DosBox Settings
5 years ago
She/Her, They/Them, It/Its
5 years ago

From the Any% guide, are we using the following DosBox settings as the standard for U7 pc runs?

cycles=12000 joysticktype=none ems=false umb=false

What other settings if any should we be concerned with or do standards for this not really matter?

편집한 사람 작성자 5 years ago

The computer I used last year for runs died, so not sure what my run's settings were exactly. I don't remember editing the conf from the GOG copy, but not sure if GOG ever changes the conf over time?

GOG's current conf file looks like this:


core=auto cputype=auto cycles=fixed 14000 xms=true ems=false umb=true

My run last year likely used the wrong cycle setting, then.

I'm not active, so sppadde or somebody else would be better suited to make the call, but I'd like it if the config were explicitly standardized, probably using the guide's suggestion or whatever sppadde uses if different. U7 can be sensitive to these settings. Fun demonstration: Try playing with cycles=max :)

She/Her, They/Them, It/Its
5 years ago

As a note, one pc i have only lets me run it at 12000 without very serious long pauses interrupting the game. My stream pc thankfully lets me run it at 14000.

United States

i set it to 12000 before i decided to speedrun. personal preference but should use the GOG default cycles of 14000 from now on

squibbons 이것을 좋아함
She/Her, They/Them, It/Its
5 years ago

Sounds like a good standard! ^-^

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