TGH just killed Neutral
8 years ago
United States

57:22 is a thing now



Fuck you eat my ass TGH

Granolant 이것을 좋아함

(Neutral NG+ WR still free.)

Florida, USA

what? that's not real!


Seeing TGH get these times pisses me off because I wish I could be this good at videogames


its not dead he didn't get 5 cycle and asgore could have been a turn faster Kappa

Granolant 그리고 Junky 이것을 좋아함
Texas, USA

What's the fastest possible time?

Texas, USA

Fastest possible would be hard to calculate; You could potentially find the best possible time for each room and boss in the game and add them together, but that would be fairly mind-numbing and take forever. It'd be nice to know a general estimate, but I haven't the skills or patience to cobble one together.

And that doesn't even factor in possible skips in the game that are undiscovered as-of-yet.