runs rejected for bizhawk
2 years ago
Phoenix, AZ, USA


i would like to understand more about bizhawk not being accurate enough.

my runs were rejected 30.900 for capture and 33.350 for destruction. I was rejected and told to read the rules for the correct emulator as mine isn't "accurate enough"

So, I read the rules, before i ran. It doesn't state an emulator that is required. I was rejected for using a well known emulator.

spent a long time getting these times doing hard resets as there are no save states.

so, which emulator does the rules require to be approved? as it doesn't say anything. Feel this is an unjust rejection. If the rules actually stated what to use, i woulda just used that.


As discussed via DM, it is clearly stated in the rules that only certain emulators are allowed. You can find it in the general "Game rules" (not the "Category rules"), because it does apply to all categories:

(As a side note, name and version of emulators should also be stated in the run description.)

The rules have been in place since at least 2022-01-28, so more than half a year, you can check with SRC staff to confirm this if you want (Audit Log).

Bizhawk is inaccurate (up to 3.3% too fast in tests, even with Gambatte core) and so unfortunately not suitable for speedrunning. It says so in the linked page, with a clear "No" in the last column ("accurate for speedrunning"):

On that site, you can also find the raw frame data to double-check. I can also provide the recordings if you like.

So to your other question on what emulators are allowed, you can see that BGB and Gambatte are recommended, but others are also allowed.

I am sorry you wasted time but it doesn't make sense to allow inaccurate emulators on the leaderboard, especially when the rules have been in place for a long time.

To avoid situations like this in the future, I will add a hint in the Category rules to also have a look at the Game rules so it will not be overlooked.

편집한 사람 작성자 2 years ago
Phoenix, AZ, USA

reran it in bgb you still wont approve.

stating fps not shown on the emulator you had me download. not in the rules.

cause i started the video at the title screen and didnt hard reset. says should hard reset.

should is an option clause means its a good idea not mandatory.

you are not approving runs and making people rerun them and when they do you make up more rules. well chuck. i reran it and followed the rules. approve them.

Phoenix, AZ, USA

runners beware

Mod abuses power and wont approve your runs. not worth your time.

actual times: destruction: 33.350 captured: 27.500

편집한 사람 작성자 2 years ago
Phoenix, AZ, USA

Ran it one more time. this time with the fps counter and with a hard reset. What's next? Copy of my passport? very curious to see what you come up with to reject this one.


I understand that you are dissatisfied that you ran a game and then found out that your two runs didn't follow the board rules. If you didn't see or read the rules (which happened more than once now), it's not me to blame. Your behavior, especially what you sent me per DM is just unacceptable and I reported it to site staff.

To some points of your posts I will publicly reply here, to make it clear:

  • Your accusation of me changing rules: I didn't touch the rules in months, which can be proven via Audit Log. It even says in the screenshot above that emulator runs should include a hard reset, I didn't just "make up more rules". They were all there since January this year.

  • Emulator hard reset: As you said, it's not a hard rule - I already wrote you that I have to check if RNG can be manipulated when starting with a fixed title screen. If you check the other runs on Destruction category you see all of them contain at least the complete game startup, which your runs we were talking about didn't.

  • I also didn't reject any of your newer runs, contrary to what you're stating in your posts. As a Mod yourself you probably know that checking what exactly influences RNG is a task that takes time, especially when the runner refuses to provide the reset or game startup on video.

I would appreciate if you'd take a moment and realize what you're doing when you're publicly writing things like "Mod abuses power and wont approve your runs", like in your last posts. I am only trying to do my job as a Mod and my feeling is that you are not treating me very nicely. Also, I would appreciate it if you'd stop the condescending run descriptions.

Phoenix, AZ, USA

runs 3 4 5 6 and 7 all follow rules and are faster. please approve them.

편집한 사람 작성자 2 years ago
Phoenix, AZ, USA

don't care about the junk. just approve the new ones. they follow your rules even hula hooped under the moon to make sure and only reason runs 3 and 4 didn't get rejected is cause you called me a cheater and i told you what you can go do and ya blocked me and reported me for harassment. in return reported you for mod abuse. i'm down for site mods.

but 5 6 and 7 have hard restarts have the fps counter are using your approved emulator. you got nothing on those, ran it 1 time ya rejected ran it again ya basically said no. ran it a 3rd time to make sure and even ran it a 4th time.

the old ones ya can reject. got 5 pending right now. please approve those. can keep reverting back to runs 1 and 2, but 3 4 5 6 and 7 are what i'm talking about. 3 and 4 have your new emulator. when i asked you to tell me exactly what i needed to do.

5 6 and 7 have the phantom fps rule and i did the should for hard restart. so whats next? well they are there i complied. now its your turn. do your job mr. mod.

편집한 사람 작성자 2 years ago
Phoenix, AZ, USA

i stand by my statement. runners beware. mod abuses power and looks to find new things to reject you.

where is fps in the rules? added splits, so don't try to reject me there either.


Sure, you can stand by whatever opinion you have, whether thats fair or not is a different question. The only two runs I ever rejected from you were because you were using an emulator that is not allowed/accurate. And thats cleary stated in the rules.

I will verify your new runs as soon as I find the time.

FPS or splits is not a rule at all, I never said something like that. Maybe you misunderstood when we were talking about the hard reset.

Phoenix, AZ, USA

this is not your messege?

"Pleas calm down. It's fine to disagree, but verifying a run takes some time to make sure everything's fine, so please don't be impatient and expect a verification in seconds.

I don't see any frame counter on BGB? Or did I miss it?"

glad your backpedalling now that it's public. hopefully now they get approved.

can screenshot if you'd like.

편집한 사람 작성자 2 years ago
Phoenix, AZ, USA

just save yourself all the headache. don't run this mods games. its not worth it.


Not sure where you're reading anything about FPS being a rule when I only said verifying a run takes more than some seconds. You were pinging me constantly, impatiently about when your runs would be verified.

Your message before was "dude seriously i hard reset every run ya can see the damn counter", and I didnt see any counter on BGB (not that it would be required), so I asked where it is.


Enough of this, you've had enough time and space to say everything you wanted, I'm locking this thread.

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