Instant White Page (Now Banned)
Instant White Page (Now Banned)
업데이트됨 1 year ago 작성자 TvHex

(This glitch is now banned in all categories. All credit goes to Jaffra on this. He told me and Gelly the info and I tested it to be true. Rad updated this a little.)

To set up instant white page:

  • You have to get to D'ni with the white page and have Atrus open the book.
  • While the page is floating in mid air waiting for you to put it in, reload your save and do your actual run.
  • When you reach D'ni, the white page will be floating in mid air and well: videos below.

게임 통계
최신 뉴스
White page glitch banned

Use of the white page glitch, where the white page appears earlier than it is supposed to, leading to an instant hand-in, has now been banned.

1 year ago
최근 쓰레드
게시 일자 3 years ago
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