Change End Time Rules
Change End Time Rules
게시 일자 1 year ago 작성자

Hello, for those not familiar with such information, we have finally improved this page for this game so it now looks a lot better, but to the point, the end rules for further at least 2 hour endings, we have changed the end of the rules and from now on it is clear what skipped text to end on, the end on the ending screen only appears for Porcelain, the rest end when you skip the last dialogue before reaching that ending, the only exception is Normal Ending: Dawn where the time ends when the overhead sign ? disappears after interacting with the window, as for the loading times they won't be checked for now due to dedicating time over other things but they will be checked, have a nice run at this game.

Thank you

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최신 뉴스
Official discord server now open

The official discord server for the Pocket Mirror ~ GoldenerTraum and Little Goody Two Shoes speedruns is now officially available, the link can be found

Thank you

10 months ago
최근 쓰레드
게시 일자 10 months ago
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