Enemy damage/ Character HP inquiries.
6 years ago
Texas, USA

This may be common knowledge for some, so if it is, excuse my ignorance lol. I know your character has 200 HP total, but at what HP do they drop to Caution, Orange Caution, and finally Danger? I would assume Caution is somewhere around 100, bc doesnt a Licker head chop do 100 dmg and instant kill you if you're anywhere below Fine? I've seen some odd situations that have lead me to question if a Licker chop does in fact do 100 dmg like the Damage Chart says (this is all pertaining to American Normal mode btw, aka Arrange Normal "AN" in the Damage Chart).

Secondly, I've read/heard that certain attacks do less dmg if their hit causes you to drop a status level (i.e. a Licker swipe doing less damage if its hit would drop you from Fine to Caution). Does anyone have a list of known examples of these situations? Or is it all attacks, and dependent on their base dmg?

Thanks in advance for any help, I'm researching the HELL outta Leon A in preparation for my first speedrun attempt. Lol

편집한 사람 작성자 6 years ago
Tanky 이것을 좋아함
Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France

Hi, I do not know the full answers but this can help you:


You can also do tests with " Bio2 SRT " :


PS : I do not think this is the knowledge required to run the game. Simply try to dodge maximum damage, they are almost all avoidable!

ConkyJoe89 이것을 좋아함
United States

Caution = 100 Red Caution = 40 Danger = 20

I've never paid too much attention to the reduced damage occurring on attacks that would drop you into caution, but it's happened to me with the licker a few times. I'll be sitting at 120 HP and get hit only to remain in fine condition at 105 HP lol. As for a zombie bite, I have never seen it do less damage at that threshold trigger. It seems to always do full damage regardless. I tried setting up my HP so that I could tank a hit and assume it would deal 20 HP instead of 30 HP, but it still managed to drop me into caution.

편집한 사람 작성자 6 years ago
ConkyJoe89 그리고 Tanky 이것을 좋아함

Caution starts at 100HP. Licker scratch is either 22 or 15 depending on how much HP you have. 200-122 = 22dmg 121-0 = 15dmg

It seems like capcom fucked up here cause it seems like a licker should start to do 15dmg at 122HP to prevent you to go down to caution.

ConkyJoe89 그리고 Tanky 이것을 좋아함
Texas, USA

Thank you @Roofress and @Darazanjoll for the helpful answers! Now knowing this info, it seems that Lickers are just random little bastards who will always make it difficult to precisely nail down my HP (playing on Console...no fancy HP trackers or Timers/Splits for me unfortunately lol).

And @Tanky59, while I don't believe this knowledge to be absolutely imperative to know in order to have a successful run, it sort of is. Knowing how close to Caution you are at a certain point in the run (due to ideally using only 2 FAS's) and whether to drop the run bc you've goofed up too much dmg-wise. Also, knowing how much HP you have is necessary to know if you can survive what I deem "instant kills", those being a Licker headchop and G4's 3x Chew attack. Neither are really an i.k., but essentially become one if you've taken basically any real dmg elsewhere. Hope that makes sense, it's late/way early here lol.

편집한 사람 작성자 6 years ago
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