Check out the All Events race for MidWinter SpeedSprinter tomorrow!
6 years ago
Minnesota, USA
She/Her, They/Them
6 years ago

Tomorrow (Sunday, March 4th) at around 6:00 PM central time (subject to change), Shadrake, Swanner, and I are doing an All Events race for MidWinter SpeedSprinter, a speedrunning marathon raising money for Maria Soria, whose son is currently fighting leukemia. We are currently the top three runners in this category, so it should be an entertaining race, and it's for a good cause. After the race, Shadrake is running Subspace Emissary!

The run isn't till tomorrow evening, but the marathon is in progress right now, and has raised $490 as of this post. You can watch at, look at the schedule at, and donate at . Keep an eye on the schedule to see exactly when the All Events race and Subspace Emissary speedrun will be.

편집한 사람 작성자 6 years ago
Ontario, Canada

The link to the speedrun page gave me an error. Also, the race is at 5:10 Central time, not 6.

Minnesota, USA
She/Her, They/Them
6 years ago

Fixed, thanks