Delete of the Spring Time and Winter Tale Categories
Delete of the Spring Time and Winter Tale Categories
게시 일자 2 years ago 작성자

Hello, i going to announce that the categories of the Spring Time And Winter Tale is going to be deleted because the maps are pretty much the same and theres no point of the categories of the world, the categories will be replaced with the Any% and 100%. I Hope you guys understand that, and the categories are gonna to be moved. Thanks

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Delete of the Spring Time and Winter Tale Categories

Hello, i going to announce that the categories of the Spring Time And Winter Tale is going to be deleted because the maps are pretty much the same and theres no point of the categories of the world, the categories will be replaced with the Any% and 100%. I Hope you guys understand that, and the cat

2 years ago
최근 플레이
최근 쓰레드
게시 일자 2 years ago
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