100% Intermediate Route Overview
100% Intermediate Route Overview
업데이트됨 2 years ago 작성자 Nami


Get boxes on right. Jump over the halfpipe, grabbing the hidden tape and doing a trick for easy combo points in conjunction with the gap. Land near the 2nd set of boxes on the right platform. Hit them then ride over the taxi for the A, turn right to go up the quarter pipe for the K. Do a special trick here for speed and points. Land at an angle slightly to the right to aim for the 3rd box set on top of the transfer. The S should be straight ahead of you and the 4th boxes on the platform past it. Ride up the quarter pipe in the corner where the last box set and E are. Turn around and head back towards the halfpipe. Jump over it to the T. Make sure you have 15k points. Retry End Run.


Jump left off the opening awning and land grinding on the picnic table below. Use the left ledge to gain speed then wall jump to the other awning. (If you struggle with this, take the casual route: go to the building on the right of the first awning, ride up the ramp to its second floor. Turn ~45 degrees left from here and straight ahead is a ledge and rail that lead you to the other awning.) Ride down it to grab the hidden tape, doing a combo then ride past the K kickers. Turn around and jump the gap, grabbing the K. Ride up to the S and turn around, grinding the rail back down. Turn left at the end to grind the next picnic table. Use the ramp to jump straight across the ditch and grind the 3rd picnic table. Turn sharp right and take the left bridge back towards the A rail. Grind this, but don’t ollie off of it. You’ll be heading directly towards the 4th picnic table to grind. Follow the quarter pipe to the T. Jump over the rail between the pools for the E, and ride through the left pool to find the final picnic table in the corner. Make sure you have at least 25k points. Retry End Run.


Turn around immediately and drop to the floor below. Grind the left rail to grab the S and get speed. Go straight up the next escalator to hit the first directory. Grind the flagpole on the right to set up the K grind. After the K, turn left to ride up to the next floor (or wall jump to it if comfortable) where you can break the 2nd directory. Grind the ledge and jump to the high rails; the hidden tape is between them near their end. Below the hidden tape is the 3rd directory, and the A is further back on the rail above the pool. If you miss the tape, you can wall jump the back of the ramp next to the 3rd directory to make it back up to the high rails. Go down the next escalator. The 4th directory is in the middle of the platform at the end of this hallway, and the T is on the rail behind it. Outside, jump the ramp over the pool to grab the E, then ride through the last directory at the end. Make sure you have at least 30k points. Retry End Run.


Go straight, and do a combo on the ledges in front of you. Land straight at the end, then use the small ramp to jump to the halfpipe on the left. Do a combo with this gap. If you need more points, continue doing combos in the halfpipe. If you haven’t bailed, End Run once you have 15k points. Do the same thing for Heat 2, then End Competition.


Use the ledges and rail on the right to grab the S and perform combo(s) for points. Turn slightly left to break the first sign, and ride down the ramp to the fountain for the K. To the left of the fountain is a similar up ramp where the next sign is. Break it, then make another slight left. Ride across the street and up the quarter pipe where the 3rd sign is, on top of the triangular platform. Walljump up the building and follow its edge. The E is on a rail just below the end of it. Failing this, there is a ramp that makes it easy to get up to the E rail. To the right of the E is the 4th sign. Make your way further down this street, avoiding the taxis to get to the A which is above the quarter pipe. To the left of the A is the final sign to break, on a slightly raised platform. Turn around and use the opposing quarter pipe to wall jump up the building. Ride to the T in the catwalk, then turn around and go up to the roof with quarter pipes all around it. Gain speed from the right quarterpipe, then jump the opposite ramp to grab the Hidden Tape. Use a trick here for easy points with the gap. Make sure you have 40k points, Retry End Run.

Downhill Jam

Do a trick on the way down the roll in to build some special and points. Jump the ramp on the right up to either of the rails, and make sure to ride to the end to open the first valve. Turn a bit left to jump off the ramp for the S, and do a special trick here to get speed up. To the right is the ramp with the second valve; make sure to hit the center of it for it to open. Fastplant off this ramp to try making it to the cliff, from there it guides you to the K rail. If you don’t make this gap, ride through the tunnel under the cliff, and use the ramp just past it to jump up to the K rail. Backtrack a bit to get up the big ramp leading to the overhead rail. The 3rd valve is on this. The end of this rail takes you to a platform with the A, grab it and ride the next rail down to another platform. There’s a clockwise route from here to get to the hidden tape, with a couple quarter pipe to quarter pipe gaps to make. The end has a ramp pointed directly at the hidden tape crow’s nest. Jump to it then ride straight down the roll-in to another ramp in front of the Mountain Dew tower. Jump to the top of the tower to open the 4th valve, then ride off the side of the tower instead of going underground. This makes it easier to grab the T above the next ramp. At the end of this decline, go past the end of the pool and use the left quarterpipe to gain speed. While heading towards the opposing quarterpipe, angle slightly left to make it up to the rail. If you go too far left before making it high enough, a pseudo-invisible wall will push you down before clearing the E rail. Jump right off the end of the E rail to land in the water. The game will place you going down the ramp where the 5th valve is, in front of you on the wall to the right. Wallride it, Retry End Run.


Grind the left side of the starting halfpipe. Perform a combo off the small ramp ahead. Continue to the quarterpipe straight ahead, do a trick on it. Coming down it, there is a ramp that can launch you over the bridge above. Combine this gap with a special for a generous amount of points. If you haven’t bailed, End Heat once you have 25k points. Repeat for Heat 2. End Competition.


Run 1 Turn sharp left and grind the first cop car. Follow the path on the right to the balconies. Go slow down each so you don’t fly past the last one. The K is in the room past the glass on the right. Break the glass on the other side to fall down, and grind the second cop car. Turn right and follow that street to its end. Use a variety of tricks to get and keep special, while avoiding staling any specific trick too much. The 3rd and 4th cop cars are parked near each other there. Grind them, then go right up the slope. The A is between the two quarterpipes next to each other at the end of this alley. Make the gap between them, grabbing it. Follow this street straight until you come to the funbox on your right. Use it to jump up to the ledge which leads to the T room. Ollie to make sure you get the T, then go left out the door or through the glass. Follow this street straight a bit until you come to the room on your right with 3 slopes going up to it. Use the middle one to jump in there, then skate the pool. The E is high up above the back of this pool. Once you get it, hold forward to exit the pool, don’t ollie or you might slam into the high wall and lose speed. Once out of this room, go right further down this street. The 5th cop car to destroy is near the corner, a little to your left. Grind it, then there is a park on the right. Stay on the sidewalk, and follow it to the stairs. Jump up the first set, turn right and jump up two more sets to get the S. Don’t worry about score yet, but if you have 50k great! Retry Run 2 Do a couple quick combos to get special. Special grind the rails going down the balconies, and throw in a couple extra tricks for combo points. Turn right, and ride down the street a bit til you get to the last building on your left. Use the ramp there to wall jump up to the awning. Ride clockwise up the ramps to get to the roof. Try to keep special up if possible on the way. Go up the mega ramp, and try not to go so fast up the first hill that you bump the top. Fastplant off the end towards the hidden tape, and spin + your biggest scoring special trick. Make sure you have 50k+. If not, use the various ledges around to get grind combos until you do. Retry End Run. If you’re comfortable enough with both runs, you can use the wall jump method from Run 2 in between getting the A and T in Run 1 to save some time.

Roswell Perform a combo down the roll-in to gain special. In the halfpipe, use fastplants + spins and high scoring specials until you have 35k+ points. As long as you haven’t bailed, End Run then. There are multiple gaps you can make use of if need be, such as the gap to the right of the opening halfpipe, or the transfer over the opening roll-in. Repeat for Heat 2, then End Competition.

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