Timing and Mods
Timing and Mods
게시 일자 2 years ago 작성자

Updated Mod Rules:

All Versions:

ForcePort is allowed. — 25/08/2022 • Removed noPeaceful — 14/09/2022

We have fully removed noPeaceful as its position in the rules was causing complications and the amount of runners using is extremely limited.

1.9 - 1.13:

TabFocus is allowed. — 25/08/2022


LazyStronghold 1.1.3 is allowed. — 11/08/2022 • LazyDFU is allowed. — 25/08/2022 • FastReset is allowed. — 25/08/2022 • Voyager is allowed. — 14/09/2022 • LegacyPlanarFog is allowed. — 14/09/2022


AntiResourceReload 1.2.1 is allowed. — 29/08/2022 Mandatory Update: Runs done after 12 September 2022 00:00 UTC with older versions of AntiResourceReload may be rejected.

In order of version. Date of rule changes can be found next to each mod listed.

Clarified Top Run RSG Timing Rules:

You may request other specific pauses be untimed so long as you provide a reason, the length of the pause, and its timestamp. Some reasons may include mental health concerns (such as panic attacks), IRL interruptions which couldn’t be reasonably avoided, fixing game lag, and other reasonings that involve things that are beyond the runners control.

Clarified that pausing to fix game lag issues, such as dragon lag, is a valid reason to request an untimed pause.

게임 통계
최신 뉴스
Updated Legal Mods
  • (1.16.1) SpeedrunAPI 1.1: add some features for developers

  • (1.16.1) Atum 2.2.1: fix copying unzipped datapacks

18 days ago
최근 쓰레드
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816 개의 답글
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