Walking is overrated.
Walking is overrated.
업데이트됨 3 years ago 작성자 GaitPlayz

Hi there! Today we are going to be learning about jumps and double jumps and some information about them!

[ JUMPS ] Normal jumps are pretty simple to use, if you got a cracked pad, just jump on it and jump off as fast as you can, it can be used to make a close call, like if your at some spikes and jump, you most likely will almost die.

[ DOUBLE JUMPS ] Double jumps have pro’s and cons. PRO: Can skip things you have to wait for, (like the spinning platforms in the suuuuuhhhhmer plains)

CON: Can hit roofs in enclosed area’s and fall to your death.

All i have for double jumps is be careful, they are better for close calls though, as they will definitely save you more efficiently than a regular jump.

Thank you for listening! Bye!!!

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