up to 300 CPS trick? First? Helpfull?
6 years ago

I just did my first run lol (3:17) and "discovered" that when you shake the mouse during the fight, the CPS racks up to 300 wich makes the fight rly fast, I was wondering if this is helpfull in any way


(wow, someone else, who is actually running this game? :D)

Well, if it actually saves time, it would be incredibly helpful. The question is, if it increases the game's processing speed or if it simply generates more cps without affecting actual animation speed. This will definitely require further testing.

Unfortunately, I don't really have the time to do this atm.

Btw ... it would be good, if you were to capture the cursor in-game because it'd be kinda helpful to actually see, what you are doing - especially for a cursor-based technique.

편집한 사람 작성자 6 years ago

well, that was actually the reason why I put it off, but I can put it back on, but I also have another question we know that their is the 1/6 RNG with the baron fight, but what I was thinking is that it could be faster to turn off autosave at the beginning at the run, then save right when it causes your save point to be before the battle with the baron, so when you would not get his weapon, you could exit and re-enter the level, repeat the process till you get the weapon. Problem is, since I'm quite new again to sonny and I dont need autosave in sonny 1 wich I currently focus on, I dont know when you would have to save to make this work, or if this even works at all. This would be good for the future if sonny 2 would somehow ever make it to a big speedrunning event or just for new runners.


The problem with save and quit is, that it wastes a lot of time and outright getting the weapon 1st try would be faster. But it might be worth, resetting once for the weapon given, how fast the fight is with the 1v1 strategy. Even after 1 reset, unholy runeblade is such a strong weapon, that it is probably still faster on average, when you get it the 2nd time than running without it would be.

Speaking of auto save. I have simply used it until now but I never actually tested if it costs time. This is also something that needs to be tested for both games.


Still remains the question what to do when you get ruthblade, but not unholy ruthblade 🤔


well, runeblade isn't actually that important for that issue as it is just a zone 2 weapon while unholy runeblade is more of a zone 3 weapon (same level requirement as annihilation) - and for the next few fights, having runeblade isn't even that important as there are few damage checks until clemons. (it is still helpful, though)

The more important question is: how much time do you lose, if you don't get unholy runeblade, and this is kind of hard to answer.

There are a few other weapons that can eventually bring you back to "high damage strats" for at least most fights (Shandor's Darkstaff and Poseidon's Fury).

Clemons is a guaranteed time loss (and an increased chance of death) but it's definitely less than you'd lose by redoing baron fight. The most important question will thus be, how much time you lose overall if you don't get Runeblade from Baron but Shandor's from Clemons.

So yeah, as I said ... it might be worth, resetting like once if you don't get runeblade but definitely not like 4 or more times.

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