Do submits only get verified for specific people?
1 year ago

How can it be that my run is not verified but anothers person is, where i see my own phantom running init, which was a temple from 3 days ago ??? Moderators only verify for specific people now or whats going on here? Thats not cool!


I had to wait 3 weeks to get a run verified. You can try asking a mod in dms here or in discord to get your run verified or... be patient... 3 days isn't much to wait (don't forget that being a mod isn't a job).


I asked SouldierSoul to try and take a look at the runs during a stream and I think he said some of the runs needed to be retimed, so I don't know if it's some of yours but that might be why some of the runs aren't verified yet

편집한 사람 작성자 1 year ago

@Thadortin yes i know, but it seemed ridiculous to me that SethB9's run got verified instantly, even though i had splits init, which should make it easier to retime. If you need to go force the mods to verify the run before others thats odd. Even if he asked they mby should go by the list such that everyone is treated equally. At first it looked like unfair sportsmanship to me thats the reason i am complaining about it, was my first thought as i wrote the post. lives from the competition and if only one person is on the leaderboard and only that person gets updated its quite demotivating for the others. Which dont know that you have to go that way.

Your run has to be timed through external website apps and i have been lazy to do the method My apologizes Souldier Soul

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