게시 일자 2 years ago 작성자

Heya! I just added glitchless categories to the main board and the IL boards. Because there is a restriction in the run, I've decided that video should be required for all glitchless runs. I know this is an inconvenience and a barrier to running this, but I have no way to know if a run used glitches or not just by looking at the file select. Hope y'all enjoy this! I'll be running glitchless once I receive my modded 3ds.

게임 통계
최신 뉴스
Glitchless Categories Added

Heya! I just added glitchless categories to the main board and the IL boards. Because there is a restriction in the run, I've decided that video should be required for all glitchless runs. I know this is an inconvenience and a barrier to running this, but I have no way to know if a run used glitches

2 years ago
최근 플레이
레벨: (3-2) The Tar Pits
레벨: (2-2) Lost and Found
레벨: (7-2) Saving Skylands