스레드: Civilization VI
St. Louis, MO, USAGlithen4 years ago

Hey guys, I'm new around here but I just thought I'd throw my two cents out there. I think the categories and rules need a little bit of polish and here are my suggestions:

  1. Game creation needs to be shown in the video. Nothing is verifiable or reproducable if you start recording at the loading screen. (For sure we need to see game settings, including seed.)

  2. I think that, as a rule, speedruns should not be over in less than a second (Any% / Score) without a keypress. Similarly, there is no skill involved in metagaming a specific seed for a five second victory. The current records for Domination and Culture actually use the same exact start, with the same exact actions, they just result in different victories because of how the game was set up (unrecorded). I believe that if you make a rule that disallows first turn wins, I believe this would be fixed.

  3. I'd like to see a new category that requires you to play against a Diety AI - let's call it Deity Dash. I'm thinking requirements such as random civs for you and one (or more?) deity AI, pangaea, ancient start, quick speed, domination victory only. Something that would actually showcase Civ 6 as it's meant to be played, but in a speedrun fashion.

Thanks in advance!

paddyulsterman, limabean06 그리고 3 기타 이것을 좋아함
스레드: RimWorld
St. Louis, MO, USAGlithen4 years ago

I’m not sure why it wasn’t visible. I used GeForce’s video capture, I think it might be a setting? In the future I’m going to see if I can increase video quality, maybe by streaming to Twitch instead of a local video capture.

And yeah, Discord was going ham, it was my WoW Classic guild channel.... I thought Invisible would mute the notifications but I guess only DND does. I immediately muted the channel after that game lol

스레드: RimWorld
St. Louis, MO, USAGlithen4 years ago

Hey guys, I've been watching GDQ for like four years now, and GDQX over the weekend got my really itching for some speedruns. I figured RimWorld was quite unconventional so I figured I'd see what you guys had going on over here. I'm submitting a run for 99 Bottles of Beer - Naked Brutality completed in 38:40.09 and while I'm waiting the eternity for it to upload, I figure I'd talk about my strat and what I could do to improve.

Run link here -----

I use seed "beer!!!" and try to find somewhere that's gonna go with the beer fermenting temp (45-90), has 100% foragability, and is in the mountains for easy defense. This is probably the fifth seed and maybe tenth start that I've attempted, and this was the third try I did this exact location. I randomized colonists looking for cooking (wort creation speed), plants (sowing speed, unbotched harvests), and intellectual (research speed). I eventually got an ugly cavepersone with 5/10/4 (19 total), I normally go for someone with 20 total but got impatient. (I also forgot to consider her construction, which needs to be 5 for coolers.) I like this landing spot because there is a sufficient fertilized zone next to an already-built room, with berries, steel, wood, and components nearby. This could all be min-maxed a lot harder: search for a specific seed that gives an ideal colonist, then fine-tune your landing site to be as optimal as you can. All told this would save upwards of potentially 10 minutes.

First things first, plant hops. I need 100 beer, which requires 100 wort, which requires 500 hops. Each harvest yields about 10, so I'm going to plant about 60 tiles total. I'm also going to plant some quick-growing rice, half on fert soil and half off - I want a staggered harvest, the two rice harvests actually have great timing with everything else. My first split is getting the hops planted, which is 2:45 in the video. My LiveSplit is offscreen, but I show it at the end of the video - split time is 48 seconds, which I forgot to record. I'm new at this :) Also it's important to plant the hops at relatively the same time so you can harvest them all in one go.

My second split is getting the research bench finished, but I don't need to rush it. I'm gated solely by the hops being harvested at this point, so I have a little bit of time. My Int is 4, so research is gonna be slow, so I want to be mindful of that. First I'm going to need some steel. 125 for the research bench, 25 for the brewery, and 4x10 for the fermentation tanks, so about 200. (You'll need more if you go for generators and coolers, which I start to do - I don't realize that until the last minute that I can't build coolers, however.) The steel is also near some berries which is gonna be my main food source. After I get some steel and know where some berries are, I complete the bench at 4:35 and start researching.

I want to get done researching when the hops are at about 67%, which will give me time to get my temperature control set up. (In this run I mass-produce some stools to train my construction, thinking that coolers only required 4.) I also need to set up zones for the hops and wort, and create the brewery and tanks. I like to deconstruction the research bench just to get it out of the way. Because my colonist only has a 4 Intellectual, it takes quite a while to get done researching, but still with ample time to prepare for the next phase (13:19 research finished).

The next split is to get the wort created and put into the barrels. I've done this start before so I know that the crop will hit 95% at the end of a day, so I need to prepare for a very long day. Ideally, I want to be able to harvest all of the hops at once, haul all of them at once, create 20x wort batches, and then stuff them into the barrel, all in one go. I failed at that miserably this run, because I missed my preparations A TON. I start to harvest the crops at 7h of 15 Aprimay and don't get the barrels filled until 4h of 2 Jugust (43 in game hours!). I could probably shave an an entire 18 hours of in-game time (which was about 5 minutes of run time). The beer finally gets started at 24:04.

Now we wait. I thought my run was doomed because it was hot and I didn't have coolers, but my three passive coolers kept things at about 60 degrees. Only thing I really need to do is set up a beer stockpile next to the tanks. I need to figure out little things to make this process run quicker (ie, turning off autosave to save a few frames). I wonder if zooming in all the way (reducing on-screen draw) increasing FPS and thereby increases game time rate? Things like that.

Five more days of waiting, and a heatwave at the very last minute, and we've got out 100 bottles of beer! I don't have the video broken down FRAME BY FRAME, so I only know it by the seconds, but it starts at 1:57 and ends at 40:36, for a time of 38:39... however, I'm gonna submit it as my LiveSplit time that I took which was 38:40.09. Also, I am wondering if one run can be submitted for two records? (as this time would be on the leaderboard for regular, too)

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