스레드: Famaze
GermanyGonzi3 years ago

Jokes aside, really happy that someone else picked this up! It's been a long time and I hope I stick to it more this time than 4 years ago. Nice Information posts, Wesley! good stuff. I also want to add:

I found an annoying bug when a trap is next to an exit. What happens when you spam spacebar is that the trap wont be disarmed (it wont disappear), causing you to constantly disarm the trap instead of using the exit! Only works with key in inventory, and on top of an exit with a trap next to it. Can only confirm it for the treasure-chest-trap though.

스레드: Speedrunning
GermanyGonzi7 years ago

I would recommend OBS. As Timmiluvs pointed out, its a streaming program but can record locally. It allows you to create a scene (just like streamers do) so you can record the game + timer + Overlay (if you want).

알 수 없음
GermanyGonzi8 years ago

So Im just gonna chime in very briefly.

First off: the event was amazing. Organisers and Volunteers did a really good job and Im glad I could watch a lot of runs even though I had to work that week.

The only thing that I disliked was the pre-written piece of paper with informations about Doctors without borders and the event itself. I suppose it was there to help the donation readers kill time and/or not to forget important information when talking about that stuff. But lets be honest: It would have been a lot smoother if it was coming from the heart. I know folks are nervous and want to keep the viewers (old and new) informed but I think it got annoying at a certain point (especially for people that watched on a regular basis/all week).

Im pretty certain that Doctors without Borders appreciates the event and the generousity of everyone donating, even without explaining their actions every 20 minutes (in between short runs).

Dont take it too seriously; just something I noticed. :)

스레드: The Site
GermanyGonzi8 years ago

Amazing how many people are willing to volunteer!

Pac, you said something about more languages coming later and I would gladly volunteer for a german version. Im a native german speaker and happen to be very good at english, too. Grammar is not a problem and I would really like to get some experience translating.

Good luck to everyone applying for the news section! :D

GermanyGonzi9 years ago

I think the main problem is that they took out side missions and replaced them with side activities. Those side activities are the worst possible thing to put in a speedrun as they are usually long and boring. But I think you are right, it would be closer to 100% than I thought. Oh well at least Im smarter now, thanks :D

GermanyGonzi9 years ago

oh ok didnt knew that this applies to GTA 3 and VC, too. So I guess this could be a thing then if someone really would want to run it. thanks for all the answers so far; Its good to see that people are dedicated to answering and discussing such things. I lack a lot of knowlege when it comes to things like scripts so I apologize if I make stupid statements :) I dont know if anyone would actually run it, but i guess its like jimBeam said: maybe someday when any% is optimized enough that it will be hard to beat.

GermanyGonzi9 years ago

Holy crap thats some nice information you put together, Gael! What I noticed is that the mission tracking or counting in GTA SA is pretty weird. As far as I see it counts everything that is started like a mission, even if it is not a mission in common sense. Stuff like Paramedic, Taxi, Freight-train, etc. is exactly what I thought not to be in this category. So I guess going after the game scripts would be a bad option, even though it would be awesome to see the triathlon in a speedrun. PogChamp

GermanyGonzi9 years ago

ok so basically it would be possible but there seems to be a lack of definition. I think I would agree with Jolzi here; doing everything that changes the name of the save file. Even if it is not "all missions" theoretically, it works as being a category between any% and 100%. If you would go after the missions counter you still have a lot of boring and long stuff in it which would be unappealing to most runners I think. i guess it would be a special definition like the GTA IV classic%. But its good to see that there is the possibility. I understand now why there hasn't been much (if any) discussion about this. It would be very hard to define such a category.

GermanyGonzi9 years ago

I guess that makes sense. Although I still think that all of zero's missions and the remaining Casino missions would add up to at least another hour. But i guess it's just not enough to make it worth the while since its not that much of a difference to any%. I guess I just wanted to see if there is the possibility of a category between the 6 hours of any% and the 15 hours of 100%. But most of the SA side missions are extremely bad for that (quarry, courier, valet, etc.). I should have thought about that earlier. But thanks for sharing your thoughts jim :D

GermanyGonzi9 years ago

Hey all,

this is my first post in a Forum related to speedrunning so "yay" I guess. Anyway, I was asking in Adams chat about anyone knowing why there is no all missions speedrun of San Andreas. It kind of would make sense to me because it should be way shorter than 100% and a lot of people complain about the abnormal length of 100%. The only person that answered me was Jolzi, stating that there is the category (theoretical) but nobody runs it. Now don't get me wrong, Im not a speedrunner myself, and since I dont own SA for pc (used to own it for PS2) I would not be able to run it anyway. Just thinking I throw the thought into the room (or this forum at least) and maybe some of you amazing SA runners post your thoughts about the category. If it is not possible, I would at least like to know what the main problems would be running this. i would have just asked this in twitch chat when josh or someone else is streaming, but I think since its a longer thought that i would write it down here.

Also, since I get the opportunity to say this, shoutouts to all GTA runners. You are doing an amazing job in not only beating those games the fastest way possible, but also in entertaining the masses :D

PS: sorry for the bad grammar, but Im way too lazy to correct it. I think it makes sense anyway :)

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