of Undying.

Ontario, CanadaKitoko6 years ago

I feel that ILs should either be (1) kept up to date with the current version of the game, or (2) disambiguated based on the game-version of the level itseld.

Alistair_Findlay 이것을 좋아함
Ontario, CanadaKitoko6 years ago

I would like to offer the idea that the Gran Pris on the Level Leaderboard be played via the Story Mode challenges since it doesn't accurately represent a Gran Prix at all and more or less represents a couple levels slapped together, or rather play the gran prix with default settings (Since SuperTux cannot be played in story)

Alistair_Findlay 이것을 좋아함
Ontario, CanadaKitoko6 years ago

Your best clear time can be recorded in the in-game menu since it saves it. Is it possible to use IGT or do you track only RTA

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