Idea: Force None Save Type to be Allowed?
1 year ago
Vermont, USA

GBA Forum: Now that this board is for the GBA version, I'll transfer my TAS forum over here (if possible).

Idea: I've been messing around with using Force Save None in the GBA Emulator settings, which decreases the amount of time it takes for the "Saving" after each level finishes.

How "ForceNone Save Type" Works: it takes 217 frames for the "Saving" to appear and disappear after each level. By eliminating the save function that the GBA has for games, it won't save progress at all and save 217 frames or 3.38 seconds a level.

Ideal Outcome: Mathematically speaking, 217 frames times 6 levels = 1,191 frames or almost 20 seconds. (From Story Mode Select = 19.57 seconds) (From Power On = 19.94 seconds).

World 1 -> 1,191 Frames 19.57s World 2 -> 2,604 Frames 43.37s World 3 -> 3,906 Frames 1:05.26m Etc.

TAS Movie Rules: (and General Guideline) The general movie guidelines says that: "the BIOS can't be changed" & the ROM has to be [!] = Perfect Condition

'As long as that's the only thing effected, it should be allowed.'

If you want a good example without saving: (Force Save None)

If you want a good example with saving: (Auto Detect = default)

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