The Glitchless% R6/R15 Guide
The Glitchless% R6/R15 Guide
업데이트됨 4 years ago 작성자 Jz

Timing: Start the timer on the first frame that you move, end the timer on the first frame you come in contact with the red pad at the end.

Example Run:

Milk Skip (0:02 - 0:05): Start your run and go behind the wet floor sign. Jump along the side of the pillar and make sure that you land touching the lining of the wall. As soon as you land, jump again onto the top row of cereal, then just jump backwards and over the shelf into the next area.

Bleach Skip (0:05 - 0:10): When you land off the shelf, you can take a single jump on the bleach and you can use this to jump to the second bleach bottle. You can then jump to the third bottle and climb onto the shelf.

R6 Puddle Jump (0:12 - 0:15): When going near the vent, there is an area to the side where there is a large puddle. This is normally where the next part of the game is if you finish the levels inside the vent. You can jump over the puddle to skip a couple areas. In R6 there are 2 insanely specific spots you have to jump in, and even then you need RNG on your side. With correct jumps, you will end up in the fruit area. Watch the video for where to jump. (Found by @dylancubr9 and @xxPronoobxx )

R15 Puddle Jump (0:12 - 0:15): Same trick as R6 Puddle Jump, but in R15. You can basically jump anywhere on the puddle and it most likely won't kill you. Use this to jump over the puddle and end up in the fruit area. (Found by @dylancubr9 )

Gumball Skip (0:27 - 0:35): After passing the pizza topping area, you can go into the room with the scattered gumballs. In the corner, there is a tall gumball machine that you can jump onto to boost yourself over the wall. You can then walk along the side of the play area in shift lock and squeeze through a small gap between the play area and a wall. This will put you in front of the play area. (Found by @garfieldgamer )

Play Area Skip (0:36 - 0:41): When you walk into the play area, there is a thin space around the corner of the ball pit where you can jump through the ceiling. If you're lucky, then you can climb up a little and jump backwards into the top floor by the slide. (Found by @dylancubr9 )

2nd Puddle Jump (0:45 - 0:49): You can jump on a puddle for a second near the end of the ballpit to save ~1 second.

Truck Skip (1:02 - 1:04): Very small skip. Simply use the tire on the truck to jump on top as opposed to jumping on the boxes.

How to open doors faster: Use your arms reach to open the door before your torso/legs touch the door.

Any new skips found will be added to here.

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