Leaderboards Split 9/15/2023
Leaderboards Split 9/15/2023
게시 일자 8 months ago 작성자

I split the boards between PC and Mobile, this is because there are some tricks on PC that cannot be done on Mobile. These tricks are a matter of seconds of difference in shorter categories and tens of seconds lost in longer categories.

Some examples are level 6 low jump, level 24 "double jump", level 23 jumps.

To add onto that Mobile controls are harder than PC controls. I hope the changes are alright.

게임 통계
최신 뉴스
Leaderboards Split 9/15/2023

I split the boards between PC and Mobile, this is because there are some tricks on PC that cannot be done on Mobile. These tricks are a matter of seconds of difference in shorter categories and tens of seconds lost in longer categories.

Some examples are level 6 low jump, level 24 "double jump", l

8 months ago
최근 쓰레드
게시 일자 1 year ago
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