업데이트됨 3 years ago 작성자 Axorm

Any% is probably the least interesting category since it consists in rushing the intro, speaking immediatly to the Judge to say that you've figured everything out and accusing random people to get to the ending. Then you have to go to the pier to speak to Lydia (probably the segment of the run where you can earn time with a good route) and that's it.

100% would be a really tough challenge because there are a lot of collectibles all around the island (evidences, useless collectibles, starlight skins and blood gems which are the currency to get info/items/upgrades). For reference it took me 13+ hours to complete casually the game in something that would be close to 100% (not entirely sure I got everything, I might have missed a couple of items you get by "hanging out" with people). So I don't know how long it would take in speedrun. And there would be a lot of routing to optimize collecting the gems, speaking to the characters in the right order etc.

I believe we can come up with medium categories if people are willing to do something longer than any% but not as tedious as 100% : For example a run where we would have to get at least enough evidence to convince the Judge that we're accusing the right person for the main case (the council murdered). I don't think we need all the evidence every time, so the routing could be interesting. We would need to determine which blood gems to get on the way so that we can buy the movement upgrades (double jump and dash) asap and then figure out what infos we need and from whom.

If anyone really wants to invest on this speedrun, feel free to contact me so I can either create the categories or giving you moderation rights so that you can set it up.

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