I'm out
3 years ago
Wisconsin, USA

My proposed categories would include: SMB1 ◇ RR SMB1+RR SMB+RR+Tetris(at least 20 lines, it looks like yall have said 25 now) ◇ RR+Tetris(at least 50 lines, but I'm willing to bet 100 lines is definitely possible since levels increase every 5 lines instead of every 10) NWC High Score (all 3 games) ◇ RR+Tetris High Score

◇ = Select + B on controller to start on RR permitted

편집한 사람 작성자 3 years ago
Krayzar, LeonD011 그리고 3 기타 이것을 좋아함
United States

@AriesFireTiger Thank you for the suggestions. Of the seven you suggested, we are definitely going ahead with five of them (I don’t think I’ve mentioned, but RR any% is going to be put into miscellaneous). That leaves RR+Tetris any% and high score. I certainly don’t have any issue with them and though the other mods aren’t online currently, I don’t imagine any of them would either, though it would be in miscellaneous, I think. Once we do the reorganization of categories sometime likely tomorrow, I think we can add all those.

dlloyd10 이것을 좋아함

Sorry for the late discussion but here's my thought about this:

I think category for individual game like SMB (50coins) and Rad Racer (complete the track) could be really interesting for the leaderboard since the main strategy to get the best score is to speedrun those games to start getting points at Tetris as soon as possible instead of putting SMB+Radracer w/o Tetris.

Also, I don't get the 5 Lines lol. Like @Rayquaza911 said, this is not like you guys even try. 25 Lines would be fine, and since you can manipulate Tetris pattern with SMB score, you can develop a route about how to get 25, 50 Lines as fast as possible or a really big score.

The most confusing thing for me right now is how timing work, this is like the very first step when you start speedrunning a game and creating a board. You need to be more clear and precise in the game rules about to time your run. For example, "Time starts in the “Get Ready Play Rad Racer” screen and ends when the “Get Ready Play Tetris” screen shows up" The run starts on the blue screen or the actual game start screen? Be more specific.

Finally, you don't need 7 mods to rule this board, the community is too small right now and I don't think this game will be more popular than actual Mario or Zelda games. 2 or 3 mods is more than enough. Right now, there is a lot of attention about the game but this is not gonna last very long. And like @JSR_ mentions. Listen your community and respond to them when they ask question about the game. Not responding make people upset like @AriesFireTiger and give you a really bad representative figure. Saying you're new to mod is not an excuse. Just learn from it and you will become a better mod and representative of the community.

For now, I removed all my PB until you fix your board, I will just let my highscore since this is the main purpose of the game anyway. I really like the speedrun concept behind this but there is still lot of works left to be really interesting.

HeyIts_B_A_618, JSR_ 그리고 2 기타 이것을 좋아함
Wisconsin, USA

Sorry for acting like a dick. I care a lot about the speedrunning community, but should have cooled my head before posting.


Gradient41, Bro3256 그리고 4 기타 이것을 좋아함
United States

Same. I don't like stirring the pot, but here this needed stirred.

Not every suggestion is right, and not everybody can be pleased.

But EVERYONE deserves to be heard. And most of the mods here definitely don't listen.

Bravo @runaway4444 for being the figurehead this community needs. Keep the good work up! And I also go with what @MagicK said. You should trim your mod team to 3-4 max. If you REALLY want to look good, I'd add @ShesChardcore to the team; she attempted to make this board a while ago and src denied her; she's a great voice and representative in the community.

ShesChardcore, MagicK 그리고 3 기타 이것을 좋아함
United States

@AriesFireTiger Don't worry about it. It's easy to go a bit off the rails in the heat of the moment, but ultimately it's leading to changes for the better.


After the category reorganization there's certainly going to be increased emphasis on the things you mention. For one, the high score category is being moved up to the front, since that'll be the focus of the game.

The five lines Tetris was a mistake on our end, which is going to be totally redone after the reorganization.

In the interest of transparency, I will say that timing has been an issue throughout this whole thing. It seemed like none of us could settle on a consistent one, especially as some of us brought different philosophies as to how things should be timed. For example, should runs starting with Mario begin upon pressing start on the second controller, or when 400 appears, like in normal SMB1 runs? That was the sort of difficulties we encountered. That said, this problem is going to be solved alongside the category reorganization. We finally came to an agreement on how to time runs, and will be implementing them while also releasing them to the community for feedback. This shouldn't have been an issue, considering it is the most basic issue for a speedrun leaderboard, and for that we are incredibly sorry.

On the topic of mods, the reason there's so many is simply that the original moderator needed help, and anyone who agreed in the first few minutes was modded. While I certainly don't want to force anyone off the team, it's something that we undoubtedly need to discuss, and I hope to have a definitive answer tomorrow alongside the timing and category reorganizations. If @ShesChardcore would be willing to join the moderation team, I would absolutely be on board with it.

I'm probably not going to be going asleep soon, so don't be surprised if this isn't my final post, but I just want to say sorry for all the troubles one more time, and thank everyone for sticking with us. I believe the discussions we had today, though perhaps a bit stressful and difficult, laid the groundwork for this community to improve drastically. Thank you all.

MagicK, AriesFireTiger, 그리고 dlloyd10 이것을 좋아함
South Carolina, USA

I just played through this game for the first time yesterday, without looking up what anyone else was doing for any particular category. My interpretation of "Beat the High Score" was to score over 10,000 points in Tetris. Not sure if that's a goal any runners are interested, but it made sense to me in the context of the game so figured I'd throw it out there as an option that I haven't seen mentioned.

dlloyd10 이것을 좋아함

Cool! Thank you @runaway4444 to take your time to listen and reply to our concern about this matter. This is a very good step forward you guy did and I look forward for all the changes. And yeah, I also agree that @ShesChardcore become a mod. She runs and represent ton of games. Her experience will help a lot.

dlloyd10 이것을 좋아함
Virginia, USA

Start of character control and end of character control are pretty standard, I think that's what Speed Demo Archives does. Or upon pressing start and fade to black after the final boss/level is another common one. I wouldn't over think it. 😉

You can also consult the rules of the boards of the individual games that make up NWC as well. It might be something the community should help decide.


Pretty much like this. Timing begins when the "400" appears on the timer. -Timing ends the 1st frame "50" appears in the coin count. Now, this is really clear and understandable!

For Rad racer, I thought about the first frame where the car starts to move (when km/h is above 0) and ends on screen transition after the race (when the screen turn grey). For sure, SDA timing works great for these categories.

x3non 그리고 AriesFireTiger 이것을 좋아함
United States


Here's the new thread discussing the changes to the leaderboards.

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