스레드: Super Cat Bros.
Barcelona, CataloniaD.E.M.O.6 years ago

Yea, old src bug that doesn't allow to ping users with dots in the name. Reported it several times and not fixed yet

Bogdan_mk, SaturnTheWolf 그리고 2 기타 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Super Cat Bros.
Barcelona, CataloniaD.E.M.O.6 years ago

As there seem to be an agreement by most of the community, the format will be changed to what @Cytruss proposed: Real time and time starting when the cat starts to move

Oxknifer, DracaarysTrophy, 그리고 Cytruss 이것을 좋아함
스레드: The Site
Barcelona, CataloniaD.E.M.O.6 years ago

I'd like to ask for moderation in Flat Pack (https://www.speedrun.com/Flat_Pack). I've made some runs in this game, the older of them have more than 3 weeks. The only mod, @Doodles360_ hasn't connected since 4 months ago and has very few runs in src. I tried posting a message in the game forum and contacting through twitch (the only link in his porphile) and got no answer

YUMmy_Bacon5 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Prizefighters
Barcelona, CataloniaD.E.M.O.6 years ago

"Anyone else notice all of the top runs are on Android?" Not only the top runs are on Android, but bot runs are too. Actually all runs except for yours are made in Android. And about the "8-hit-into-uppercut combo" I can promise you I've landed it perfectly at least 10 times (probably more) plus hundreds of nearly perfect combos and still in the 4th place. RNG is a really key factor in this game and you need to be resetting during hours to get a top time, platform doesn't affect at all

Bogdan_mk, TheFrankPerspective, 그리고 Spielpro 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Super Cat Bros.
Barcelona, CataloniaD.E.M.O.6 years ago

I disagree with that change. In the first place, as ILs in super cat bros are really short, getting tied in the first place will be really easy in most of the levels, and a ms precision would be much better. In second place, there are some levels in which the faster way to end them (at least in real time) is to get hit by an enemy. The IGT add a penalty of 5s for each enemy that hit you, which make any strategy with getting hit included inviable. I think that being fast in real time should be the priority, so at the end of the day I don't believe timing with IGT is a good idea. I'd like to hear your ideas too @Wuzi

스레드: Sword Of Xolan
Barcelona, CataloniaD.E.M.O.6 years ago

Np! I've spent countless hours speedrunning this game, so I'm happy to be able to share with someone what I know about this game, spetially if this bring more players to this game

Zerepy 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Sword Of Xolan
Barcelona, CataloniaD.E.M.O.6 years ago

Time starts the exact moment the screen stops being absolutely black, as it is the same moment you gain control of the character

Sleepwalker_92 그리고 Zerepy 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Sword Of Xolan
Barcelona, CataloniaD.E.M.O.6 years ago

First thing to mention is that after dealing damage to an enemy, you gain a small window of collision invulnerability, so usually the most recommended thing to do is sword attack+walking through the enemy. The only enemies in the game that cannot be walked through are the two dummies in the level 1-1. For the straw one, use fireball in the air followed by a sword attack when in range, jump and another sword attack in the air. Attacks in the ground make you stop walking for a short ammount of time, so better attack in the air when possible. For the iron dummy, you can only use fireballs.

Anyway sometimes you may want to kill an enemy, as the collision trick only worcks with the body (so attacks as the green balls, hammers, swords, explosive balls and all other things that are not on the enemy body still damage you). To kill those enemies, you need to have into account that attacks have inner cooldown between them, but not if you alternate them. Therfore, the best way is:

Enemies with 2hp: sword attack+fireball Enemies with 3hp: SA+FB+SA or if you can throw a FB from longer range, FB+SA+FB Enemies with 4hp: SA+FB+SA+FB or if you can throw a FB from longer range, FB+SA+FB+SA

For bosses: Act 1: as it is flying, you can only damage him with series of SA+FB+SA. You should be able to kill him fast enough to not get into his second attack pattern

Act 2: the best way to kill him is to wait until he jumps and just before it lands in the floor, jump and us SA+FB+SA. When the second attack pattern starts, you should have enough hp to take the snowball attack damage and kill him with SA and your remaining FB (it is worth to recharge FB with the boxes)

Act 3: While he attacks with Tornados, use SA+FB+SA and then double jump to avoid the tornado. Repeat this four times and walk to the left while he goes to the air. Refill your FB and jump to land a SA+FB+SA to him (you'll have to take damage). When he drops down to the ground again, repeat the first combo untill you kill him.

Hope this has been useful for you and if you have more questions, I'll be glad to help you with anything you need :)

JetpackAwaaay, drgrumble, 그리고 Zerepy 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Flat Pack
Barcelona, CataloniaD.E.M.O.6 years ago

I'd like to suggest this game for the Mobile Speedrunning Competition, an event that we do once in a while in which we compete for the WR in a game without many players. This would potentially bring quite a lot of players to this game, but it would require an active moderation. Since you haven't been active in the last months, I would like to request to become a moderator of this game. Thank you

스레드: Sword Of Xolan
Barcelona, CataloniaD.E.M.O.6 years ago

Nice to see you comming back to the game! I think that I can't explain the main mechanics better than @drgrumble did. The sword attack to avoid collision is undoubtedly the trick you'll need most in the game. Although this trick can be done to all enemies, it doesn't maje you avoid the damage of their attacks. Hence, the green balls damage you, the spikes of the spiny monster damage you, the hammer of the white monster damage you, etc. Apart from that, everything else is learn the most optimal path and practice it a lot to learn the mechanics. Btw my current WR was done for the Mobile Marathon, so it is fully commented, so maybe I say some tips in there. Also I recommend you not starting with Any% but with Acts, they are shorter and are really helpful to practice

Kloses 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Sword Of Xolan
Barcelona, CataloniaD.E.M.O.6 years ago

I've been trying some runs in Chapter 3 damageless and gooooood it is soooo frustrating. I always end up giving up after an hour trying to end the run. However I will not give up an hopefully I will end a run anytime soon. Btw July 28/29 there is a mobile speedrunning marathon and I'll be doing a run. It will be prerecorded but I hope that you enjoy it :). The exact time hasn't been defined yet but soon it will be posted in speedrun.com/mobilemarathon

Sleepwalker_92 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Spike City
Barcelona, CataloniaD.E.M.O.6 years ago

Updated the rules, sorry for the misunderstanding

DracaarysTrophy 이것을 좋아함
스레드: INK
Barcelona, CataloniaD.E.M.O.6 years ago

I will probably buy it, and as soon as possible I will tell you if there is a way of resetting coins, and also if there is any difference between both versions.

Nepumuk 이것을 좋아함
스레드: INK
Barcelona, CataloniaD.E.M.O.6 years ago

The switch version of Ink has been recently released so I'd like to ask: 1- Are Ink runs played on Switch allowed? (I suppose they are but Switch is not between the platforms) 2- If I don't have a capture card, can i record the screen with an external camera if the resolution is good enough?

스레드: Sword Of Xolan
Barcelona, CataloniaD.E.M.O.6 years ago

I'll try it tho some chapter 3 levels are really tricky. It is curious how boss fight, which normally are the easier levels might become really difficult to do damageless

스레드: Spike City
Barcelona, CataloniaD.E.M.O.6 years ago

The problem is that images are easy to photoshop, and there is no way to differentiate a real and a fake highscore. In just five minutes, I was able to photoshop a highscore of more than 900 meters, while my record is arround 500. https://imgur.com/a/RB0R0Lw Fakes like this are easy to do and impossible to deny, and that's the reason why we don't accept photos as proof

Spielpro 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Sword Of Xolan
Barcelona, CataloniaD.E.M.O.6 years ago

I've been trying some new ways to play Sword of Xolan and one of which i've enjoyed most is damageless. Down here I leave you an Act 1 damageless run. Maybe it could be a fun category to introduce

스레드: Spike City
Barcelona, CataloniaD.E.M.O.6 years ago

I agree, a category in endless mode is needed. I will think about it and decide which score to use (suggestions accepted)

Cytruss 그리고 Spielpro 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Spike City
Barcelona, CataloniaD.E.M.O.6 years ago

Well, I've never played Duke Dashington so I can't really tell but I've taken a look into some videos and although they seem to have some obvious similitudes in the controls, the playstyle seems quite different.

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