스레드: The Sexy Brutale
EnglandAlexMayhem6 years ago

This is what I've got so far:

The timer starts when the first text box shows up. So we could either offset the timer to include the time between the first note and text box (as in the video) or just agree to start at the first text box.

Personally, I think starting with the first text box makes sense since that's when you take control of the game. Like in Portal, for example, timer starts when crosshair appears and you can start moving.

Still working on actually splitting at the right times. So far the best I've come up with is to count the text boxes that show up during the game and then certain events would be associated with certain textboxes. However, if you spam fast enough, some of the textboxes slip through the counter so that's no good.

I'll keep looking!

Rusty_Light 이것을 좋아함
스레드: The Sexy Brutale
EnglandAlexMayhem6 years ago

I managed to create a script that would start the timer and I was wondering if it'd be possible to add that to the 'resources' tab maybe?

Still no luck with splitting at the right moments but it's a start.

스레드: The Sexy Brutale
EnglandAlexMayhem6 years ago

Hey guys!

So I've decided to tackle this game and I've noticed that there is no autosplitter script currently available. I've spent most of today trying to make it and I've made certain progress, but it's still not properly functional. If anyone's got any experience with pointer scans or just creating autosplitters in general, you are welcome to join the struggle :)

The autosplitter is obviously not necessary but it's convenient and would eliminate the question about the timer starting point and whatnot.

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The Sexy Brutale
The Sexy Brutale
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