A Special Thank You To Jimmy Diamonds
5 months ago

Thank you so much for everything you did to help us grow and all the work you put in verifying videos. There was a chunk of time there where I was not doing well and you had our back and covered this community when it was growing. I know some others will want to leave their appreciation to you as well so anyone please use this thread to thank Jimmy for his work and support as a verifier.

Jimmy volunteered at a time when literally no one would respond to CD-R's need for a second verifier. Von Ryder and Zehher have stepped up to take his place, so farewell to an era and welcome to a new one. We will miss you Jimmy Diamonds! This Pubu's for you:

Charlie_The_Frog 그리고 drYVin 이것을 좋아함
Basse-Normandie, France

Thank you for being here for the community when it was starting to grow.

I hope you're doing well wherever you may be

Thank you Jimmy, and GG, you crazy bastard ;)

PimpUigi 그리고 Charlie_The_Frog 이것을 좋아함
Texas, USA

Thank you Jimmy Diamonds. You took the time to verify a significant amount of the early runs on this board. Without you I don’t think we would have been able to be as successful of a community as we are now. Your hard work and dedication keeping up with the faced paced submissions in the early days is what fostered the interest and competition of so many runners.

We simply would not be here without you, so thank you!

PimpUigi, Charlie_The_Frog, 그리고 drYVin 이것을 좋아함

Not many people would give a hand to a small community, especially when it's just starting. You didn't only do that, but regardless of all situations that this community passed through, you didn't flinch. When we were sending runs like crazy, you stayed. And when things were looking pale, you stayed. So, from all CD-R runners: huge respect, my dude.

Farewell, and godspeed, Jimmy!

PimpUigi, Charlie_The_Frog, 그리고 drYVin 이것을 좋아함
게임 통계
최신 뉴스
Category Extensions leaderboard is live and CD-R 5.0 R4 released!

On Mother's Day CD-R 5.0 R4 was released with updates to the Randomizer to get it ready for the new Category Extensions leaderboard where you can submit records for CD-R Add-on mods like Ultimate Tails, the Randomizer, and the Full Audio Remaster Deluxe mod!

The Category Extension boards and now li

4 months ago
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